SoldLATE 18TH C. PENNSYLVANIA WALNUT TALL CLOCKdial sgn. Godfrey Lenhart upper scroll and broken arch cornice, columns flanking a tombstone door, painted moon-phase dial, case with molded flat panel base, molded door, 8-day brass works, 93”hSee Sold Price
Sold18th Century Pennsylvania Walnut Tall Clock18th Century Pennsylvania walnut tall clock, with weights, pendulum, and key.See Sold Price
SoldBenjamin Morris, Pennsylvania Walnut Tall ClockBrass dial Bucks County, Pennsylvania walnut tall clock, dial signed "Benjamin Morris, New Britain", the case with a molded closed bonnet, tombstone shaped door and bracket feet. Benjamin Morris (1748See Sold Price
18th Century Pennsylvania Walnut Tall Clock18th Century Pennsylvania walnut tall clock, with weights, pendulum, and key.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Walnut Tall Clockdial signed John Murphy / Easton with faux moon face 'and arched top 91" high late 18th century estimate 4000/6000 Buyer is responsible for arranging 3rd party shipping.See Sold Price
SoldBenjamin Morris, Pennsylvania Walnut Tall ClockBucks County, Pennsylvania walnut tall clock, brass dial signed "Benjamin Morris, New Britain", the case with a molded closed bonnet, tombstone shaped door and bracket feet. Benjamin Morris (1748-1833See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, the dial sigPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, the dial signed “D.H. Solliday, Sytown”, with thirty-hour works. No weights or pendulum. 89”h.See Sold Price
Sold18th century Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock18th century Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock w/moon dialSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, early 19th cPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, early 19th c., the face signed D. H. Solliday Smytown, 89'' h. Provenance: Pennsylvania educational institution.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania walnut tall case clockPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, early/mid 19th c., 93 1/2'' h.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Walnut Tall Case ClockPainted dial with calendar window, signed "Benjn. Morris/Hill. Town." Thirty-hour Birmingham brass plates on apparently original seat board. Bonnet with heavy molded broken-arch pediment above tombstoSee Sold Price
Pennsylvania Chippendale walnut tall clock case,Pennsylvania Chippendale walnut tall clock case, ca. 1800, 96'' h.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, early 19thPennsylvania walnut tall case clock, early 19th c., with an eight-day works, signed Henry Hahn, Reading, 100'' h.See Sold Price
Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock by John RinckePennsylvania walnut tall case clock by John Rincker, c.1780, the brass face with Roman numerals and signed "John Rincker", encasing thirty-hour works. 88"h.See Sold Price
SoldMifflinburg, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clockMifflinburg, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, early 19th c., the broken arch bonnet enclosing a thirty hour works, signed Solomon Klechner, above a case with fan carved door and bracket feet, 96 1See Sold Price
SoldNorthampton, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clockNorthampton, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, ca. 1770, the broken arch bonnet enclosing a brass face works, inscribed Henry Godshalk, over a case with a tombstone door with inlaid star and the inSee Sold Price
SoldEphrata, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clockEphrata, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, late 18th c., the eight-day works, with sweep second hand, signed Jacob Gorgas, over a case with fluted quarter columns and scalloped panel base, 91"" h.See Sold Price
SoldTALL CASE CLOCK - Ca 1800 Pennsylvania Walnut Tall CaseTALL CASE CLOCK - Ca 1800 Pennsylvania Walnut Tall Case Clock, engraved 'BM' on brass medallion applied to painted face, 8 day brass weight driven time & strike, with calendar & seconds bit, moon phasSee Sold Price
SoldBerks County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clocBerks County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, ca. 1820, the broken arch bonnet enclosing an eight day works, signed George Grim Orwigsburg, over a case with smooth quarter columns and ogee brackeSee Sold Price
TALL CASE CLOCK - Ca 1800 Pennsylvania Walnut Tall CaseTALL CASE CLOCK - Ca 1800 Pennsylvania Walnut Tall Case Clock, engraved 'BM' on brass medallion applied to painted face, 8 day brass weight driven time & strike, with calendar & seconds bit, moon phasSee Sold Price
SoldLehigh County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case cloLehigh County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, late 18th c., the broken arch bonnet enclosing a thirty-hour works with a moon phase and painted face, signed Henry Rentzheimer, over a waist with aSee Sold Price
SoldNorthampton County, Pennsylvania walnut tall casNorthampton County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, ca. 1780, the flat top bonnet enclosing an eight day works, signed John Murphy Easton, above a case with an arched door and fluted quarter coluSee Sold Price
SoldChester County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clChester County, Pennsylvania walnut tall case clock, the broken arch bonnet enclosing an eight day works with painted face, inscribed Abrm. Corl East Nantmeal 1821, over a case with spiral columns andSee Sold Price
ABRAHAM EDWARDS OF ASHBY, MA, COUNTRY CHIPPENDALE TALL CLOCK IN RED PAINTThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique German Black Forest 31" Antique German Hand Carved ClockCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
George III Walnut Tall Kneehole Desk, ca. 1800Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Nice Walnut F. Kroeber Gingerbread ClockRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19TH C. NH INLAID CHERRY TALL CLOCK, BARTLETT WRKSHP.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. GEORGE II THOMAS OGDEN TALL CASE CLOCK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Abraham Edwards (Ashby, Massachusetts) Cherry Tall Case Clock C 1800 H 89” W 17 D 10”DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024