Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Douze Thèmes variés (umMozart, W. A. Douze Thémes variés pour le Pianoforte. Gestoch. Titel mit Vignette von A. W. Böhm, S. 5-118 (so komplett) in Typendruck. 25,5 x 35 cm. Ppbd d. Z. (Ecken bestoßen). Leipzig, BreitkopSee Sold Price
Includes a first edition inscribed by John UpdikeHeading: Author: Updike, John Title: The Magic Flute: With Musical Themes by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adapted and Illustrated by Warren Chappell - First Edition, library binding variant and First UK ESee Sold Price
SoldIncludes a first edition inscribed by John UpdikeHeading: Author: Updike, John Title: The Magic Flute: With Musical Themes by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adapted and Illustrated by Warren Chappell - First Edition, library binding variant and First UK ESee Sold Price
Musik Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa pro defunctis.Missa pro defunctis. Requiem. Seelenmesse mit unterlegten deutschem Texte. Mit gestochenem Frontispiz. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, (1800). 178 S., 1 Bl. 26 x 34 cm. Halbleinwand (um 1900) (berieSee Sold Price
SoldWolfgang Amadeus Mozart Suite d'Airs connus variés pourMusik Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Suite d'Airs connus variés pour le Clavecin ou Piano-Forté par Mr. Mozart. No. 4. Unser dummer Pöbel meynt &. No. 533. Mit gest. Titel und gest. Notenbll. Offenbach amSee Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Concerto facile pour ViolonMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Concerto facile pour Violon par W.A. Mozart. Oeuvre 98. No.2 de ses concertos faciles pour Violon. Edition d'après le manuscrit original. No. 1515 Offenbach, J. André (1802)See Sold Price
SoldMusic.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) III Sonates pour leMusic.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) III Sonates pour le Clavecin ou Piano Forte, second edition, 33pp. engraved music (p.1 and 12 blank), a little soiled, last leaf with 2" defect and with missing notesSee Sold Price
Sold(MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus.) Die Zauberflöte [The(MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus.) Die Zauberflöte [The Magic Flute]."Den 28. Wonnemonds 1794." Manuscript copyist's score in an unidentified hand. Oblong 4to (9 x 12 inches; 225 x 310 mm). ManusSee Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: The Violin Concerti- The Violin Concerti. A Facsimile Edition of the Autographs. Edited and with an Introduction by Gabriel Banat. 29 S. und ca 240 Bl. Faksimile. 23,5 x 31,5 cm. OLwd. (etwas lichtrandig) mit goldgepr.See Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Concertino pour le Clave- Concertino pour le Clavecin ou Forte-Piano avec accompagnement de grand orchestre. Oeuvre 54me. 29 Bl. gestoch. Titel und gestoch. Noten. Quer-folio. Lose Bogen, ohne Einband. Offenbach, André, (17See Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Grand Quintetto pour Deu- Grand Quintetto Pour Deux Violons, deux Altos et Violoncelle. Oeuvre XI. Gestoch. Titel und 10 Bl. gestoch. Noten. Folio. Lose Bogen, ohne Einband. Berlin und Amsterdam, J. J. Hummel, (wohl 1793; PlSee Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Grand Quintetto (Nr 1152Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Grand Quintetto pour deux Violons, deux Altos & Violoncelle. Oeuvre XXII. 14 Bl. gestoch. Titel und gestoch. Noten. Folio. Lose Bogen, ohne Einband. Berlin und Amsterdam, J.See Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Aushang BenefizkonzertMozartdenkmal Salzburg. Aushang Benefizkonzert in Feldkirch 1838. 1 Blatt. 35 x 23 cm. Feldkirch 1838. Gedruckte Ankündigung eines Konzertes zur Spendensammlung für die Errichtung des SalzbuSee Sold Price
SoldMOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. Overture to Figaro, forMOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. Overture to Figaro, for Pianoforte. Vienna: Lithograph Institute, ca. 1797. Oblong 4to. Plate mark 12. [1] 2-7 pp. Marbled wrappers. K. 492. This is both the first separate eSee Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Idomeneo, rè di Creta. OMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Idomeneo, rè di Creta. Opera seria in 3 atti.Lipsia, Schmidt und Rau, s.d. [ma circa 1797]. In 2° oblungo. Al frontespizio inciso vignetta allegorica incisa da SeippSee Sold Price
