SoldA PAIR OF EARLY 20TH C. NAPOLEON III STYLE FAUTEUILSThe rectangular molded crest rail above a recessed paneled frieze centering a stylized florette roundel flanked by five-point star mounts supported by block recessed paneled stiles surrounding the padSee Sold Price
SoldNapoleon III style fauteuilsPair of Napoleon III style partial gilt fauteuils, each having a horizontal crestrail surmounting the padded back, the shaped figural decorated arms terminating on fish form returns and rising on outsSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Napoleon III-Style Fruitwood FauteuilsPair of Napoleon III-Style Fruitwood Fauteuils, in the Louis XVI taste, each with a padded medallion back surmounted by a ribbon crest, joined by padded acanthine arms to the padded seat, raised on flSee Sold Price
SoldPair Napoleon III style rope-and-tassel fauteuilsPair Napoleon III style rope-and-tassel fauteuils, 20th century, 35.5"h x 23"wSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Napoleon III-Style Giltwood FauteuilsPair of Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Fauteuils, in the Louis XV taste, each with a shaped padded back surmounted by a pierced foliate and floral crest, joined to the padded seat by scrolling arms, raisSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Napoleon III-Style Giltwood FauteuilsPair of Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Fauteuils, in the Louis XV taste, each with a shaped padded back surmounted by a pierced foliate and floral crest, joined to the padded seat by scrolling arms, raisSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Napoleon III-Style Giltwood FauteuilsPair of Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Fauteuils, each with a padded tapering rectangular back surmounted by a carved musical crest, joined by padded foliate-carved arms to the like seat, raised on fluteSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Napoleon III style painted fauteuils20th century; ebonized parcel-gilt frames, upholstered back and seats,cabriole legs, 37 1/2 in. H., 25 1/2 in. W., 24 in. D.See Sold Price
SoldPair of Napoleon III-Style Ebonized FauteuilsPair of Napoleon III-Style Ebonized Fauteuils late 19th century, each with a domed and crowned shield crest above a padded back, flanked to either side by fluted uprights continuing to padded arms, thSee Sold Price
SoldNapoleon III-Style Parcel-Gilt FauteuilNapoleon III-Style Creme-Peinte and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuil 20th century, the shaped and padded back surmounted by a floral crest, joined by padded arms to the like seat, above a floral-carved apron, raiSee Sold Price
SoldNapoleon III Ebonized Fauteuil, c. 1870.A Napoleon III style ebonized fauteuil. French. Circa 1870. Shaped crestrail above rectangular padded back, molded armrests, double cyma curved supports above a shaped and carved skirt, and cabriole lSee Sold Price
SoldPr. Napoleon III Empire style mahogany fauteuilsthird quarter 19th century; flat rolled crest rails, upholstered panel backs and seats over half frames, ormolu sphinx form arms supports and wing lion form knees, paw feet, 39 1/4 in. H., 27 in. W.,See Sold Price
SoldA PAIR OF NAPOLEON III STYLE MAHOGANY PARCEL-GILTA PAIR OF NAPOLEON III STYLE MAHOGANY PARCEL-GILT FAUTEUILS, 19th century. Each with coved padded back and armrests on swan's neck carved supports, padded seat, on square tapering supports ending in cSee Sold Price
SoldBronze-Mounted Carved Mahogany FauteuilsPair of Napoleon III-Style Bronze-Mounted Carved Mahogany Fauteuils, late 19th c., cartouche mounted crest, acanthus-carved arm supports, carved tapered legs, casters, h. 40 in., w. 24 1/2 in., d. 23See Sold Price
Soldc1880 PAIR OF NAPOLEON III LOUIS XV STY UPH FAUTPAIR OF NAPOLEON III LOUIS XV STYLE EBONIZED UPHOLSTERED FAUTEUILS, circa 1880, having shaped crestings, with cartouche shaped upholstered back and allover upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs, eSee Sold Price
