SoldBotany.- A mixed group of platesBotany.- A mixed group of plates,including a poppy by George Wolfgang Knorr, 4 plates by Filippo Arena, and others, engravings, lithographs, the majority hand-coloured, 17th to 19th century, vSee Sold Price
SoldBotany.- A mixed group of botanical platesBotany.- A mixed group of botanical plates,by or after Redouté, Miller, Darly, Edwards and others, engravings, many with hand-colouring, 17th to early 19th century, v.s., all unframed (c.50)</See Sold Price
SoldBotany.- a large, mixed, group of botanical platea large, mixed, group of botanical plates,including orchids, wild flowers, tulips, and many other varieties, chromolithographs and offset lithographs, v.s., generally in good condition, all hSee Sold Price
SoldBotanical.- a mixed group of botanical platesBotany.- a large, mixed, group of botanical plates, including orchids, wild flowers, tulips, and many other varieties, chromolithographs and offset lithographs, v.s., generally in good conditiSee Sold Price
SoldBotany.- - A large, mixed, group of mostly 19th andincluding c.55 plates for Curtis's Botanical Magazine, c.65 plates for Dietrich's Flora Universalis, c.55 for Andrews's Botanist's Repository, 26 plates for Van Houtte, 8 camellias by Berlèse and JSee Sold Price
Soldsmall, mixed, group of natural history platesNatural History.- a small, mixed, group of natural history plates,botany, birds, animals, reptiles and other subjects, engravings and lithographs, some with hand-colouring, v.s., including 3 lSee Sold Price
SoldNatural History.- a mixed groupNatural History.- a small, mixed, group of natural history plates,botany, birds, animals, insects and marine life, engravings and lithographs, most with original hand-colouring, v.s., occasionSee Sold Price
Soldmixed group of botany, animals and birdsMiscellany.- a mixed group of botanical, animal and bird plates,by or after Edwards, De Seve, RedoutŽ, Gesner and others, engravings, most with original hand-colouring, some printed in coloursSee Sold Price
SoldRoberts RA (David) A mixed group plates from EgyptRoberts RA (David) A mixed group plates from Egypt & Nubia,half-page plates, the majority published by Moon & Son, tinted lithographs, some with hand-colouring, 260 x 350mm., and smaller, someSee Sold Price
SoldFire Fighters.- a mixed group of platesFire Fighters.- a mixed group of scenes,various conflagrations, including 3 different contemporary views of the fire at the Houses of Parliament in 1834, by Tregear, Hitchins and Picken, theSee Sold Price
SoldBrewing.- a good, mixed, group of platesBrewing.- a good, mixed, group of plates,including hop picking, brewery scenes, dray horses, details of equipment and machinery, portraits and related subjects, including the Baxter print, TheSee Sold Price
SoldChemists.- A large, mixed group of platesChemists.- A large, mixed group on various subjects including alchemy, apothecaries, pharmacology, perfumery and soap manufactory, predominantly encyclopaedia plates, views and portraits, inclSee Sold Price
SoldIron and Steel Works.- mixed group of plates-. Murphy (John Mortimer) The Cyclops at their Forge,after Luca Giordano, in the Salon at Houghton, mezzotint, 505 x 350mm., spotting, mostly marginal, John & Josiah Boydell, 1788 ¤ Bowyer (RoSee Sold Price
SoldTravel A small mixed group of plates views of IndiTravel A small mixed group of plates views of India, the Far East and elsewhere after Capt. Elliott, oriental field sports (small plates) after Williamson and Howitt, and 3 maps of North AmerSee Sold Price
SoldEngineering.- a mixed group of platesa mixed group of plates of machinery and its uses,including 2 plates from the Great Exhibition, a balloon view of the 1890 International Exhibition of Electrical Engineering, General InventioSee Sold Price
SoldBooksellers.- a mixed group of platesBookshops and Libraries.- a mixed group of portraits, scenes and caricatures,including Irish Binding for the Caricature Magazine, by George Moutard Woodward, a bookseller recommending having tSee Sold Price
SoldCanals.- a mixed group of plates-. Bissell (E.) The iron aqu¾duct at Smethwick,the canal-over-canal aqueduct constructed by the Horseley Ironworks, the plate dedicated by them to the proprietors of the Birmingham Canal NavigSee Sold Price
SoldFarming.- A large, mixed group of platesFarming.- A large, mixed group on various aspects of agriculture, animal husbandry and farm equipment, predominantly encyclopaedia plates, several views and portraits, engravings, stipple engrSee Sold Price
SoldPostal History.- A mixed group of platesPostal History.- A mixed group,on various aspects of the postal service, royal mail coaches, postmen, post houses, postillions and stamp offices, including a few caricatures and several viewsSee Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of platesMiscellany.- A mixed group of plates, including 54 architectural details and plans of classical buildings and scultpures, and narrative scenes, with 6 maps of the Classical world or Italy, engSee Sold Price
SoldLondon.- A mixed group of platesA mixed group of London views,including views of the Royal Exchange, Chelsea Hospital, Somerset House, St Paul's Covent Garden, a plan of Westminster, Woolwhich, Hyde Park and elsewhere, by vSee Sold Price
SoldHogarth (William) a mixed group of plates,Hogarth (William) a mixed group of plates, including the set of 6 for Marriage a la Mode, 3 of the Election series, and others from various editions, engravings, v.s., various conditions, someSee Sold Price
SoldBrewing.- a good, mixed, group of plates-. Sayers (James) The Brewer and the Thistle,Samuel Whitbread, wearing barrels as armour, beats the thistle of Lord Melville with a dray pole, aquatint, 350 x 245mm., narrow margins, [BM SatirSee Sold Price
SoldHaberdashery.- a mixed group of platesHaberdashery.- a mixed group of plates,needle and pin manufacture, making plumes, shops and itinerant sellers of ribbons, gloves, corsets, other undergarments, technical illustrations, cries bSee Sold Price
Roman Silver and Bronze Artefact and Coin GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Iron Age Celtic to Medieval Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mixed Group of Railroad Paper - Nickel Plate Road, Norfolk & Western, and WabashRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mixed Group of Railroad Items - Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Menus, Sesquicentennial Plate, WabashRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Mixed Group Sterling and Silver PlateBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024