SoldA wood netsuke of Shojo sleeping.By Tadatoshi (circa 1770-1840), Nagoya, Mid 19th century. Seated wearing a richly brocaded and deeply cut gown, left leg bent sideways and the right leg bent and raised to support her, one himotoshi iSee Sold Price
SoldA wood netsuke of a Shojo sleeping.By Tadatoshi (circa 1770-1840), Nagoya, Mid 19th century. Reclined wearing a richly brocaded and diapered gown, lying with head resting on her right hand, color of typical deep reddish brown and longSee Sold Price
SoldA wood netsuke of sleeping Shojo.By Ikkan (1817-1893), Nagoya, Early 19th century. The hands with long delicate fingers and carefully delineated nails, the robe richly embroidered with cloud designs and lozenge shaped diaper work, thSee Sold Price
SoldIKKAN: A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJOIKKAN: A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO By Ikkan, signed Ikkan with kao Japan, Owari province, Nagoya, mid-19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A fine wood netsuke depicting a Shojo in a deep slumbeSee Sold Price
SoldTOSHIMASA: EXCELLENT WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJOTOSHIMASA: AN EXCELLENT WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO By Toshimasa, signed Toshimasa 利正 Japan, Nagoya, first half of 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) An excellent wood netsuke depSee Sold Price
A NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJOA FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJOJapan, Nagoya, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)The sleeping shojo in a deep sake-induced slumber, her face resting on one hand, her hair and roSee Sold Price
A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO (DRUNKEN SPRITE) By Tamekazu, Edo period (1615-1868) or Meiji...A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO (DRUNKEN SPRITE) By Tamekazu, Edo period (1615-1868) or Meiji era (1868-1912), 19th century Lying with his head resting on his right hand, his long hair flowing downSee Sold Price
SoldNETSUKE EN BOIS REPRÉSENTANT UN SHOJO ENDORMI Par Ikkan, Nagoya, XIXe siècleNETSUKE EN BOIS REPRÉSENTANT UN SHOJO ENDORMI Par Ikkan, Nagoya, XIXe siècle A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO (DRUNKEN SPRITE) By Tadatoshi, Nagoya, 19th century Seated, resting his head iSee Sold Price
SoldNETSUKE EN BOIS REPRÉSENTANT UN SHOJO ENDORMI Par Tadatoshi, Nagoya, XIXe siècleNETSUKE EN BOIS REPRÉSENTANT UN SHOJO ENDORMI Par Tadatoshi, Nagoya, XIXe siècle A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO (DRUNKEN SPRITE) By Tadatoshi, Nagoya, 19th century Seated upright, his arSee Sold Price
NETSUKE EN BOIS REPRÉSENTANT UN SHOJO ENDORMI Par Tadatoshi, Nagoya, XIXe siècleNETSUKE EN BOIS REPRÉSENTANT UN SHOJO ENDORMI Par Tadatoshi, Nagoya, XIXe siècle A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO (DRUNKEN SPRITE) By Tadatoshi, Nagoya, 19th century Lying with his head reSee Sold Price
SoldJapanese Wood Netsuke, Figures/Animals(lot of 4) Japanese carved wood netsuke, including: a small Daruma ningyo (doll), a sleeping shojo (mythical red-headed boy), a pair of realistic pigs (signed), and a tanuki with his large sack to theSee Sold Price
SoldHOJITSU: A FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL NETSUKE OF A SHOJOHOJITSU: A FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING SHOJO By Hojitsu, signed Hojitsu 方實Japan, Nagoya, first half of 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)An excellent wood netsuke depictinSee Sold Price
SoldMASAJO: SLEEPING SHOJONetsuke, wood. Japan, 19th cent. Very good, perfectly preserved work from an artist from the Nagoya School, well-known for this motif. Shojo is a puzzling creature, the name means literally "orangutanSee Sold Price
SLEEPING SHOJONetsuke, wood. Japan, 19th century This male (or female?) shojo (orangutan) is quite a distinctive figure. Without exception, netsuke art shows him tipsy from drinking sake and most often sleeping. HeSee Sold Price
SoldSLEEPING SHOJONetsuke, wood. Japan, 19th century This male (or female?) shojo (orangutan) is quite a distinctive figure. Without exception, netsuke art shows him tipsy from drinking sake and most often sleeping. HeSee Sold Price
SoldAN INLAID WOOD NETSUKE OF SHOJO DANCING BY ISSHOSAIAN INLAID WOOD NETSUKE OF SHOJO DANCING BY ISSHOSAI By Isshosai, inlaid wood netsuke Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) Shojo is drunk from sake as always and dancing with a folding fan in onSee Sold Price
SoldA WOOD NETSUKE OF SHOJO WITH MINOGAME AND KAPPAA WOOD NETSUKE OF A DRUNKEN SHOJO WITH MINOGAME AND KAPPA Wood netsuke Japan 19th century, Meiji period (1868-1912) This netsuke group clearly shows the richness of Japanese folklore. A shojo is a spiSee Sold Price
SoldA wood netsuke of a sleeping man.Signed illegibly. Mid 19th century. A goblin is rising up from the sleeping figure's stomach, the goblin has a tonsured head with eyes closed and a large mouth pulled back in a grimace. Signed illegibSee Sold Price
SoldSARI: A NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHOJOSARI: A NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLUMBERING SHOJO By Sari, signed Sari 左里Japan, Nagoya, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)Finely carved as a seated shojo in a deep slumber inducSee Sold Price
SoldMASAKAZU: A FINE WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHOJOMASAKAZU: A FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLUMBERING SHOJO By Masakazu, signed Masakazu 正一Japan, Nagoya, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)Finely carved as a seated shojo in a dSee Sold Price
SoldMINKOKU: A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHOJO AND MINOGAMEMINKOKU: A WOOD NETSUKE OF A DRUNKEN SHOJO WITH MINOGAME AND SAKE BARREL By Minkoku, signed Minkoku 民谷Japan, Edo (Tokyo), mid-19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)A finely carved dark wooSee Sold Price
SoldNAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING FARMERA RARE AND FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING FARMER Unsigned Japan, Nagoya, late 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A beautifully rounded, ideally shaped netsuke with a warm patina, depiSee Sold Price
SoldA WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING PIEBALD CATA WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLEEPING PIEBALD CAT ON A FAN Unsigned Japan, early 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) When picking this netsuke up, one is immediately overwhelmed with a feeling of peace and trSee Sold Price
SoldA FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHOJOA FINE NAGOYA SCHOOL WOOD NETSUKE OF A SLUMBERING SHOJO UnsignedJapan, Nagoya, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)A fine, small wood netsuke depicting a shojo in a deep slumber induced by a hefty amoSee Sold Price
Japanese Carved Wood Netsuke Inro of Playful MonkeysPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Signed Japanese Dark Wood Netsuke of Snake Trapping ToadPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Signed Japanese Carved Wood Netsuke Inro Zodiac DogPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Signed Japanese Carved Wood Netsuke Inro FishermanPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Carved Wood Netsuke in the form of an Octopus Clinging to a Rock. 2.8cm x 5.1cm x 3.2cm, weightHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
TWO 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD CARVED WOOD NETSUKES one inset with an iron panel. Largest 4Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A JAPANESE CARVED WOOD NETSUKE. 5 cm x 3 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A JAPANESE CARVED WOOD NETSUKE. 5 cm x 3.5 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024