Sold"Märklin" Station with Tower, No. 2050, Gauge 0, c. 193Märklin Station with Tower, No. 2050, Gauge 0, c. 1935 Painted tin, with passage and platform barrier, clock face in tower (1 clock face missing), size 20 ½ x 7 ½ x 10 5/8 in. Bahnhof mit Turm "MäSee Sold Price
"Märklin" Station with Tower, No. 2050, Gauge 0, c"Märklin" Station with Tower, No. 2050, Gauge 0, c. 1935 Painted tin, with passage and platform barrier, clock face in tower (1 clock face missing), size 20 1/2 x 7 1/2 x 10 5/8 in. Bahnhof mit TurmSee Sold Price
Station with Tower "Märklin" no. 2050 Gauge 0, c.Station with Tower "Märklin" no. 2050 Gauge 0, c. 1935 Painted tin, with passage and platform barrier, clock face in tower (1 clock face missing), size 20 1/2 x 7 1/2 x 10 5/8 in. Bahnhof mit Turm "MSee Sold Price
City Station "Märklin" no. 2013UB Gauge 0, c. 1938City Station "Märklin" no. 2013UB Gauge 0, c. 1938 Hand-painted tin, 2 opening doors, balcony with tables and seats, 3 figures, real clock in the tower, working, size: 25 x 8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in., nearlySee Sold Price
"Bahnhof Friedrichshafen Märklin Nr. 2013 (Spur 0)"Railway Station ""Märklin No. 2013"" (0 Gauge), c. 1940 Colored tin, with tower (no roof and clock) and large terrace, 2 hinged doors, size: 24 1/2 x 9 x 11 in. Bemaltes Blech, mit Turm, Terrasse mSee Sold Price
Sold"Märklin" City Station, No. 2034B, Gauge 0, c. 193"Märklin" City Station, No. 2034B, Gauge 0, c. 1930 Hand-painted tin, electric lighting, with canopies and platform doors, size 16 1/2 x 10 x 9 in. Großstadt-Bahnhof "Märklin" Nr. 2034B Spur 0, umSee Sold Price
SoldMärklin Goods Station No. 2106/0, Gauge 0, c. 1930Märklin Goods Station No. 2106/0, Gauge 0, c. 1930 Hand-japanned tin, 2 sliding doors, crane missing hook, size 8 x 5 x 5 ½ in. Güterschuppen "Märklin" Nr. 2106/0 Spur 0, um 1930 Handlackiertes BlSee Sold Price
City Station "Märklin" No. 2034B Gauge 0, c. 1930City Station "Märklin" No. 2034B Gauge 0, c. 1930 Hand-painted tin, electric lighting, with canopies and platform doors, size 16 1/2 x 10 x 9 in. Großstadt-Bahnhof "Märklin" Nr. 2034B Spur 0, um 19See Sold Price
Märklin Goods Station No. 2106/0, Gauge 0, c. 1930Märklin Goods Station No. 2106/0, Gauge 0, c. 1930 Hand-japanned tin, 2 sliding doors, crane missing hook, size 8 x 5 x 5 ½ in. Güterschuppen "Märklin" Nr. 2106/0 Spur 0, um 1930 Handlackiertes BlSee Sold Price
Märklin Signal Tower and Signal Gauge 0 and I, c. 1935Märklin Signal Tower and Signal Gauge 0 and I, c. 1935 1) Signal tower no. 13728/4, lithographed tin. - And: 2) Signal no. 13957/1, electrical, with connection rail, hand-painted tin. Märklin StelSee Sold Price
SoldMärklinEnglish: Maerklin, Stuttgart Train Station, tower part, gauge 0, Germany prewar, tin, minimal damage to paint, flag glued, otherwise good Deutsch: Märklin, Stuttgarter Bahnhof, Turmteil, Spur 0, 48x2See Sold Price
SoldSignal Tower and 1 Tunnel "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 19Signal Tower and 1 Tunnel "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 1940 1) Signal tower no. 13729/6, hand-painted tin, in original box. - And: 2) Tunnel no. 2518/0, pressed and lithographed tin. - Add-on: Tunnel, unmarSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin, BahnhofMarklin, Railway Station, Germany pw, gauge 0, tin, part. paint d., bell defective, C 2See Sold Price
SoldStation Building and 2 Railroad Crossings "MärklinStation Building and 2 Railroad Crossings "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 1930 1) Station no. 2032, 2 roofs replaced, hand-painted tin, base 14 x 6 in. - 2) Crossing no. 2183, clockwork broken, without strikerSee Sold Price
Sold"Bahnsteig-Zeitungswagen Märklin (Nr. 2628) (Spur"Station Newspaper Car ""Märklin"" (No. 2628) (0 Gauge), c. 1935, complete with the original minia-ture newspapers (!!!), 4 1/3 in. long. Einsatz mit original Miniaturzeitungen bestückt, Länge 11See Sold Price
SoldMarklin, Bahnhof 2002 BMarklin, Railway Station 2002 B, Germany pw, gauge 0, tin, min. paint d., original box, C 1-See Sold Price