SoldOpera.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) [Don Giovanni] DonOpera.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) [Don Giovanni] Don Juan oder der Steinerne Gast, 2 vol., first edition of the orchestral score, vol.1 with additional engraved vignette title by Bolt after KinningerSee Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Clavier Auszug von MozaMozart, W. A. Clavier Auszug von Mozarts Zauberflöte. Fürs Clavier eingerichtet von Friedrich Eunike. Gestoch. Titel mit großer gestoch. Vignette und gestoch. Noten S. 3-145. 24 x 33 cSee Sold Price
SoldMOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS 'DON GIOVANNI' LIMITED EDMusic with text in Italian and German. Illustrated by Herman Elbers. 1922 limited edition 23/50, total of 250 published. Top edge gilded. Full vellum. We are happy to offer in-house shipping for all bSee Sold Price
Sold[Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus ]. Serie di 7 silhoutte[Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus ]. Serie di 7 silhouttes in carta, Austria, fine XVIII secolo.Silhouettes che rappresentano Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart e la sua famiglia, con note autografe di difficileSee Sold Price
SoldBalthus.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) Così Fan TutteBalthus.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) Così Fan Tutte:Dramma Giocoso in Due Atti..., number 67 of 300 copies signed by the artist, text in Italian, colour woodcut plates by Balthus, original clotSee Sold Price
SoldBinding.- Music.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) DomBinding.- Music.- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) Dom Giovanni grand Opera...arrangé pour le Piano-Forte avec un Violon obligé par Charles Zuhlener, Parts 1 & 2 only (of 7), Hamburg, J.A.BöhmSee Sold Price
SoldMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Oeuvres Complettes, H. 7Mozart, W. A. Oeuvres Complettes. Heft 7, 8 und 17. 3 Hefte. Mit 3 gestoch. Titeln mit Vignetten sowie Noten in Typendruck. Quer-kl. folio. Spätere Broschuren mit hs. Deckelschild (dieses teils mit SSee Sold Price
Mozart Wolfgang AmadeusMozart Wolfgang Amadeus. N° III / A Grand Concerto / for the / Piano Forte / Composed by / W.A. Mozart / The accompaniments adapted for a German Flute two Violins, two Tenors / Bass and Double Bass /See Sold Price
Mozart Wolfgang AmadeusMozart Wolfgang Amadeus, Quartetto for Flute, Violin, Tenor and Violoncello. London: Printed for Monzani and Hill. [Inizio XIX secolo]. In-4° (mm 340x250). Parti staccate del Flauto, Violino, ViolSee Sold Price
Vintage Art Deco Writing Desk by Wolfgang HoffmanA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
1873 Composers 1st/1st Gallery German BACH Haydn BEETHOVEN Mozart Jager RimbaultSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1883 FAUST Goethe Tragic Play German Legend Devil Macabre Anna Swanwick EnglishSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1884 FAUST Songs & Scenes Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE Tragic Play German LegendSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1885 FAUST Goethe Tragic Play German Legend Devil Macabre Anna Swanwick EnglishSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
A CHINESE PAINTING OF VARIES FLOWERS SIGNED QIAN WEICHENGBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Boris Schatz (1867-1932) Sterling Silver 14 Jewish Themes in FrameHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Montblanc Meisterstuck Mozart Black Pen and BoxChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Luc LANEL (1893-1965) pour CHRISTOFLE. Ménagère en métal argenté modèle Atlas comprenant douzeValoir Pousse-Cornet4.3(4)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Collection of Mickey Mouse Club Closing Theme Scores.Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Georg Wolfgang Knorr (German, 1705-1761), Four Antique Hand Colored Botanical Engravings of Flowers,Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Georg Wolfgang Knorr (German, 1705-1761), Three Antique Hand Colored Botanical Engravings ofHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Maurice Utrillo Pochoir. 1959, from the portfolio Douze Contemporains.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
2016 Austria Proof Silver 20 Amadeus Mozart (The Genius)Golden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
2 Vintage Ceramic Souvenir Mugs Mozart PepperellRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Extremely Rare Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Signed Requiem ScoreDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Mostly Mozart Festival Poster, Robert Motherwell.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024