SoldPAIR VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRSPAIR VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRS: Oval backs with scroll carved crests. New upholstery in a fresh bird, moth and floral print. 41"h. x 25" x 34".See Sold Price
SoldPair of Victorian Open Arm Parlor Chairs,Pair of Victorian Open Arm Parlor Chairs,Rococo crest rail, mahogany frame, damask upholstery w/wear; some separation to joints; 51"h x 30"w Est. 300-600See Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF FINE VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRSPAIR OF FINE VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRS: Carved walnut rococo revival frames with arched top rails, matched pair. Later upholstery 40 1/2'' h back, 26'' w x 22'' d.See Sold Price
SoldGOOD PR OF CARVED VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRSPAIR OF CARVED VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRS: Once belonging to General Tommy Franks. Crest carved in a handsome shell and scrolls, curved and carved skirt, good blue velvet upholstery. 41''h. x 34See Sold Price
Sold(2) ALEXANDER ROUX CARVED OPEN ARM CHAIRS 19THC(pair) Victorian carved open arm high back parlor chairs, by Alexander Roux, French, 19th c., each having a heavily carved floral crest over elongated padded backrest, padded armrests terminating intoSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN WALNUT PAIR OF OPEN-ARM PARLOR CHAIRSVICTORIAN WALNUT PAIR OF OPEN-ARM PARLOR CHAIRS, carved and incised ornamentations, matching flame-style upholstery. Fourth quarter 19th century. 43" HOA. Provenance: Property of a Florida gentleman.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF VICTORIAN WALNUT PARLOR CHAIRSPAIR OF VICTORIAN WALNUT PARLOR CHAIRS, featuring open-arms, and carved and incised ornamentations. Likely original surface with warm color. Fourth quarter 19th century. 43 1/2" HOA, 17 1/2" H seat, 2See Sold Price
SoldPair of late 1800 Rococo Victorian ladies/gents pPair of late 1800 Rococo Victorian ladies/gents parlor chairs, solid walnut, molded and scroll carved cameo backs, open arms, incised carved panels, round seats. cabriole legs, 39" and 38" tall 24" anSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN CARVED ROSEWOOD PARLOR CHAIRSVICTORIAN CARVED ROSEWOOD PARLOR CHAIRS, CIRCA 1860, PAIR, H 40":Each having a floral-carved crest, upholstered back, seat and open padded arms, a scalloped apron with floral carving, raised on cabrioSee Sold Price
Sold1870 Renaissance Victorian seven piece parlor suit1870 Renaissance Victorian seven piece parlor suite, solid walnut, incised carved burl panels, shell carved crests, 1) Open arm sofa, 67" w 43" t 28" d. 2) Pair of open arm gents chairs, 41'" t 25" wSee Sold Price
SoldFIVE-PIECE VICTORIAN PARLOR SET, Renaissance RevivFIVE-PIECE VICTORIAN PARLOR SET, Renaissance Revival design, American, c. 1880, comprising: open arm sofa, pair of armchairs and a pair of side chairs. All five pieces with carved and molded walnut frSee Sold Price
SoldThree piece Eastlake Victorian parlor set, solidThree piece Eastlake Victorian parlor set, solid walnut, arched leaf carved crest with head carved center, open arms, (1) 49"l loveseat 38"t 25"d, (2) pair of side chairs 35"t 18"w. Good condition.See Sold Price
Sold2) AMERICAN VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRS 19THC(lot of 2) American Victorian carved walnut open arm parlor chairs, 19th c., each with a floral crest over padded balloon form backrest, padded armrests terminating in scrolling handholds, cushioned sSee Sold Price
Sold1870 Renaissance Victorian open arm parlor chair,1870 Renaissance Victorian open arm parlor chair, solid burl walnut panels, leaf carved and paneled crest, arms and skirt, turned legs, 40"t 27"w 26"d. Good original finish/condition, nicks/scratches.See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIRFRENCH VICTORIAN OPEN ARM PARLOR CHAIR: Pierce carved mahogany frame with floral crest. 37 1/4"h. x 26" x 24".See Sold Price
Soldc. 1870 Victorian open arm parlor chair. Solid walnc. 1870 Victorian open arm parlor chair. Solid walnut, leaf and finger carved oval back, arms, cabriole legs. 39"t 26"wSee Sold Price
1870 Rococo Victorian open arm parlor chair, solid1870 Rococo Victorian open arm parlor chair, solid walnut, grape cluster and leaf carved crest on oval molded back, leaf carved knuckles, serpentine skirt, cabriole legs, 44" tall 26" wide 33" deep. GSee Sold Price
Sold1880 Aesthetic Movement Victorian open arm parlor c1880 Aesthetic Movement Victorian open arm parlor chair. Signed Hunzinger, NY, 1869, ebonized, open trefoils and incised carved crest, chamfered stretchers and stiles. Shown in 1879 Hunzinger ad pageSee Sold Price
SoldLate 19th century Rococo Victorian open arm parloLate 19th century Rococo Victorian open arm parlor chair, solid walnut, finger carved molded back, open arms, serpentine skirt, cabriole legs, 40"t 25"w 33"d. Good original finish/condition.See Sold Price
SoldFine 1870 Renaissance Victorian open arm parlor chaFine 1870 Renaissance Victorian open arm parlor chair, solid rosewood, scroll carved shaped back, scroll and molded arms and legs, paneled and scroll carved round skirt, 40"t 24"w 27"d. Good originalSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1870 Renaissance Victorian open arm parlor chaic. 1870 Renaissance Victorian open arm parlor chair. Solid walnut, triple carved burl panels with finials, scrolled leaf carved center crest with drapes, incised carved and paneled arms, bowed skirt,See Sold Price
SoldPair English Victorian Open Arm Chairs with CarvedPair English Victorian Open Arm Chairs with Carved Heads. 47"h x 32.5"w x 24"dSee Sold Price
SoldPair rosewood Victorian arm parlor chairs with carvingPair rosewood Victorian arm parlor chairs with ribbon carving and pastel stripe upholstery, 37 in. T, 21 in. D, 24 in. W.See Sold Price
SoldPair mahogany Victorian arm parlor chairsPair Mahogany Victorian arm parlor chairs with needlepoint, 38.5 in. T, 25 in. W, 20 in. D.See Sold Price
Statesville Chair pair of arm chairs, Chippendale style, mahogany framed, ball & clawSouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Stickley Brothers Mission Oak Arts & Crafts Arm Chairs, PairLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Pair Yellow Painted Antique Wire Ice Cream Parlor Chair and StandHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Woodmark Originals Inc., Mary Webb Wood, 1976, Wing Back Arm Chairs, PairNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Exceptional Matching 7 Piece John Jeliff Victorian Parlor SuiteRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Walnut Victorian Arm Chair with Cane SeatLangston Auction Gallery4.7(507)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Victorian Designer Flared Arms Arched Back Velvet Club Chairs - PairJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair Vintage Carved Wood Upholstered ArmchairsThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
An Antique & Finely Carved 7 Piece Louis XV1Clarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
CRAZY Penny Wheel Buy THIS 1959-p solid Red BU Lincoln 1c roll & get 1-10 BU Red rolls FREE WOWKey Date Coins4.3(1.3k)See Sold PriceJun 02, 2024
A PAIR OF GEORGE II STYLE ELM OPEN ARMCHAIRSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024
Regency Style Ebonized Cane Seat Armchairs, PairAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025