Märklin and Kibri Toy Railway Accessories Gauge 0, c.Märklin and Kibri Toy Railway Accessories Gauge 0, c. 1935 1) Märklin, mechanical level crossing, hand-painted tin, with electric lamp. - 2) Kibri, newspaper kiosk. - And: 3) Kibri, station, for elSee Sold Price
SoldMärklin Station and Platform, c. 1954Märklin Station and Platform, c. 1954 Gauge H0. 1) Station building no. 418 with tower and terrace, base 13 ¾ x 4 ¾ in. - And: 2) Platform no. 422, base 7 4/5 x 1 ¾ in. Bahnhofsgebäude und BahnSee Sold Price
Märklin Station and Platform, c. 1954Märklin Station and Platform, c. 1954 Gauge H0. 1) Station building no. 418 with tower and terrace, base 13 ¾ x 4 ¾ in. - And: 2) Platform no. 422, base 7 4/5 x 1 ¾ in. Bahnhofsgebäude und BahnSee Sold Price
SoldTender Locomotive with 4 Freight Wagons "Märklin"Tender Locomotive with 4 Freight Wagons "Märklin" (Gauge 0), c. 1935 Steam locomotive for the English market no. T 1030, clockwork (working); refrigerator wagon no. 16870; animal wagon no. 16860; beeSee Sold Price
Sold8 Railway Trucks "Märklin" (Gauge 0), c. 19358 Railway Trucks "Märklin" (Gauge 0), c. 1935 Tank wagon "Standard/Esso" no. 1674; luggage wagon no. 1722; 2 x closed goods wagon no. 1791 (1 without roof); cement wagon no. 1681; stake wagon no. 177See Sold Price
SoldSteam Locomotive with 2 Wagons "Märklin" (Gauge 0)Steam Locomotive with 2 Wagons "Märklin" (Gauge 0), c. 1935 1) Tender locomotive no. R66/12910, with electric motor (untested). - 2) Mitropa dining car no. 17520. - And: 3) Luggage car no. 17540. DamSee Sold Price
Sold2 Mitropa Passenger Cars "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 1932 Mitropa Passenger Cars "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 1935 1) Dining car no. 17520, with interior, length 9 3/4 in., good condition. - And: 2) Sleeping car no. 17530, with interior, length: 9 3/4 in., in orSee Sold Price
Sold8 Wagons "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 19308 Wagons "Märklin" Gauge 0, c. 1930 Passenger car no. 18880, luggage car no. 17540, 2 x baggage car no. 17260, passenger car no. 17270, 2 x luggage car no. 17280 and freight wagon no. 17910. 8 WaggonSee Sold Price
SINCLAIR H-C GASOLINE SERVICE STATION PORCELAIN SIGN.Dan Morphy Auctions4.2(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge crane derrick track cleaningElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Elettren Postwar O Gauge Orient Express Early Production First-Class Pullman and DSG maroon SleeperHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Fulgurex Postwar O Gauge 2 Rail French PLM 4 - 4 - 0 Steam Loco C145 and TenderHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar Standard Gauge #33 Electric Engine 0-6-0 from 1913Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar Standard Gauge #34 Electric Engine 0-6-0 from 1913Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar 437 Switch Signal Tower in early colors and 124 Station Early colorsHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Dorfan Prewar Wide Gauge 420 Electric Station Light X2Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ives Prewar Wide Gauge #114 Passenger Station and #116 Union StationHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Bing Prewar Street Lamps and Assorted AccessoriesHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar Standard Gauge 438 Signal Tower and 134 Red Roof StationHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
American Flyer Prewar 108 Union Station "RARE"Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ives Prewar Wide Gauge No. 89 Water TowerHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge #38 Water Tower boxedHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge #38 Water Tower boxedHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge 132 Illuminated Station 362 Barrel Loader 1033 Multi-Control TransformerHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge Type ZW - 275 Watt Transformer 125 Whistling Station 1445 Operating SwitchHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar 92 Floodlight Tower and 2226W Black Prewar O Gauge TenderHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024