KONVOLUT AUS VIER LANDKARTEN RUSSLAND UND CHINA Abraham Ortelius, Willem Blaeu, Johannes Blaeu,See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Duesseldorf
MAP, Eastern Europe, OrteliusEastern Europe, Poland. Abraham Ortelius, Poloniae, Lituaniaeq. Descriptio. Auctore Wenceslao Godreccio; et Correctore Andrea Pograbio Pilsnensi, from Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1609 (circa). Black & WhSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1581 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1579 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1579 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
SoldEastern Europe.- Ortelius (Abraham) Romaniae, (quaeEastern Europe.- Ortelius (Abraham) Romaniae, (quae olim Thracia Dicta) Vicinarumq Regionum, uti Bulgariae, Walachiae, Syrfiae, Etc. Descriptio. Auctore Iacobo Castaldo, map of the classical region ofSee Sold Price
Two Maps of Eastern Europe[Poloniae, Litvaniaeq. Descripto...,] by Abraham Ortelius, from [Theatrum Orbis Terrarum,] Antwerp, Belgium, rare Spanish edition published circa 1600, Spanish text verso, laid paper with watermark, 1See Sold Price
MAP, Russia & Central Asia, OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1587 (circa). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and the foSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Russia in Europe, Ortelius/CoignetRussia in Europe. Ortelius/Coignet, Russia, from Epitome Theatri Orbis Terrarum, 1609 (circa). Black & White. This miniature map covers the Russian Empire in Eastern Europe and is embellished with a sSee Sold Price
SoldGrp: 3 Maps Eastern Europe Ukraine Romania BlaeuGroup of three maps of Eastern Europe. Includes one map of Walachia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638); one map of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia by Blaeu after GerarduSee Sold Price
Sold1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $15.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $6.00 to anywhere withinSee Sold Price
1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $20.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $$5.00 to anywhere within the contiguous U.S.See Sold Price
SoldMAP, Eastern Europe, Lithuania, MercatorEastern Europe, Lithuania. Mercator/Hondius, Lithuania, 1619 (published). Hand Color. This is an early map of Lithuania and a portion of Poland and present-day Belarus from the Baltic Sea down to theSee Sold Price
MAP - Eastern Europe, Lithuania. MercatorEastern Europe, Lithuania. Mercator/Hondius, Lithuania, 1619 (published). Hand Color. This is an early map of Lithuania and a portion of Poland and present-day Belarus from the Baltic Sea down to theSee Sold Price
1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $20.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $5.00 to anywhere within the contiguous U.S.See Sold Price
SoldMAP, Eastern Europe, Russia, GastaldiEastern Europe, Russia. Giacomo Gastaldi, Moschovia Nova Tabula, from La Geografia di Claudio Ptolemeo Alessandrino, 1548 (published). Black & White. An early map that includes portions of present-daySee Sold Price
SoldMAP - Eastern Europe, Russia. DjurbergEastern Europe, Russia. Daniel Djurberg, Karta over Ryssland, 1808 (dated). Hand Color. This rare small map of Russia extends to include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, most of Ukraine, and partsSee Sold Price
Sold1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $20.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $5.00 to anywhere within the contiguous U.S.See Sold Price
1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $20.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $5.00 to anywhere within the contiguous U.S.See Sold Price
MAP, Eastern Europe, MercatorEastern Europe. Ptolemy/Mercator, Eur: VIII. Tab:, 1618 (published). Hand Color. Attractive Ptolemaic map covering eastern Europe from the Baltic through the Black Sea known in ancient times as SarmatSee Sold Price
MAP, Eastern Europe, RuscelliEastern Europe. Ptolemy/Ruscelli, Polonia et Hungaria Nuova Tavola, 1561 (published). Black & White. This terrific Ptolemaic map of Eastern Europe spans from Grodno, Belarus, south to Sofia, and fromSee Sold Price
1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $20.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $6.00 to anywhere within the contiguous U.S.See Sold Price
1760 Folding Map Eastern EuropeA detailed folding map of Eastern Europe, the area around Neiss and Ottmuchau. Fine, measures 15 x 10.5". Reserve: $20.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $5.00 to anywhere within the contiguous U.S.See Sold Price
MAP - Eastern Europe. Robert de VaugondyEastern Europe, Germany. Didier Robert de Vaugondy, Germania Antiqua in Quatuor Magnos Populos, in Minores et Minimos Distincta; et Regiones Danubium Inter et Mare Adriaticum Contentae, 1768 (circa).See Sold Price
1760 Folding Map Eastern Europe1760 Detailed folding map of Eastern Europe at Nimburg to Kostelletz. Fine condition, measures 15 x 10”. Please note that this lot has a confidential reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of theSee Sold Price
Antique Red Silk Robe, Possibly Roma People, Eastern Europe or Middle EastSee Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024Material Culture
1738 RUSSIA SIBERIA & GREAT TARTARY Description illustrated ANTIQUE in ENGLISHSee Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024Jasper52