George Jones rare majolica palissysnake and lizard ewer with shell and fern detail, the handle formed as an entwined snake, impressed monogram to base,17 1/4"h, ref p43 Majolica ManiaSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones majolica rare "Palissy"ewer, cobalt ground with leaves, shells, and lizards and looping snake handle, professional repair to handle and spoutSee Sold Price
Rare George Jones Majolica "Palissy"™ Ewer c.1875after a Bernard Palissy 16th Century original from the Soulage Collection, Cobalt, decorated with leaves, shells and lizards, a looped snake forming the handle all supported on a circular pedestal basSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones rare majolicabiscuit barrel with bird on lid, 8 1/2", professional repair to lidSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica triple hole posey vaseGEORGE JONES rare majolica triple hole posey vase with water lily and bullrush motif, great color and detail, professional rim repair, 8"See Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica game dish with quail anGEORGE JONES rare majolica game dish with quail and 7 chicks on cover of leaves and ferns, cobalt base with rabbits in ferns and leaves with vine handles, oak leaves and acorns, minor chip to one handSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica complete teaset with mGEORGE JONES rare majolica complete teaset with monkey handled teapot and creamer, sugar, 2 cups and saucers and matching tray, outstanding color, professional repair to monkey's foot and neck of creaSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES RARE majolica lily chamber candle hoGEORGE JONES RARE majolica lily chamber candle holder/ match box with butterfly lid, extremely rare form, 7"w, very minor professional repair to tip of butteryfly wingSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones rare majolica"Africa" compote modeled as lion and lioness beneath turquoise bowl decorated with branches and leaves, 10 1/2"h, 10 3/4"dSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica double leaf and fern seGEORGE JONES rare majolica double leaf and fern server with rabbit handle, great color, detail and condition, rare form, 14"See Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica double pannier strawGEORGE JONES rare majolica double pannier strawberry server, 11"l, great detail and color, very rare form , minor hairlineSee Sold Price
Sold GEORGE JONES rare majolica dog with mouse pin tray, GEORGE JONES rare majolica dog with mouse pin tray, professional repair to ears and rim, 5"w, 3"hSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica J.W. Boteler 4 well handledGEORGE JONES rare majolica J.W. Boteler 4 well handled oyster plate, 91/4"w, ref: Karsnitz p. 59See Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica figural dish in the foGEORGE JONES rare majolica figural dish in the form of a leaf atop a frog with a salamander handle, professional rim and handle repair, very rare form, 4"hSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica cheese keeper with cowGEORGE JONES rare majolica cheese keeper with cow finial and calla lily floral motif, outstanding color and detail, very rare form, professional rim repair to base, 12"h, 12 1/2"dSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica oval match box in theGEORGE JONES rare majolica oval match box in the form of a game dish with rabbits surrounding base, rabbits, game birds and matches on cover, very rare form, professional rim repair to lid and interioSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES Rare majolica frog paperweight, verGEORGE JONES Rare majolica frog paperweight, very rare form, 3 1/4"d, 2"h, professional repair to frog and base rimSee Sold Price
GEORGE JONES rare majolica figural dish in the forGEORGE JONES rare majolica figural dish in the form of a leaf atop a frog with a salamander handle, professional rim and handle repair, very rare form, 4"hSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare Palissy style ewer with snake hGEORGE JONES rare Palissy style ewer with snake handle, ewer decorated with lizards, shells, leaves and ferns, 17"h , great color and detailSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica chestnut pitcher withGEORGE JONES rare majolica chestnut pitcher with pink ground, twig feet and branch handle, outstanding color and detail, 10", professional rim repairSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica pen holder intheform oGEORGE JONES rare majolica pen holder intheform of a bird on branch which forms pen holder atop a pair of pond lily leaves, rare form, 5 1/2"w, 3 1/2"h, professional repair to wing tips and tailSee Sold Price
GEORGE JONES rare majolica fauns table center, ciGEORGE JONES rare majolica fauns table center, circa 1875, shape no 2288, 12"lSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones butteryfly & orchid table setGeorge Jones rare majolica butterfly & Orchid dressing table set ,with oval tray 11" x 8",ring stand and patch box and small butterfly tray ,Pg.99 Karmason StackeSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES very rare majolica table center deGEORGE JONES very rare majolica table center depicting "Europe" from a set of Continents decorated with a stag, recumbant doe and rabbit peeping out of hole, 10"h, very rare, great color and detail, pSee Sold Price