SoldA pair of gilt wooden Louis XVI style Napoleon IIIA pair of gilt wooden Louis XVI style Napoleon III 'fauteuils en cabriolet', the second half of the 19thC, H 92,5 - W 66 - D 56 cmSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF NAPOLEON III LOUIS XV STYLE EBONIZED UPHOLPAIR OF NAPOLEON III LOUIS XV STYLE EBONIZED UPHOLSTERED FAUTEUILS, circa 1880, having shaped crestings, with cartouche shaped upholstered back and allover upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs, eSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF NAPOLEON III LOUIS XV STYLE EBONIZED UPHOLPAIR OF NAPOLEON III LOUIS XV STYLE EBONIZED UPHOLSTERED FAUTEUILS, circa 1880, having shaped crestings, with cartouche shaped upholstered back and allover upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs, eSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Five-Piece Wrought-Iron Terrace SuiteAttractive French Five-Piece Plaited Wire and Tubular Wrought-Iron Terrace Suite, in the Napoleon III style, the suite consisting of four fauteuils and a matching circular center table, h. 22", dia. 3See Sold Price
Sold3-Piece Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Parlor SuiteThree-Piece Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Parlor Suite, in the Louis XVI taste, consisting of a settee, h. 47", w. 68", d. 23", and two fauteuils, h. 46", all with a padded back surmounted by a shield aSee Sold Price
SoldThree-Piece Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Parlor SuThree-Piece Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Parlor Suite, in the Louis XVI taste, consisting of a settee, h. 47", w. 68", d. 23", and two fauteuils, h. 46", all with a padded back surmounted by a shield aSee Sold Price
SoldNapoleon III-Style Giltwood 3-Piece Parlor SuiteNapoleon III-Style Giltwood Three-Piece Parlor Suite, consisting of a pair of fauteuils, h. 40-1/2", and a settee, h. 40-3/4", w. 65", d. 23-1/2", all with shaped, padded and tufted backs surmounted bSee Sold Price
SoldNapoleon III Style Gilt Wood Salon Suite *Comprising two settees and two oval back fauteuils, all upholstered in red fabric with napoleonic bee in gold. Settee height 41 inches, width 55 inches, detph 24 inches.See Sold Price
SoldNapoleon III-Style Giltwood Three-Piece Parlor SuiNapoleon III-Style Giltwood Three-Piece Parlor Suite, consisting of a pair of fauteuils, h. 40-1/2", and a settee, h. 40-3/4", w. 65", d. 23-1/2", all with shaped, padded and tufted backs surmounted bSee Sold Price
Joseph Gerte (Boston) George III Style Marquetry Inlaid Writing DeskNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(2) NAPOLEON III STYLE ORMOLU-MOUNTED & CUT-BRASS-INLAID DISPLAY CABINETAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
NAPOLEON III STYLE ORMOLU-MOUNTED & CUT-BRASS-INLAID CABINETAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(2) FRENCH NAPOLEON III STYLE UPHOLSTERED ARMCHAIRSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Napoleon III Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze & Porcelain Plaque Porcelain Centre Table (Very Heavy)Art Antique Auction Gallery4.5(213)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
19th C. French Napoleon III Style Mahogany Painted Vitrine Cabinet With Bronze Mounts Signed By LinkAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Magnificent 19th C. RAINGO FRÉRES Signed French Napoleon Louis XVI Gilt Bronze FiguralAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19th C. French Napoleon III Style Mounted Bronze CabinetAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Awesome Large Vintage Napoleon III Marquetry Marble Top Bombay ChestRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair of Italian Faience Porcelain Vases with Snake HandlesJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Napoleon III Style Boulle Marquetry Tortoise Shell Inlay InkstandMain Auction Galleries4.6(215)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
French Napoleon III Style Walnut Vitrine, 19th c., H.- 61 in., W.- 26 3/4 in., D.- 12 3/4 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Napoleon III Style Ebonized / Gold Painted Card TableGallery Auctions4.8(301)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Napoleon III Style Bronze Figural Candelabra LampAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024