SoldMeccano Outfit No.1Meccano Outfit No.1 dated 1927 in dark red and green, complete with Instructions Manual which is Canadian Edition showing apart from models, Hornby Trains, other Meccano Outfits all priced in CanadianSee Sold Price
SoldMECCANO OUTFIT NO.1 BOXED, ACCESSORY OUTFIT NO.4AMeccano Outfit No.1 boxed, Accessory Outfit No.4A boxed, Outfit No.6 boxed and Outfit No.4 boxed, all with damaged or broken corners to boxes (4)See Sold Price
SoldMeccano outfit no.1, no.2, French 'boite complemenMeccano outfit no.1, no.2, French 'boite complementaire' no.2a, accessory outfit no.3a, and a wooden Meccano constructor's case. (5)See Sold Price
Sold(3) BOXES OF ANTIQUE MECCANO BUILDING SETS(3) BOXES OF ANTIQUE MECCANO BUILDING SETS - Includes Meccano outfit No.1, Accessory outfit No. 1A and Accessory outfit No. 2A; Similar to "Erector Sets"; Made by Meccano Company Inc, Brooklyn NY; BoxSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano Kemex Outfit No.1 and No.3Meccano Kemex Outfit No.1 and No.3 from the mid 1930s. Both sets are incomplete but the No.3 Outfit contains a complete set of chemicals and a good selection of instruments. Contents are Good to ExcelSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano "Elektron" Outfit No.1Meccano "Elektron" Outfit No.1. Contents are generally Excellent with original instruction booklet date coded 6/35. Box Good.See Sold Price
SoldMeccano "Elektron" Outfit No.1Meccano "Elektron" Outfit No.1. Appears to be reasonably complete with instructions manual dated 6.35. Generally Excellent in Good box.See Sold Price
SoldMeccano Pre-war Elektron Outfit No.1Meccano Pre-war Elektron Outfit No.1. Complete (with replacement backing card) including Manual, Good Plus to Excellent Boxed. Together with a few extra parts and a small quantity of "X" Series parts.See Sold Price
SoldMeccano Motor Car Outfits No.1 InstructionsMeccano Constructor instructions for Motor Car Outfits No.1 date coded 5/33, Outfit No.2 date coded 1/36 and Aeroplane Constructor instructions for Outfit No.1 date coded 6/32. The lot also includes aSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano Early 1920s Outfits No.1, No.1A & No.2AMeccano early 1920s Outfits No.1, No.1A and No.2A. All with nickel Components. No.1 Set contains Instructions. Each appears to be reasonably complete although not checked for completeness. ComponentsSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.338 Rover 3500 & OthersCorgi No.338 Rover 3500 - metallic blue - Mint in Good Plus window box. 2 x Corgi Austin black Cab, Corgi Spaceshuttle, Meccano Catalogue for 1979, a Meccano Manual for Outfit No.1 from the 1970s. OveSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano Constructor Instructions for Outfit No.1Meccano Constructor instructions for Motor Car Outfits No.1 date coded 5/33, Outfit No.2 date coded 1/36 and Aeroplane Constructor instructions for Outfit No.1 date coded 6/32. The lot also includes aSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano Elektron No.1 OutfitMeccano Elektron No.1 Outfit. Complete including Manual. Has been restrung to original backing card - Good Plus including box.See Sold Price
SoldMeccano "No.1 Aeroplane Outfit"Meccano "No.1 Aeroplane Outfit", parts in red and cream. Has been built but now dismantled, parts would require a clean but generally Good in original box with backing card and instruction booklet forSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano Constructor Car No.1 Outfit Empty BoxMeccano Constructor Car No.1 Outfit empty box including backing card containing Instructions for No.1 dated 1934, cream boat-tail and 2 or 3 other Components. Overall condition of box and Components iSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Builder Accessory Outfit No.1 & 1ADinky Builder Accessory Outfit No.1 & 1A - unused Meccano Dinky Builder Construction Sets - blue and yellow painted metal parts, instructions and other leaflets - overall Near Mint in Excellent Plus cSee Sold Price
SoldMECCANO ACCESSORY OUTFIT NO.2A, OUTFIT NO.0,Meccano Accessory Outfit No.2A, Outfit No.0, No.1, No.2, and No.4, all boxed, boxes with damaged or broken corners (5)See Sold Price
SoldMeccano Early Nickel OutfitsMeccano early Nickel Outfits including Sets No.1 x 2, No.2, 3A, 4A & Inventors Set. Contents are generally Good to Good Plus in Fair to Good boxes. (6)See Sold Price
SoldMeccano Outfit 6; Outfit B; a Meccano No1 clockworkMeccano Outfit 6; Outfit B; a Meccano No1 clockwork motor (reversing), key, boxed; another; Dublos signs; Beano Albums 1966; Beryl Peril; Dennis the MenaceSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano No.1 "Motor Car" OutfitMeccano No.1 "Motor Car" built model finished in blue and red. Overall condition is generally Good Plus and includes a small quantity of additional parts including 2 x doors, alternative rear back togSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano No.1 Aeroplane Constructor OutfitMeccano No.1 Aeroplane Constructor Outfit in red and cream, unchecked for completeness but includes the pilot. Contents are generally Good to Good Plus in a Good box.See Sold Price
SoldMeccano No.1 "Motor Car" OutfitMeccano No.1 "Motor Car" Outfit. This Outfit is finished in red and blue and has been restrung onto an original backing card. Contents are generally Very Good to Excellent in a Good box with Motor CarSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano Outfit No.10 Wooden 3-drawer CabinetMeccano Outfit No.10 wooden 3-drawer Cabinet from the late 1970s containing a large quantity of yellow, blue and silver Components and Manuals No.1, 2/3/4, 5/6/7, 8, 9 and Leaflet No.1 to No.30 inclusSee Sold Price
SoldMeccano 1950s Red & Green ComponentsMeccano 1950s red and green a quantity of components including brass ware and Gears, Nuts & Bolts, Girders, Strips etc, a couple of electric and clockwork Motors, Tyres etc. Also Gears Outfit No.1 inSee Sold Price
A Meccano tin-plate clockwork Motor Car Constructor Outfit No.2 set, British, 1930s, ((Qty))Bonhams4.1(305)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024