SoldMagic Paint Box. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1970s.Magic Paint Box. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1970s. A picture becomes magically painted when the paints vanish from within the paint tray. Main portrait box 12 x 10 x 1”. Minor wear. Very good.See Sold Price
Sold236. The Magic Beads. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2003.236. The Magic Beads. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A beaded necklace vanishes and reappears hanging on a hook inside a box shown empty only moments before. Box 5 x 2 ¼ x 7”. With instructions.See Sold Price
SoldLi Chang’s Boxes.Li Chang’s Boxes. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1990s. One of six miniature cards is chosen and placed into either box, red or blue, and transposes at the magician’s command. Teakwood construSee Sold Price
SoldFool’s Gold. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A cleverFool’s Gold. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A clever micro magic transposition effect revolving around the theme of Alchemy. One of 25 numbered units manufactured. Handcrafted from teak. Lid of caSee Sold Price
Sold241. Tut ‘N’ Tiye. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2009.241. Tut ‘N’ Tiye. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2009. Elaborate hand-made mini magic props with Egyptian motif, housed in fitted wooden case. After three wooden plaques reveal the identity of a mentSee Sold Price
SoldFool’s Gold. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A cleverFool's Gold. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A clever micro-magic transposition effect on the theme of alchemy. One of 25 numbered units manufactured. Handcrafted from teak. Lid of case incorporatesSee Sold Price
SoldTalisman. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2000. Six tabletsTalisman. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2000. Six tablets of different colors are mixed, and one is chosen. A blank talisman previously placed in a teakwood box is shown to now be engraved with an ankh oSee Sold Price
Sold228. Cairo Con. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2002.228. Cairo Con. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2002. A gem-studded golden ankh is first used for a divination, then vanishes from a small box to reappear in a larger one that, a moment before, was seen emSee Sold Price
Money Maker. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2000. FinelyMoney Maker. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2000. Finely made teakwood box allows the performer to change a blank piece of paper to a one dollar bill, and then make a second change of the single in to a $See Sold Price
SoldFlight of the Falcon. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2003.Flight of the Falcon. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A freely chosen Egyptian symbol from a group of three vanishes from a small teakwood box and reappears inside another box some distance away. IntSee Sold Price
Sold233. Flight of the Falcon. Alan Warner, ca. 2003.233. Flight of the Falcon. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2003. A freely chosen Egyptian symbol from a group of three vanishes from a small teakwood box and reappears inside another box some distance awaySee Sold Price
SoldEnigmatic Trick by Alan Warner, ca. 1990.Enigmatic. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 1990. The magician and spectator each stack sets of charms in a wooden box, to later find that the charms were placed into the box in matching pairs, despite an uSee Sold Price
SoldMoney Maker.Money Maker. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2000. Finely made teakwood box allows the performer to change a blank piece of paper to a one dollar bill, and then make a second change of the single to a $100See Sold Price
SoldMaverick.Maverick. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1990s. As the performer removes dominos from a decorated box, a freely chosen ÒmaverickÓ domino is the only one dealt face up; furthermore, the back of the spectSee Sold Price
SoldPharohÕs Curse.PharohÕs Curse. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1990s. Three solid teak tablets, two plain and one with a scarab on its surface, are removed from a wooden box; the empty box is handed to a spectator. TheSee Sold Price
SoldThe Talisman.The Talisman. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2000. Three different colored tablets are mixed and one is chosen; a blank talisman previously placed in a teakwood box is revealed to be engraved with an ankhSee Sold Price
Sold238. The Pharaoh’s Curse. Alan Warner, ca. 1990.238. The Pharaoh’s Curse. Middlesex, Alan Warner, ca. 1990. An Egyptian talisman is removed from a wooden box, only to return to it as if by magic. Teakwood box with brass ankh decoration 3 ½ x 2 �See Sold Price
Sold237. Magic Pencil Case. Cornwall, Alan Warner, 2005. 237. Magic Pencil Case. Cornwall, Alan Warner, 2005. A children’s magic routine in which a black-and-white drawing of a clown becomes magically colored. Pencils vanish from a handsome wooden box, leSee Sold Price
SoldMummy II. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2000. A carvedMummy II. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 2000. A carved wooden mummy in a small coffin floats in mid-air. Then it vanishes from the sarcophagus only to reappear in a separate sarcophagus some distance awaSee Sold Price
SoldMummy II. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2000. A carvedMummy II. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2000. A carved wooden mummy in a small coffin floats in mid-air. Then it vanishes from the sarcophagus only to reappear in a separate sarcophagus some distance awaSee Sold Price
SoldWonderland Door. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 1995. NoWonderland Door. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 1995. No matter what card is chosen from the miniature pack, when a finely made miniature teakwood door is removed from its stand, a duplicate of the selectSee Sold Price
Sold230. Coinfounded. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2000. 230. Coinfounded. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 2000. Four 5p and one 1p British coins are placed into a handsome wooden tube. The spectator then dumps them out of the tube, but the 1p coin has vanished,See Sold Price
SoldSign of the Snake. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 1995. OneSign of the Snake. Cornwall, Alan Warner, ca. 1995. One of five plaques is chosen. An oblong tablet placed inside a small cartouche-type holder is then revealed to be engraved with an identically-coloSee Sold Price
SoldDom-Dom-Domino. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1995. The black spots on three large dominos changeDom-Dom-Domino. Cornwall: Alan Warner, ca. 1995. The black spots on three large dominos change colors when placed in a wooden tube. Double-locking magnetic gimmicks. Dominos 9 ½”. IncludesSee Sold Price
4-Pack of Centralia Car Shops Cabooses-UP/BM/NH-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Yale Modenist sculpture from 1969 "Masada" seriesBert Gallery Studio Sales4.4(18)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Dutch Heraldic Stained Glass WindowSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
(19th)c MID CENTRUY MODERN PAINT DECORATED BOXJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HERRMANN, Adelaide (1853 - 1932). Adelaide Herrmann and Com...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[LITHOGRAPHY]. [TOBACCO]. Group of 25 Small Cigar Box Label...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[MOTORCYCLES]. Two Photo Albums of Snapshots of a South Afr...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[BASEBALL]. Group of Varied Ephemera, including: Sporting L...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[LITHOGRAPHY]. A Large Group of Over 145 Items Related to D...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Showcase ''Libellules et Martin Pêcheur''Dr. Fischer Fine Art Auctions4.5(110)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Antique 1910 PRE-GILBERT "MYSTO MAGIC" Boxed Magic Set. Excellent.Westside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024