SoldEstate Lot of US & Worldwide Stamps Mostly Used Many InEstate Lot of US & Worldwide Stamps Mostly Used Many Interesting items, great for ebayer or dealer to sort out....See Sold Price
SoldU.S. & Worldwide Stamp CollectionLarge carton with thousands of stamps, both U.S. and foreign with unused and used present. Wide range of countries with most stamps being loose in glassines, sorted on manila stock pages, in envelopesSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. & Worldwide Stamp AccumulationVery useful collection housed in (6)old albums and binders. Best of the lot is two old remainder U.S. collections with many better stamps left intact. Also noticed some useful worldwide material as weSee Sold Price
SoldUS & Worldwide Stamp StockUS & Worldwide stamp stock including mint US singles and blocks. This sale will be broadcast live on sale day with an auctioneer and caller calling full descriptions of each lot being sold, as well asSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of German, US, & World Stamps & CurrencyThis is a Large Vintage Collection of German, US, & Worldwide Stamps and Currency. As with any large collection of this nature, we highly recommend that you preview in person or via the photos to deteSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. & Worldwise Stamp CollectionsU.S. & Worldwide Stamp Collections: group of various albums including an Yvert album with U.S. and Foreign, Scott International Junior, Scott Specialty albums for Germany, Scandanavia, British AmericaSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. and Worldwide Stamp Cover Accumulation (5)CartonsThe tail end of a large estate, odds and ends in three large boxes plus a large plastic tub. USPS products, PCS collections, FDC’s & postal stationery, Yugoslavia and Germany collections, UN collectSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of US and Worldwide StampsGroup of US and Worldwide stamp stock pages full. Please see photos. This sale will be broadcast live on sale day with an auctioneer and caller calling full descriptions of each lot being sold, as welSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. and Worldwide Stamp Collection in 19th c. AlbumSeveral hundred stamps, unused and used, in mixed condition in an 1897 edition of the Scott International. Starts out with some excellent U.S. material that unfortunately is stuck but better values inSee Sold Price
SoldUS and Worldwide Stamp CoversUS and Worldwide, Carton Mix Stampless Covers, Commercial Covers, Events EtcSee Sold Price
SoldSTAMP COLLECTION LOTA lot of US and Worldwide stamps. Some with Mystic Stamp Co. glassine envelopes.See Sold Price
SoldLot of Loose Worldwide & US StampsLot of loose worldwide and US stamps, on and off paper. You are bidding at a live sale, please read the terms and conditions. All items are shipped via USPS in-house, unless you purchase oversized iteSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of US And Foreign Stamps incl Scott's AlbumsThree Scott albums from the early 1950s. one US, two Worldwide with mint and used stamps. Accompanied by loose worldwide stamps, U.S. Mint, post cards, one FDC, and envelopes. Also includes Wildlife CSee Sold Price
SoldWorldwide Stamp Collection incl U.S.Mostly used in 5 albums and stock books. Also includes a group of unsorted worldwide stamps on and off paper. IMPORTANT: Before bidding, please read the terms and conditions. When you registered for tSee Sold Price
SoldVINTAGE LOT 10000 STAMPS UNITED STATES & WORLDWIDE10,000+ lot of vintage canceled stamps (U.S. and worldwide) in 4 shoe boxes. Most are organized and filed with dividers and kept in glassine (one shoebox contains only loose ones). Includes: Buffalo BSee Sold Price
Sold2 large boxes of interesting U.S. and worldwide odd2 large boxes of interesting U.S. and worldwide odds and ends including stamp and coin show cards 1970's-80's, US and foreign promo folders, art related posters, stamp prints, oversize FDC's and relatSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Worldwide Stamp CollectionIncluding U.S. mint & used stamps. Several albums and stock books. Plate blocks, ration stamps, FDCs, commemorative covers, soldier letters, V mail, mint sheets, postal stationary. post cards, revenueSee Sold Price
SoldWorldwide Stamp CollectionIncluding U.S. in 16 albums and stock books. Mostly used, some mint. Several old catalogs including 1946 Scott's Catalog. IMPORTANT: Before bidding, please read the terms and conditions. When you regiSee Sold Price
SoldWorldwide Stamp CollectionCollection housed in nine Scott International Postage Stamp Albums. Also includes one Harris Worldwide Stamp Album, 13 stock books of stamps, supplies, and over $250 in U.S. mint sheets and postage.See Sold Price
Lot Of 28 Us Stamps, Mostly General Issue, But A Few CommemorativesRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Worldwide Stamps, Italy Better Sets, Singles to 1930Alderfer Auction4.6(710)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot of over 2500 US Stamps - Airmail - Postage Due - Special DeliveryWestside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024