SoldStarrett Biddle Sticht Hand Tachometer LotThree Tachometers as one lot. James Biddle (Swiss made) Inspection Master Tachometer No.80770 0 to 40,000rpm. Herman Sticht Co. (Swiss Made) 0-4,000 rpm hand held tach. Starrett Hand held tach.See Sold Price
Sold***STICHT(20th C. German School) Two framed portraits depicting man and woman, each is an oil measuring approximately 39 1/2'' x 27 3/4'', frame size 46'' x 34''.See Sold Price
SoldHH STICHT CO JAQUET'S INDICATOR RPM GUAGE1000 rev's 500 feet in case with attachments. In very good condition and complete.See Sold Price
Jaquet Speed Indicator # 2304-1 H.H. Sticht Co.Circa 1930's, chronometric tachometer with a timing period of 6 seconds, includes a custom case marked Herman H. Sticht Co., INC New York, N.Y. and a manual booklet. In working condition.See Sold Price
SoldSticht & Reliance TachometersMake: Herman H Sticht & Co. New York & Reliance Barbour Stockwell Co., Cambridge, Massachusits, USA Dimensions: 4" Dial & 5" DialSee Sold Price
Burgert, Jonas Ich sticht. Farboffset auf glattemIch sticht. Farboffset auf glattem Papier. Unten rechts mit schwarzem Filzstift in der Darstellung signiert sowie im weißen Rand mit Bleistift nummeriert. Exemplar: 46/50. 2019. BildgrößSee Sold Price
SoldSmall Arts & Crafts Style CabinetOver hanging tops, drawer over door opening to shelves, marked Sticht. 20W X 15 D X 29 H. As is.See Sold Price
SoldUSS Bennington ledger, 1893-1894Rare ship's journal of the USS Bennington dated June 15, 1893-May 17, 1894 and kept by Ensign John L. Sticht who famously prevented an explosion of his ship, thus saving the lives of 600 men and officSee Sold Price
SoldARCHITECT ENGINEER VINTAGE DRAFTING INSTRUMENTSNice group of vintage instruments in original cases. Dietgen Germany, Starrett, Herman H. Sticht Company Tachometer, and Graf-Apsco Company set.See Sold Price
Soldromania Glass Icon Saint George niculaNicula, 1. H. 19. Jh. Ornamental gerahmter, auf einem Apfelschimmel reitender Ritter sticht mit einer goldenen Lanze in den Rachen des Drachens aus Beryt (Beirut). Auf dunkelblauem und orangefarbenemSee Sold Price
SoldSpring Lancet, Brass Frame with Steel FSpring Lancet, Brass Frame with Steel Fleam, Probably German, 18th century, with Fitted Leather Case inscribed "Frau Nicht es Sticht." L: 2 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldBrass fleam in fitted caseBrass fleam in fitted case, brass and steel fleam blood letter, unmarked, in fitted leather case, escribed on top "Frau nicht es sticht", case measures 2 7/8" x 1 1/2" x 3/4"See Sold Price
SoldRosenthal RokokodameEntwurf Karl Himmelstoss um 1935, signiert, Modellnummer 1512, grüne Stempelmarke Germany Kunstabteilung Selb, Schriftzug handgemalt, Sticht, 1127, polychrome Aufglasurbemalung, H 18,5 cm.See Sold Price
Spanish American War scrapbook of a heroScrapbook of Ensign John J. Sticht who famously prevented an explosion of his ship, thus saving the lives of 600 men and officers on board. During the time of the Spanish American War, Sticht's ship cSee Sold Price
SoldSEVEN ELECTRICAL AMPERAGE AND VOLT METERS, various makeSEVEN ELECTRICAL AMPERAGE AND VOLT METERS, various makers, including Roller-Smith, McIntosh Electrical, Hoyt Electric; Herman H. Sticht & Co.See Sold Price
Spanish American War scrapbook of a heroScrapbook of Ensign John J. Sticht who famously prevented an explosion of his ship, thus saving the lives of 600 men and officers on board. During the time of the Spanish American War, Sticht's ship cSee Sold Price
SoldSTERRE, Joannes Chrysostomus van der, o.p. (1591-STERRE, Joannes Chrysostomus van der, o.p. (1591-1652) - Het leven vanden H. Norbertus sticht-vader der ordre van Praemonstreyt ende Apostel van Antwerpen. T'Antwerpen by Geeraerdt van Wolsschaten, 1See Sold Price
USS Bennington ledger, 1893-1894Rare ship's journal of the USS Bennington dated June 15, 1893-May 17, 1894 and kept by Ensign John L. Sticht who famously prevented an explosion of his ship, thus saving the lives of 600 men and officSee Sold Price
USS Bennington ledger, 1893-1894Rare ship's journal of the USS Bennington dated June 15, 1893-May 17, 1894 and kept by Ensign John L. Sticht who famously prevented an explosion of his ship, thus saving the lives of 600 men and officSee Sold Price
ThangkaThangka Tibet, um 1900. Rollbild im Seidenbrokat. 71 x 46,5 cm. 95 x 62 cm. Bodhisattvadarstellungen, bei denen Vajrapani besonders hervor sticht.See Sold Price
SoldOelrichs, Gerhard: Dat Rigische RechtOelrichs, Gerhard (Hrsg.). Dat Rigische Recht und de gemenen stichtischen Rechte ym Sticht van Ryga geheten dat Ridder-Recht. Nebst Dionysii Fabri Formulare Procuratorum mit einem vollstaendigen GlossSee Sold Price
Sold2 pcs Antique Meters. Alternating Current Voltmeter. Type "UO" Hand Tachometer. See pics.2 pcs Antique Meters. 1 Alternating Current Voltmeter no 39469 from the Roller-Smith Co. 1 Vintage Type UO Hand Tachometer made by Herman H. Sticht Co. Includes accessories and instructions. Both comeSee Sold Price
Spanish American War scrapbook of a heroScrapbook of Ensign John J. Sticht who famously prevented an explosion of his ship, thus saving the lives of 600 men and officers on board. During the time of the Spanish American War, Sticht's ship cSee Sold Price
SOUTH HOLLAND - COVENS & MORTIER.SOUTH HOLLAND - COVENS & MORTIER. Nieuwe kaart van Zuid-Holland, en het sticht van Utrecht (...) in de overstromingen van den jare 1726 onder water gezet. Amsterdam, Covens & Mortier, (ca. 1726). (Ca.See Sold Price