SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) BikiniMaddy (Danielle Panabaker) screen worn, hero, pink with white line bikini top and bottoms. From "Piranha 3DD" (2012). Includes wardrobe tag!See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) CostumeScreen worn, hero Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) wardrobe from 2012's 'Piranha 3DD.' Costume consists of a multi-color, long sleeve plaid 'BDG' button up shirt (size S), a navy blue, ribbed 'American EaglSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) Scuba MaskThis is a screen worn diver's mask used by Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) in the campy horror-comedy 'Piranha 3DD' (2012). Label on the mask reads 'US Divers Co.' (measures approx. 6 1/2" long)See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) OutfitFrom the 2012 comedy-horror film Piranha 3DD, this is a screen worn hero outfit used by the character Maddy (Danielle Panabaker). The wardrobe is comprised of a lavender, ribbed tank top with 'AmericaSee Sold Price
Piranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) Duffle BagFrom 2012's Piranha 3DD, this is Maddy's (Danielle Panabaker) screen used duffle bag. The duffle bag is green with brown leather trim, and has a torn Northwest Airline baggage claim tag affixed to theSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) CostumeThe character of Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) wore this hero, army green 'American Eagle' shirt, (size S) lavender ribbed 'American Eagle' tank top, (size S) and medium blue denim 'American Eagle' cut oSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) OutfitA screen worn, hero, two-piece outfit used by the character Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) in 2012's Piranha 3DD. The wardrobe consists of a long sleeve, multi-color plaid button up shirt with the label 'See Sold Price
Piranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) KeysThis is a set of screen used keys from 2012's Piranha 3DD. The keys were used by the character Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) and has a laminated plastic 'the Big Wet' accessory attached to the keys. (meaSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) CostumeMaddy (Danielle Panabaker) screen worn, hero, multi color plaid 'BDG' button up shirt, (size S) and army green 'American Eagle' cut off shorts. (size 0 taken in) worn in "Piranha 3DD".See Sold Price
Piranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) Screen WorDouble the action. Double the terror. Double the D's Direct from the set of Piranha 3DD, this is Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) screen worn, hero, multi color plaid 'BDG' button up shirt with hole in theSee Sold Price
Piranha 3DD Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) First Aid KMaddy (Daniella Panabaker) screen used bandage kit. Includes paper tape, roll of unsoiled gauze and 2 pieces of folded gauze with blood stains from "Piranha 3DD" (2012).See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Mandy (Danielle Panabaker) CostumeMaddy (Danielle Panabaker) goes through hell and back in 2012's cult film "Piranha 3DD". These are her screen worn, hero, multi color plaid 'BDG' button up shirt, (size S) dark navy ribbed 'American ESee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Lifeguard Danielle BikiniFrom the campy 2012 horror-comedy 'Piranha 3DD.' This is a screen worn, hero bikini worn by lifeguard Danielle for the film. The two piece bikini is metallic blue fabric and has a 'Big Wet' patch sewnSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Lauren Bikini Movie CostumesDouble the action. Double the terror. Double the D's Direct from the set of Piranha 3DD, this is Lauren's screen worn, pink 'Volcom' bikini. Includes wardrobe tag!See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Kathy Sue Holtorf Lifeguard BikiniA screen worn, hero bikini worn by actress Kathy Sue Holtorf in the 2012 film Piranha 3DD. The bikini was used by one of the 'bimbo lifeguards' in the film and is made from shiny metallic blue fabric,See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Lifeguard Cody BikiniFrom the campy 2012 horror-comedy 'Piranha 3DD.' This is a screen worn, hero bikini worn by lifeguard Cody during the film. The two piece bikini is metallic blue fabric and has a 'Big Wet' patch sewnSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Bethany (Sierra Fisk) BikiniBethany (actress and stuntwomen Sierra Fisk) screen worn, hero, shiny blue with "Big Wet" on the front bikini. (size S) worn on "Piranha 3DD" (2012).See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) BikiniFrom Piranha 3DD (2012), this is a two- piece hero bikini worn by "Bimbo Lifeguard" (yes, that was her real screen character name!) Kathy Sue Holtorf. The bottoms have big sidestring ties, and "Big WeSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) BikiniThe Bimbo Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) seemed to have a thing for Bikini's and Earrings in 2012's "Piranha 3DD". Here is another set she wore in the movie. The hero bikini is a teal green 'Marzia GenSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD (2012) - Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) HeroPiranha 3DD (2012) - Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) Hero Bikini. Original screen worn hero bikini worn by the "Bimbo Lifeguard", played by Kathy Sue Holtorf in the 3D comedy horror film "Piranha 3DD" (See Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) EarringsBimbo Lifeguard (Kathy Sue Holtorf) is back in "Piranha 3DD" (2012) screen worn, hero, shiny silver 'Dreamgirls' connected two piece bikini, and metal wing earrings.See Sold Price
SoldDanielle Panabaker THE FLASH In Person Signed Photo #1Danielle Panabaker in person signed autographed photo from the TV series THE FLASH. Danielle Panabaker as the character Caitlyn SnowSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Shelby (Katrina Bowden) CostumeThis is a screen worn, hero costume used by Shelby (Katrina Bowden) in 2012's 'Piranha 3DD.' The wardrobe includes a short sleeve, 'American Eagle' light blue t-shirt with a 'tie-dye/heart' design patSee Sold Price
SoldPiranha 3DD Carl (Christopher Lloyd) ShirtScreen worn, hero shirt used by Christopher Lloyd's character in the John Gulager directed horror-comedy Piranha 3DD. Best known for his roles in the TV series Taxi and the Back to the Future trilogy,See Sold Price
French Girls Club Promotional Poster With Danielle DarrieuxDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CHANEL 01P #40 CC Sleeveless Bikini Swimwear Swimsuit Yellow FranceBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Tek Time Nickelodeon SpongeBob Alarm Clock, Bikini BottomLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Flash Cast Signed Autographed 12X15 Poster 8 Autos Gustin Martin Panabaker JSAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Ronda Rousey Signed Autographed 11X14 Photo UFC Champ Sexy Beach Bikini GV809488Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Brooklyn Decker Autographed 11X14 Photo Just Go With It Sexy Bikini GV756008Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Sofia Milos Signed Autographed 8X10 Photo Sexy Red Bikini BAS BH27750Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kimm Byers "More than just a String Bikini" Signed OriginalMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Herman Miller Eames DKR Bikini Chairs, Eiffel Tower Base, 1 of 2PUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of Herman Miller Eames Bikini Chairs, Eiffel Tower Base, 2 of 2PUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
32 Vintage 80's-2000's Florida Beach Bikini Girls PostcardsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Florence Sculture d'Arte Giuseppe Armani Figurine, DanielleLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
SALVADOR DALI (AFTER), THE THREE SPHINXES OF BIKINIWhite Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Salvador Dali, 'Three Sphinxes of Bikini', FacsimileWhite Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kimm Byers "More than just a String Bikini" Signed OriginalMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024