SoldJefferson Davis Chickamauga Broadside.Jefferson Davis Chickamauga Broadside. One page, 9.25" x 12.5", in two columns, HeadquartSee Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875Civil War Confederate DocumentsJefferson Davis Speaks at a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6&See Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875Civil War Confederate DocumentsJefferson Davis Speaks at a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6&See Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875AutographsJefferson Davis Speaks at a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6” x 8.75”,See Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875Civil War Confederate DocumentsJefferson Davis Speaks at a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6&See Sold Price
SoldCapture of Jefferson Davis, Broadside Announcement!Davis Jefferson Capture of Jefferson Davis, Broadside Announcement! Accompanied by CDV of Same "JEFF. DAVIS CAPTURED!" This broadside from the Western Reserve Chronicle of Warren, Ohio, cSee Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875Civil War Confederate DocumentsJefferson Davis Speaks At a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6&See Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875Civil War Confederate DocumentsJefferson Davis Speaks at a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6&See Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS, Broadside, 1875Civil War Confederate DocumentsJefferson Davis Speaks At a 1875 Benefit for a Hospital (JEFFERSON DAVIS), President of the Confederate States of America. Broadside, Kansas City, September 16, 1875, 6&See Sold Price
SoldConfederate President Jefferson Davis Memorial / FRare Jefferson Davis broadside, being a "Programme of Exercises At The Academy Of Music" (In Richmond, Va.) . The piece, which measures 5 ½" X 11 ¾", lists the order of exercises, including a prayerSee Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS' "CONFESSION" BROADSIDEJEFFERSON DAVIS' "CONFESSION" BROADSIDE A fascinating Union propaganda item, a broadside, 8 1/2" x 14", signed in type by one Wesley Bradshaw and printed by Alexander & Co., Philadelphia. The broadsidSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Postcards, 'War Buildings/Monuments'Lot 5, '(2) General Lee's Headquarters'; 'McKinley Monument, Antietam Battlefield, Md.'; 'The Snodgrass House, Chickamauga Park'; 'Jefferson Davis Home, White House of the Confederacy, Montgomery, AlaSee Sold Price
SoldConfederate election flier Davis/StephensTitle: Confederate Virginia election campaign flier for Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens Author: ** Description: Small broadside, printed on blue paper. Approximately 6x3¾", in a period wood frSee Sold Price
Sold1864 - Presidential Election BroadsideAppeal of the National Union Committee To The People of the United States - Lots of Civil War Content - Discusses Great Rebellion Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln - Some discoloration - most noticeablSee Sold Price
SoldOfficial Report of the Battle of Chickamauga 1864Official Report of the Battle of Chickamauga. Richmond: R.M. Smith, 1864. Published by Order of Congress. Letter from the President, Jefferson Davis.See Sold Price
Sold1866 1ed Prison Life of Jefferson Davis Civil War Slave1866 1ed Prison Life of Jefferson Davis Civil War Slavery Confederate President "A sympathetic account of Davis's confinement at Fortress Monroe; by the physician assigned to attend him; includes seveSee Sold Price
SoldPres. Pierce Cabinet Letter, signed Jefferson DavisA March 3, 1857 letter of appreciation written by the cabinet of President Franklin Pierce Cabinet (including Jefferson Davis) reading in part, "and with the fullest opportunities of appreciation, knoSee Sold Price
Sold1890 1ed Jefferson Davis Confederate States President1890 1ed Jefferson Davis Confederate States President Civil War Battles SLAVERY "A sentimentalized account, including parts which Davis dictated before his death.” A rare first edition of Mrs. VarinSee Sold Price
Sold1866 1st ed Jefferson Davis a Traitor? American Civil1866 1st ed Jefferson Davis a Traitor? American Civil War Confederate Secession “I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not lSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War Jefferson Davis Signed Letter to Robert E. Lee, May 1864Civil War era ALS. One-page bifolium handwritten autographed letter signed by Jefferson Finis Davis (1808-1889) as president of the Confederate States of America (CSA) from 1861 to 1865, Richmond, VirSee Sold Price
SoldComm. Jefferson Davis Navy 1851 Revolver, .36 Cal.U.S. Historical Society Jefferson Davis Commemorative 1851 Navy Revolver, .36 caliber with shoulder stock. Nimschke style engraving on the octagonal barrel, loading lever, frame, and trigger, case harSee Sold Price
SoldConfederate President Jefferson Davis ItemsConfederate President Jefferson Davis Post War Cabinet Card Photograph framed with a clipped signature. A 1874 letter written by Davis to Major E. Barksdale in regards to ".. The Phelan…." referenceSee Sold Price
SoldJefferson Davis Signed 8-Star Southern States FlagExceptional and Very Rare Jefferson Davis Signed Card Illustrated with an 8-Star Southern States Flag, "The Pirate Flag" - Framed & Museum Quality Presentation. Exhibiting an extraordinary blend of AmSee Sold Price
Sold1890 1ed Jefferson Davis Confederate States President1890 1ed Jefferson Davis Confederate States President Civil War Battles SLAVERY "A sentimentalized account, including parts which Davis dictated before his death.” (Nevins) A rare first edition of MSee Sold Price
[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. 100 Dollars Reward! Ran Away from the service of Mr. George Ridenour, inFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. A group of 10 illustrated covers featuring political cartoons depicting AfricanFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. A group of 10 illustrated covers featuring political cartoons depicting AfricanFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. A group of 9 illustrated covers featuring political cartoons depicting African AmericanFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Boris Artzybasheff (Russian, 1899-1965) 11 steel making printsRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Roger Brown (American, 1941-1997) 'Sketchbook 1982Rachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Carroll, Lewis- Alice in wonderland, illus by Marie Laurencin. Black Sun PressRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
2 CDV- Jefferson Davis & Mrs. Jefferson DavisRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Wm. McKinley. Garret A. Hobart. Sound Money-Protection and Prosperity. FlagRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
17 Books illustrated by Rockwell Kent (1881-1972)Rachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Howard Finster (American 1916-2001) wood cut outRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Kataro Shirayamadani (1865-1948) vase for Rookwood PotteryRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lot 5 Vintage Military Aviation BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Jefferson Davis Signed Civil War-Era Document CutDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024