GROUPING of DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPES & TINTYPESFeb 24, 2024[Daguerreotype] Soldier w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] Young Soldier w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] “Mr. Grant” w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Tintype] Officer w/ Virginia Belt PlateMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] Southern Character StudyMar 16, 2024[Tintype] Dashing CavalrymanMar 16, 2024“BOZ” [pseudonym of DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870)]. Memoirs ...Feb 24, 2024EVANS, Henry R. (1861 – 1949). The Napoleon Myth. Chicago: ...Feb 24, 2024LARGE ANTIQUE ITALIAN GLAZED MAJOLICA CHARGER PLATEFeb 24, 2024LARGE ANTIQUE ITALIAN GLAZED MAJOLICA CHARGER PLATEFeb 24, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate daguerreotype of a lovely African American woman. Ca 1850s.Feb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. BALL, James Presley (1825-1904), photographer. Sixth plate daguerreotype of twoFeb 27, 2024LETTERS OF HORACE WALPOLE, 9 VOLUMES, 1857Mar 07, 2024Antique Civil War AmbrotypeMar 09, 2024Antique/Vintage Photograph: Tintype PortraitMar 09, 2024Antique Daguerreotype PhotographMar 09, 2024Foulis.- Ramsay (Allan) The Gentle Shepherd, A Pastoral Comedy, first illustrated edition, Glasgow,Feb 29, 2024Foulis.- Ramsay (Allan) The Gentle Shepherd, A Pastoral Comedy, first illustrated edition, Glasgow,Feb 29, 2024Nottingham.- Brown (Cornelius) Lives of Nottinghamshire Worthies, 1882; and another similar (3).Feb 29, 2024Portrait of Edward Coke 1628Feb 27, 2024A Ross London Tailboard Stand CameraFeb 29, 2024Forge Ahead for the Development of Military Science and TechnologyFeb 29, 2024(23) DAGUERREOTYPES, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDRENApr 12, 2024