SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco. Group of Six EtchingsFour (4) from "Los Caprichos". All images titled and with plate numbers within plate marks. Second or third edition. Plate 46: "Esto es Malo", sheet dimensions: 10" high x 13.2" wide, plate dimensionsSee Sold Price
SoldDe Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José -De Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José (1746-1828) Description: Posthumous etching on paper, signed in the plate Dimension (PO): 8 1/2" x 6" Dimension (CM): 21.59 x 15.24 cm Condition reportSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes (Francisco de) - Que Guerrero! Unathe 4 supplementary plates for Les Disparates, also called Los Proverbios, first printed in L'Art, in 1877, etchings with aquatint on laid paper, each c.240 x 350mm., slight spotting and browning, [D.See Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828), LGoya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828), Los Desastres de la guerra, Madrid, 1892, half cloth, with 80 plates, oblong folio, (front board cracked, heavy extremity wear, browning, endpapers chiSee Sold Price
SoldGoya Y Lucientes Francisco Fuendetodos 1746 BordeauxGoya Y Lucientes Francisco Fuendetodos 1746 Bordeaux 1828 (Libri-Incisioni) "Sopla" Incisione (cm 21x14,5) tratta dalla serie "I Capricci".See Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes Francisco, Soplones. 1799Goya y Lucientes Francisco, Soplones. 1799 Acquaforte e acquatinta brunita. mm 205x150. Foglio: mm 345x245. Harris, 83 . Con il titolo al margine inferiore ed il numero in alto a destra. QuarantoSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes (Francisco José de) - La Tauromaquia,sixth edition, one of 200 copies, etched title with portrait of Goya & decorative border and 40 etched plates with aquatint, all on thick laid paper and with small blind-stamp of Goya's head in lowerSee Sold Price
SoldDe Goya Y Lucientes, Francisco José - Una Reina delDe Goya Y Lucientes, Francisco José (1746-1828) Una Reina del Circo (1821/24) Description (FR): Gravure sur papier, signée dans la plaque en bas à gauche Goya Description (EN): Etching on paper, siSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes (Francisco de) - Old Man on a Swing,or Viejo columpiándose, etching with aquatint, 185 x 120mm., a rust spot at upper right platemark, [D.25], [1824-28, possibly later]; with Chiton, and Donde vá mamà?, plates 28 and 65,See Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco. "Esopo el Fabulador(The Poet Aesop)".Etching After Diego Velazquez. Stamped "G.M", verso. Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (Spanish, 1746-1828). Sheet dimensions: 14" high x 10.5" wide. Plate dimensions: 12" high x 10.3" wSee Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco. "Lluvia de Toros"Etching on laid paper. Printed by Lienard for l'Art, printed publishers mark in plate. Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (Spanish, 1746-1828). Plate dimensions: 9 1/2" high x 13.75" wide, sheet dimensionsSee Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO DE Spanish, 1746Title: "A Blind Man Lifted By A Bull's Horns", Description: etching and drypoint on laid paper, 1918, , , printed by Delatre, Paris, the first published edition issued in the Gazette des Beaux-Arts ApSee Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DE Spanish 1Title: "El diestrisimo Estudiante de Falces, Embozado Burla al Toro con sus Quietros", plate No. 14 from "Le Tauromaquia", Description: etching and aquatint,c., 1816, ,from the fifth edition,, , SizeSee Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DE SpanishTitle: "Margarita de Austria",, Description: etching and aquatint,,c. 1778, , , , Size info: ,sheet: 25 x 17 3/4 in. (63.5 x 45 cm.) ,plate size: 15 x 12 in. (38 x 30.5 cm.)See Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DE SpanishTitle: "El diestrisimo Estudiante de Falces, Embozado Burla al Toro con sus Quietros", plate No. 14 from "Le Tauromaquia", Description: etching and aquatint,c., 1816, ,from the fifth edition,, , SizeSee Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DEGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DE No Hay Quien Los Socorra (Nobody could help them) plate 60 from "Los os Desastres de la Guerra" Medium: etching, burnished aquatint, drypoint Signature: EditInfo: fSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes, Francisco: Los Proverbios. MadriGoya (y Lucientes), Francisco. Los Proverbios. Colección de diez y ocho láminas inventadas y grabadas al agua fuerte. Titel und 18 Aquatintatafeln. Quer 30,5 x 43 cm. Strukturgeprägte OInterimsbrosSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes, Francisco deNo quieren Acquaforte, lavis, acquatinta, bulino, puntasecca, mm. 200 x 155 all'impronta della lastra, montata su passepartout, in cornice in legno dorato. Dai Los Desastres de la Guerra, probabilmentSee Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DE SpanishTitle: "Margarita de Austria",, Description: etching and aquatint,,c. 1778, , , , Size info: ,sheet: 25 x 17 3/4 in. (63.5 x 45 cm.) ,plate size: 15 x 12 in. (38 x 30.5 cm.) Condition: In generally prSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes, Francisco Jos? deSpanish (1746-1828) QUE ALBOROTO ES ESTE?etching, framedunsigned image size: H5 3/4" W7 1/4"See Sold Price
SoldGOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO JOSE DE SpanishTitle: "El diestrisimo Estudiante de Falces, Embozado Burla al Toro con sus Quietros", plate No. 14 from "Le Tauromaquia", Description: etching and aquatint,c., 1816, ,from the fifth edition,, , SizeSee Sold Price
Goya y Lucientes Francisco**(TI)** Goya y Lucientes Francisco (1746 - 1828), Los Desastres de la Guerra. Colección de ochenta láminas... Madrid: R. Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando, 1863. In-folio oblungo (mm 330 x 2See Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes (Francisco de) - Que Guerrero!; Una2 of the 4 supplementary plates for Les Disparates, also called Los Proverbios, first printed in L'Art, in 1877, etchings with aquatint on laid paper, each c.240 x 350mm., slight browning and marginalSee Sold Price
SoldGoya y Lucientes (Francisco de) - Que viene el Coco;plates 3, 23, 27 and 30, respectively, of Los Caprichos, 4 etchings with aquatint, each c.215 x 145mm., uniformly framed and glazed, (c.1799 but later issues) (4)See Sold Price
AFTER FRANCISCO JOSE DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES (SPAIN/FRANCE, 1746-1828)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Francisco Goya - Los moros hacen otro capeo en plazaDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Francisco Jose De Goyay Lucientes - La Tauromaquia Plate 3Dane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Francisco Jose De Goya Lucientes - La Tauromaquia PlateDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Francisco Jose De Goya Lucientes - La Tauromaquia PlateDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Francisco Jose De Goya Lucientes - La Tauromaquia PlateDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Francisco Jose De Goya Lucientes - La Tauromaquia PlateDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Francisco Goya - No se puede saber por que (One Can'tDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Francisco Goya - El si pronuncian y la mano alargan AlDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceApr 04, 2024