SoldPressed canary yellow glass compote, boston & saPressed canary yellow glass compote boston & sandwich glass co., sandwich, ma, 1835 - 1860 Patterned with princess feather medallion between baskets of fruit. H: 6 1/4 in.; W: 10 3/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldCanary Yellow Pressed Glass Compote, Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. (1825-88), Sandwich, Massachuse...Canary Yellow Pressed Glass Compote, Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. (1825-88), Sandwich, Massachusetts, c. 1840. Oblong tray with scalloped serpentine rim enclosing a stippled border and ledge for cover,See Sold Price
SoldPattern-molded Bigler compoteA mid 19th century pressed glass Bigler compote, Boston & Sandwich Co. Bright Canary Yellow, a shallow round bowl with rayed center, raised on a hexagonal knop and seven-loop flared foot. Minor wear;See Sold Price
SoldPattern-molded compoteA mid 19th century pressed glass Loop/Leaf compote, probably Boston & Sandwich Co. Bright Canary Yellow, a round twelve-loop bowl with twelve beads at the base, raised on a flaring standard with six eSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED LOOP / LEAF COMPOTEPRESSED LOOP / LEAF COMPOTE, canary yellow, the 12-loop bowl with 12 large beads in base, raised on a high standard featuring six elongated loops, wafer construction. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and oSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED DIAMOND PRISM NAPPIE ON FOOT / COMPOTEPRESSED DIAMOND PRISM NAPPIE ON FOOT / COMPOTE, canary yellow (uranium), shallow bowl with 25-point rim, raised on a hexagonal knop and flared foot, wafer construction. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. andSee Sold Price
SoldPair, Sandwich Glass Canary Yellow CandlesticksPair of Canary Yellow Pressed Glass Dolphin Candlesticks, Boston & Sandwich Glass Company, Sandwich, Massachusetts, c. 1845-70, on square bases. Approx. height 10.25". Provenance: From the Lifetime CoSee Sold Price
Sold(4) SANDWICH GLASS DOLPHIN CANDLESTICKSSet of (4) Boston & Sandwich Glass Company Canary Yellow Pressed Glass Candlesticks, 19th c., with petal form candle sockets, dolphin stems and double stepped square base, 10 3/4" high, 3 5/8" sq. BasSee Sold Price
SoldSANDWICH PRESSED HEN COVER ONLYSANDWICH PRESSED HEN COVER ONLY, canary yellow, molded straw rim. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1850-1870. 4" H, 5 3/4" x 8" DOA, 4 3/4" x 6 3/4" D inner flange. Literature: Parallels B & K III, fig. 32See Sold Price
SoldBALL AND GROOVE PRESSED OPEN SALTBALL AND GROOVE PRESSED OPEN SALT, canary yellow, bold six-scallop rim, hexagonal base with polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1845-1860. 3 1/2" H, 3 7/8" D rim, 2 3/4" D foot. LiteratuSee Sold Price
SoldBALL AND GROOVE PRESSED OPEN SALTBALL AND GROOVE PRESSED OPEN SALT, canary yellow (black lighted), hexagonal form with flared six-petal rim, raised on a conforming foot with polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1845-1860See Sold Price
SoldBALL AND GROOVE FOOTED PRESSED OPEN SALTBALL AND GROOVE FOOTED PRESSED OPEN SALT, canary yellow (black lighted), hexagonal form with flared six-petal rim, raised on a conforming foot with polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 18See Sold Price
SoldBALL AND GROOVE FOOTED PRESSED OPEN SALTBALL AND GROOVE FOOTED PRESSED OPEN SALT, canary yellow, hexagonal form with flared six-petal rim, raised on a conforming foot with polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1845-1860. 3 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY CAPSTAN PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY CAPSTAN PRESSED OPEN SALT, canary yellow, hexagonal form with grooved rim, raised on a six-petal foot factory polished underneath. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1850-1875. 2 1/2" H, 3 1/2" DOA.RimSee Sold Price
SoldHEAVY CAPSTAN PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY CAPSTAN PRESSED OPEN SALT, canary yellow (black lighted), hexagonal form with grooved rim, raised on a six-petal foot. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1850-1875. 2 1/2" H, 3 5/8" DOA.UndSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED COMET WATER TUMBLERPRESSED COMET WATER TUMBLER, bright canary yellow, polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1850-1870. 3 1/2" H, 3 1/4" D rim.Undamaged. Narrow pontil spall, as made.Published: Barlow/KaiserSee Sold Price
SoldSEVEN BADLY BATTERED PRESSED GLASS ARTICLES,SEVEN BADLY BATTERED PRESSED GLASS ARTICLES,, canary yellow, comprising four whale oil/fluid lamps, two vases, and a candlestick. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1840-1865. 6 3/4" to 11 3/4" HSee Sold Price
SoldSANDWICH PRESSED HEN COVERED DISH, canary yellow,SANDWICH PRESSED HEN COVERED DISH, canary yellow, cover with complex molded straw rim, dish with drape panel sides and waffle pattern base. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co . 1850-1870. 5 5/8" high overall,See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED PANELED TOY HATPRESSED PANELED TOY HAT, canary yellow, produced from a tumbler, nine flat-top panels with the wide plain rim gauffered to make brim, rough pontil ring. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1845-1870. 1 1/2" HSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED ASHBURTON QUART DECANTERPRESSED ASHBURTON QUART DECANTER, canary yellow (uranium), Prussian form with plain neck, applied bar lip, and polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Circa 1850-1870. 10 1/2" H.See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED PANELED TOY BASINPRESSED PANELED TOY BASIN, canary yellow, low form with 16 panels surrounding the base and a wide plain rim. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1855-1870. Height: 1 in.; diameter: 3 in. Literature: B & K IIISee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONPRESSED TOY FLAT IRON, canary yellow, factory polished under base and rear edge. Rare in this color. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Third quarter 19th century. 1" H, 1 3/8" x 1". Literature:See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED PANELED TOY BASINPRESSED PANELED TOY BASIN, canary yellow (reacts under black light), 16 panels below the plain rim. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1845-1870. 1" H, 3 1/8" D.Undamaged.Literature: Barlow/Kaiser - The GlasSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF PRESSED SCOTCH PLAID PLATESPAIR OF PRESSED SCOTCH PLAID PLATES, canary yellow, each with a plain 16-sided rim. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1840-1860. 6 1/2" DOA. Literature: Elsholz II, lot 1169, these being the actual examplesSee Sold Price
Bryce, Higbee & Co. - Pressed Glass Cruet and Candy / Nut / Mint / Compote Dish - AntiqueRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024