Soldmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: Hans Liska, Liska-pormixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: Hans Liska, Liska-portfolio grey "Das Automobil und die Mode", in English ("Automobile and Fashion"), a bit moldy, good condition, No. 2: book by Max Geisenheyner "Zu denSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA mixed lot of 4 sketch booksMERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA mixed lot of 4 sketch books Mercedes-Benz/Hans Liska, with blue/silver/red/golden cover, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition, rare German Description MERCEDES-BENSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ / HANS LISKA mixed lot of 4 sketch booksMERCEDES-BENZ / HANS LISKA mixed lot of 4 sketch books Mercedes-Benz by Hans Liska, with traces of usage German Description MERCEDES-BENZ / HANS LISKA Konv. 4 Skizzenbücher Mercedes-Benz von Hans LisSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ mixed lot 4 pieces, No. 1: sales catalog MERCEDES-BENZ mixed lot 4 pieces, No. 1: sales catalog type 300 S from 1953, No. 2: sales catalog type 300 SL c. 1958, No. 3: Hans Liska sketch book, grey issue 1951, No. 4: anniversary report "75 JahSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ , mixed lot of 4 pieces No. 1: salesMERCEDES-BENZ , mixed lot of 4 pieces No. 1: sales catalog type 300 S by 1953, No. 2: sales catalog type 300 SL, c. 1958, No. 3: Hans Liska sketch book, grey edition 1951, No. 4: anniversary report "7See Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES BENZ, mixed lot 50-parts, among them sigEnglish Description: MERCEDES BENZ, mixed lot 50-parts, among them signature Juan Manuel Fangio, several key pendant Mercedes-Benz vehicles (R129/W126/W201 and others), 1 book Hans Liska, published bSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA, mixed lot of 4 Liska folders,MERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA, mixed lot of 4 Liska folders, paints beige, grey, brown and green, all bound with a cord, good condition German Description MERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA Konv. 4 Liska Mappen, FarSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA, mixed lot of sketch books, 1xMERCEDES-BENZ/HANS LISKA, mixed lot of sketch books, 1x signed Hans Liska, blue edition 1953, on the first page signed, red edition 1955, grey edition 1951, and war sketch book from 1944, rare GermanSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 12 books, among them sketch book Hansmixed lot of 12 books, among them sketch book Hans Liska from 1955, "Automobili Fiat" by Anselmi, volume 1 and volume 2 in Sch "uber, " Mercedes-Benz lorries of Cole, book "Jaguar MK. II" by Schrader,See Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ / Hans LISKA, mixed lot of 2 pieceEnglish Description: MERCEDES-BENZ / Hans LISKA, mixed lot of 2 pieces, No. 1 Germany, 1951, Liska portfolio, beige, in original slipcase; No. 2 Germany, 1955, Liska portfolio "Den Herzem hinter demSee Sold Price
SoldMixed lot with 4 pieces, No. 1: large-format colorMixed lot with 4 pieces, No. 1: large-format color photo with Herbert Linge, Hans Hermann and Paul Ernst Strähle, autographed by all three, framed, No. 2: 2x book "BMW Profile-der legendäre BMW 507"See Sold Price
SoldGerman book HANS LISKAI-30 "HANS LISKA" Color War illustrations of one of Germany's best combat artists. Many extremely realistic views of soldiers in combat scenes. Attention paid to detail. Sixty-three 11 3/4" x 8 1/4" pSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot 4 books, No. 1 Mercedes-Benz automobiles,English Description: mixed lot 4 books, No. 1 Mercedes-Benz automobiles, by Halwart Schrader, "Vom 28/95 PS zu SSKL", No. 2 book Mercedes Benz automobiles, "vom Nürburg zum 540 K", by Heribert HofneSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, mixed lot 4 books, No. 1 Porsche 924/928/English Description: PORSCHE, mixed lot 4 books, No. 1 Porsche 924/928/944/968, David Vivian, English, No. 2 "Autos die Geschichte machten, Porsche 911 Turbo", Dirk Michael Conradt, No. 3 "Porsche BoSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "Fabulous Fifties" bymixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "Fabulous Fifties" by