Moche III Condor Bird Terra Cotta Pre-Columbian VesselHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Jama Coaque Pre-Columbian Ocarina Vessel Flute Chorerra Woman Terra CottaHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre-Columbian Moche Ai apaec Snakes Terra Cotta VesselHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ancient Pre-Columbian Tlatilco Pottery Masks, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
Rare Chorrera Pottery Stamp Seal Abstract ZoomorphsPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE. A rare example of a hand-built and highly burnished pottery stamp seal of rectangular form with a conical handle on top for easy uSee Sold Price
Huge / Rare Chorrera Pottery Roller Sello / StampPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE. Easily the largest and most extensively decorated pottery roller sello (stamp) we have ever handled! The cylinder seal is deeply cSee Sold Price
Huge / Rare Chorrera Pottery Roller Sello / StampPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE. Easily the largest and most extensively decorated pottery roller sello (stamp) we have ever handled! The cylinder seal is deeply cSee Sold Price
Huge / Rare Chorrera Pottery Roller SelloPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE. Easily the largest and most extensively decorated pottery roller sello (stamp) we have ever handled! The cylinder seal is deeply cSee Sold Price
Huge / Rare Chorrera Pottery Roller SelloPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE. Easily the largest and most extensively decorated pottery roller sello (stamp) we have ever handled! The cylinder seal is deeply cSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Chorrera & Jamacoaque Pottery Stamp SealsPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE; Jamacoaque, ca. 500 CE. A fine set of 2 pottery stamp seals from two ancient Ecuadoran cultures. First is a Chorrera stamp with aSee Sold Price
Sold4 Anatolian Stone Stamp Seals w/ Abstract Zoomorphs**Originally Listed At $400** Ancient Near East, Anatolia, ca. 4th to 3rd millennium BCE. A fine gathering of four triangular stamp seals with abstract, minimalist zoomorphs incised on each stamp faceSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Chorrera & Jamacoaque Pottery Stamp Seals**Originally Listed At $350** Pre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE; Jamacoaque, ca. 500 CE. A fine set of 2 pottery stamp seals from two ancient Ecuadoran cultures. FirSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Chorrera & Jamacoaque Pottery Stamp Seals**Originally Listed At $350** Pre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE; Jamacoaque, ca. 500 CE. A fine set of 2 pottery stamp seals from two ancient Ecuadoran cultures. FirSee Sold Price
4 Anatolian Stone Stamp Seals w/ Abstract ZoomorphsAncient Near East, Anatolia, ca. 4th to 3rd millennium BCE. A fine gathering of four triangular stamp seals with abstract, minimalist zoomorphs incised on each stamp face. Carved from dark gray, nearlSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Chorrera & Jamacoaque Pottery Stamp Seals**Originally Listed At $350** Pre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 9th to 4th century BCE; Jamacoaque, ca. 500 CE. A fine set of 2 pottery stamp seals from two ancient Ecuadoran cultures. FirSee Sold Price
Jamacoaque Pottery Roller Seal / Cylinder Stamp**Originally Listed At $200** Pre-Columbian, Ecuador, Jamacoaque, ca. 300 BCE to 500 CE. A fine pottery roller stamp seal with abstract geometric motifs coursing around the face. The design is deeplySee Sold Price
SoldGuangala Pottery Stamp w/ Saurian ReliefPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Guangala culture, ca. 400 BCE to 200 CE. A large pottery stamp seal, square in form, with a conical press handle on the verso. The obverse side depicts an abstract saurian deitSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ulua Valley Pottery StampsPre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, ca. 700 to 850 CE. A fine gathering of three mold-formed pottery stamp seals in a variety of shapes. First is a discoid stamp with an abstract bird in relief surrSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ulua Valley Pottery Stamps - AvianPre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, ca. 700 to 850 CE. A lovely set of three mold-formed pottery stamp seals, each with a conical handle on the verso. The smallest of the group depicts an abstract aSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Ulua Valley Pottery Stamps – AvianPre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, ca. 700 to 850 CE. A lovely set of three mold-formed pottery stamp seals, each with a conical handle on the verso. The smallest of the group depicts an abstract aSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Ulua Valley Pottery Stamps - AvianPre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, ca. 700 to 850 CE. A lovely set of three mold-formed pottery stamp seals, each with a conical handle on the verso. The smallest of the group depicts an abstract aSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Manteno Pottery Stamps - Bat & ArmadilloPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Manteno culture, ca. 800 to 1500 CE. A fine set of mold-formed pottery stamp seals with flat backs and conical handles. The smaller stamp depicts an abstract armadillo with a sSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Stamp SealA rare Guangala stamp seal from Ecuador, ca. 400 B.C. - 600 A.D. The arched seal has three registers, two with abstract circular design. Handle on reverse, nicely burnished. Dimensions: 3-14" L x 1-3/See Sold Price
SoldMayan Animal Form VaseStarts at $250 Pre-Columbian, Mayan territories, Ca 500 to 900 CE. Rare, buff-colored pottery vessel in the form of an abstract zoomorph seated upright, arms to its side. 8"H. PROVENANCE: Ex-PasadenaSee Sold Price
Pr. Jamaquaque Pottery Seals, ex-Arte PrimitivoPre-Columbian, Jamaquaque, Ecuador, ca. 500 BCE to 500 CE. Two finely crafted pottery seals or stamps. First depicts two rows of humans with their hands interlinked. Next is an abstract seal in repeatSee Sold Price
Rare Huastec Spouted Vessel 2-Headed ZoomorphPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast of Mexico, northern Veracruz region, Huastec culture, ca. 600 to 900 CE. A rare, hand-built pottery vessel depicting 2 abstract heads, 1 of which being attached to the end ofSee Sold Price
Chinese Ming Dynasty Gilded Bronze Stamp SealChina, Song to Ming Dynasty, Ca 1000 to 1500 CE. Rare Gilded bronze seal in box form with removable hidden compartment inside, zoomorphic creature resting on top, abstract pattern on base (and base ofSee Sold Price
SoldChorrera Redware Vessel Abstract ZoomorphPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, Late Formative Period, ca. 800 to 400 BCE. A hand-built redware pottery vessel in the form of an abstract zoomorphic creature, perhaps a portly feline or a peSee Sold Price
Eyvind Earle (1916-2000), "Gardner's Ranch," 1991, Screenprint in colors on heavy wove paper, Image:John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Eyvind Earle (1916-2000), "Green Pastures," 1992, Screenprint in colors on wove paper, Image: 30" HJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Eyvind Earle (1916 - 2000), "Fog Light," 1990, Screenprint in colors on heavy wove paper, Image: 40"John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
GUSTAV KLIMT PORTRAIT STAMPS W FACSIMILE SIGNATUREAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Art Deco Boch Keramis Polychrome Vase Charles Catteau Collection RARE D1739DF Art, Inc.4.3(2)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Arnie Zimmerman Postmodern Ceramic Jug Vase, Memphis StylePUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
3 Sassanian Stamp Seals (Carnelian, Red Jasper, Bronze)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Picasso Art ABSTRACT Estate Signed Limited Edition Giclee1 Great Deal Auctions 4.5(262)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024