Praekolumbianisches Gefaess : Suedamerika, wohl Peru, Chimú-Kultur, ca. 1250-1470 n. Chr. :
3 Vintage History & Nature Photo Books, 1990-98Feb 28, 2024RUSSIAN NAVY OFFICERS DIRK, DAGGER, 1900Mar 17, 2024Set 4 SM Elite Limoges France Antq China PlatesMar 06, 2024ANTIQUE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR HAND COLORED LITHOGRAPHSFeb 24, 2024NADAR STUDIOS, LIMA, PERU (Actually E. Maun...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Pennsylvania 15th Cavalry pin. N.d. (ca. 1880s...Mar 07, 2024[BASEBALL]. Cabinet Card Team Photograph of the New York Ba...Mar 07, 2024[OCCUPATIONAL]. KUEHNLE, Margaret Trigg, and CHANCE, Ruby Lee. Ruth. N.p., n.d., ca mid-19thFeb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. A large collection of assorted photographs of African American vernacularFeb 27, 2024[MUSIC - EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Two photographs of African American conjoined twins Millie-Christine.Feb 27, 2024[MUSIC]. An Evening with...B.B. King, the King of Blues. With Special Guest Artist 15 Year OldFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. CDV of a plantation scene featuring enslaved workers picking cotton.Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Anti-slavery "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" token.Feb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION]. Attention! Voters! Don't Be Deceived. Every vote for the Republican Ticket is aFeb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION - SUFFRAGE]. The Two Records. Voters. Read and Remember. A Black Record / A BlackerFeb 27, 2024[WORLD WAR I]. Photograph of the Harlem Hellfighters, African American troops. New York: GuaranteeFeb 27, 2024ENGLISH BRASS ARMY & NAVY FLY FISHING REEL.Mar 08, 2024Chimu Textile Fragment w/ Abstract FiguresFeb 26, 2024Pre-Columbian Chimu Textile Fragments (3)Feb 26, 2024Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityFeb 26, 2024Chimu Blackware Vessel Birds + Coiled SnakeFeb 26, 2024Moche Figural Jars + Chimu Stirrup VesselFeb 26, 2024Rare Chimu Blackware Jar w/ Squash BodyFeb 26, 2024Chimu Inca Spondylus Shell / Red Coral Bead Strands (3)Mar 01, 2024