SoldDogon, Mali Standing Male FigureTree limb-shaped decorative standing male figure, Dogon, Mali, 34''h. Provenance: The Hemphill Collection of San FranciscoSee Sold Price
SoldMali figural sculptureDogon, Mali, standing male figure with breasts, 19th century (old break to base), 11''hSee Sold Price
Circa 19C Dogon Mali, Africa Carved Standing MaleCirca 19th Century Dogon, Mali, Africa Carved Standing Male Figure with Smoking Pipe. Ritually Used. Standing Figure with Large Bald Head, Flat Beard Extending Around Jaw Line, Protruding Mouth, WedgeSee Sold Price
SoldMali, Dogon, a standing male figure with large incMali, Dogon, a standing male figure with large incised fanned beard. Nice facial detail with long arms against his belly. A nice and old piece! Ht: 14.25".See Sold Price
SoldMali, Dogon. A standing male figure, arms at sidesMali, Dogon. A standing male figure, arms at sides, the face with the typical "arrow" nose, moustache and beard, scarifications here-and-there. Nice, glossy patina. On wood base. H: 22".See Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure - Mali, Dogonwood, partly encrusted patina, flat head with c-shaped ears, min. dam., minor missing parts, traces of insect caused damage, wooden base; presumably belonging to the type of "dege dal nda", the "sculpSee Sold Price
Sold9) African Mali carved Dogon standing male figure9) African Mali carved Dogon standing male figure deeply, incrusted patina; extremely heavy wood 34" Shipping Alert * this item is larger than what our shippers can handle, we can still offer to shipSee Sold Price
SoldSmall standing male figure - Mali, Dogonmetal alloy, holding an item (calabash?) in the right hand, min. dam., slight traces of corrosion; this figure bears resemblance to works from the Djenne region, especially in the broad triangular nosSee Sold Price
Sold5 West African objects. 20th century.A group of 5 West African objects. 20th century. ++ Dogon tellem style standing male figure. Mali,Dogon. 38 1/8”h x 4 1/2”w x 4 1/4”d.++ Bamana style female Chiwara headdress with metal embellisSee Sold Price
2 West African style figures.A group of West African style figures. 20th century. ++ Carved Dogon style standing male figure. Mali, Dogon. 34 1/2”h x 7”w x 6 1/4”d. ++ Standing female figure. 36 1/4”h x 6”w x 5 1/2”d.See Sold Price
Standing male ancestor figure - Mali, Dogon, Seno plainwood, greyish brown patina, remains of black paint, metal tag eyes, large narrow head with roughly carved facial features and C-shaped ears, upper part of the body and arms overlong, slightly dam., miSee Sold Price
SoldA standing male figure, Telem style. 20th c.A standing male figure, Telem style. Mali, Dogon, 20th century. 89"h. Provenance: Collection of Stephen R Primoff, Houston, TXSee Sold Price
SoldA standing Tellem style male figure. 20th c.A carved wooden standing male figure,Tellem style. Mali, Dogon, 20th century. 32"h. Provenance: Collection of Stephen R Primoff, Houston, TXSee Sold Price
SoldDogon standing male figure w/ staff. 20th c.A standing male figure with staff. Mali, Dogon, 20th century. 45 1/2"h. Provenance: Collection of Stephen R Primoff, Houston, TXSee Sold Price
Standing male figure with raised arms - Mali, Dogonwood, reddish brown and black patina, both arms stretched straight upwards with upward-facing palms, oddly the arms emerge from a place where normally the ears are situated and are not connected withSee Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure, 20th c.A wooden standing male figure with hands covering face. Mali, Dogon, 20th century. 62 1/2"h. Provenance: Collection of Stephen R Primoff, Houston, TXSee Sold Price
SoldMali Dogon style carved wood ancestor figureMali Dogon style carved wood ancestor figure, the carved trunk with with knee forked at top above the relief carved featureless standing male figure, the whole rising on a custom metal base, 7'1''hSee Sold Price
Sold5 West African style figures & stool. 20th centuryA group of 5 West African style figures & stool. 20th century. ++ Dogon style seated hermaphroditic figure. Mali, Dogon. 50 3/4”h x 9 1/2”w x 11 1/2”d.++ Tellem style standing male figure. Mali,See Sold Price
SoldAfrican carvings(lot of 3) African carvings consisting of a Dogon style, Mali hermaphrodite figure depicted with masculine facial features and feminine characteristics; Songye style, Congo standing male figure accentSee Sold Price
Dogon statue, Mali. African artDogon statue, Mali. Hardwood, dark patina, pigment, signs of erosion. Fine and slender standing male ancestor figure, straight legs, arms detached from the body, hands resting on the thighs, elongatedSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican carved figures(lot of 6) Dogon, Mali style fertility carvings; toether with an African decorative male standing figure, talles: 41'' Provenance: Unaccessioned items from the Honolulu Museum of ArtSee Sold Price
SoldDogon style, Mali carved wood standing figures(lot of 7) Dogon style, Mali carved wood standing figures; together with two indigenous carved male figures. Provenance: From the estate of Edward GerberSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Four Dogon Carved Wood FiguresGroup of four African Dogon, Mali carved wood figures, including: two standing males; female with scarification marks; together with seated couple, showing smaller figures carved in relief to verso; HSee Sold Price
5 West African style sculptures.Yoruba carved figural bowl. Nigeria. ++ Circular ring figure. ++ West African standing female figure. Ivory Coast. ++ Dogon style standing female figure. Mali. ++ Dogon tellem style male figure. Mali.See Sold Price
Dogon Granary Door With Carved Ancestral Figures Mali AfricaDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mbole African Carved Wood Standing Tribal Male Figure Mali w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A PAIR OF LATE 19TH CENTURY SITZENDORF FIGURAL CANDLESTICKS converted to table lamps, modelled asAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Pair of Italian 19th Century Baroque Carved Arm Throne Chairs, Figural CarvingsJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY CHINESE BLANC DE CHINE PORCELAIN FIGURE modelled as a standing bearded male. 21 cm hiHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE EASTERN BRONZE FIGURE OF A STANDING MALE upon a wooden plinth. 18 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ITALIAN GILT BRONZE SCULPTURE BY GIORGIO DE CHIRICOAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024