Wallen, from 1993, in slipcase, No. 2: "Roar from the Sixties", by Wallen, from 1997, in slipcase, No. 3: "Board Track Guts Gold & Glory" by Wallen,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1 "Ferrari 250 GTmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1 "Ferrari 250 GT Sperimentale Nr.2643" bySterling Moss, in slipcase, No. 2: "Ferrari 250GT Berinetta" by Baghetti, with dust cover, No. 3: "Ferrari Le 4 Cilindri Sport" by MSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 books: No. 1: "Pininfarina Cataloguemixed lot of 4 books: No. 1: "Pininfarina Catalogue Raisonne 1930-1990", by Alfieri, volume 1 and volume 2, in three languages (English, French and Italian), with dust cover, in slipcase, No. 2: "GhiaSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "Gilles et Jacques, Lesmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "Gilles et Jacques, Les Villeneuve et moi" by Pierre Lecours, autographed by the author, from 1998, ISBN-No. 2760406350, No. 2: "La Maserati du Colonel" by Michel Bollée,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "The Griffith Years" bymixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "The Griffith Years" by Mike Mooney, autographed by Mike Mooney, ISBN-No. 0974130702, No. 2: "The Griffith Years" by Mike Mooney, autographed by Mike Mooney, No. 3: "SpritSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "Vom Nürburgring nachmixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: "Vom Nürburgring nach Indianapolis" by Mondadori from 1973, with dust cover, No. 2: "Jahrbuch des Rallye-Sports" number 1 from 1973, No. 3: "Jahrbuch des Rallye-Sports"See Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI Mixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: book "L’EpopééBUGATTI Mixed lot of 4 books, No. 1: book "L’Epopéé Bugatti par l’Ebe Bugatti" from 1966, No. 2: book "Bugatti" by Conway with dust cover from 1962, No. 3: book "Die Bugattis" (MusSee Sold Price
SoldMixed lot of books No. 1, book "Hans Struck", "DieMixed lot of books No. 1, book "Hans Struck", "Die Sekunden erobern die Welt", "Formula Junior", "Das sind unsere Rennfahrer", "Unter dem Mercedes Stern, die große Zeit der Silberpfeile", 1958, bookSee Sold Price
Soldlarge mixed lot of racing books, No. 1: book: Hanslarge mixed lot of racing books, No. 1: book: Hans Herrmann "Ich habe überlebt" by Sohre/Herrmann with dust cover, 1st edition 1971, No. 2: Jackie Stewart "Aufzeichnungen eines Weltmeisters" by StewaSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot 2 books, No. 1: book by Hans Köppen "Abenteuemixed lot 2 books, No. 1: book by Hans Köppen "Abenteuerliche Weltfahrt 1935", No. 2: "Sizilienfahrt mit dem ADAC im Auto zur Targa- und Coppa Florio" by August Christ German Description Konv. 2 BücSee Sold Price
Lot of Six Mixed Atlas Cabooses-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1787-1789 ADVENTURES of GIL BLASS 4 VOLUMES ILLUSTRATED antique in SPANISHJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Lot of Mixed Porcelain with PrattwareOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Akio Tanaka - Untitled (Composition in Blue and Green)Capsule Auctions4.6(167)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Mixed Lot Of 4 Military Information Activity Book Weapons Firearms Manual Guide Trainer ArmyRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mixed lot Of 357 - 12GA - 20 GA AmmoRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Vintage Softcover Strange Fantasy Lot Of EightRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot of 4 Vintage German Books Printed in GermanyRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Mixed Lot Of 4 Clear Glass Serving Water Liquid Pitcher Flower Vase Denizh Curvy Tall Pinch SpoutRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Indy Comic Books Dog Boy & Dynamo JoeRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Lot Of 4 Vintage Military BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
New Concise Dictionary Thesaurus Hardcover Book Set 1986Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Lot of 4 Classic Books - HardcoversRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Sterling and Silver Plated Mixed LotRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024