SoldRare Regency period mahogany secretaire side cabiRare Regency period mahogany secretaire side cabinet,with cavetto ends to the fore, circa 1810 Size: 150 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period mahogany and brass inlaid side cabiRegency period mahogany and brass inlaid side cabinet, the rectangular inverted breakfront top above a conforming frieze over two panelled doors, between sphinx headed pillars, raised on square legsSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period mahogany and brass inlaid side cabiRegency period mahogany and brass inlaid side cabinet,the inverted breakfront top, above a drawer and two panelled doors, between sphinx headed pillars, terminating on brass sabots 90 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldRare Irish Regency period mahogany library tableRare Irish Regency period mahogany library table,the tooled leather inset top, above a series of straight fronted drawers on one side and faux drawers on the opposing curved side, raised on a turned pSee Sold Price
SoldRare Diminutive Regency Mahogany Hanging ShelfRare Regency period carved mahogany diminutive hanging shelf of pagoda form, with three shelves and cutout sides. 13" high, 13 3/4" wide, 5 3/4" deep.See Sold Price
SoldA RARE REGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY AND BRASS INLAID IRISHA RARE REGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY AND BRASS INLAID IRISH BRACKET CLOCK, by Robert Shaw of Belfast, with double fusee movement, engraved and signed back plate, striking on nine bells with lock pendulum, cSee Sold Price
Rare Regency period mahogany pedestal sideboarRare Regency period mahogany pedestal sideboard,characterised by a curvilinear back, the curved backed straight fronted top, above a series of drawers and two panelled door pedestals, each raised on sSee Sold Price
SoldRare Regency period mahogany library chairRare Regency period mahogany library chair,the scroll panelled back above a loose cushioned seat, between cherub mask fronted acanthus leaf carved arms, raised on turned reeded baluster legs to the foSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period mahogany secretaire bookcasethe superstructure moulded crown above two Gothic arched glazed doors, enclosing shelves, between sphinx headed pillars. The projecting base above a frieze drawer, opening to a fitted writing interiorSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period mahogany side tableRegency period mahogany side table with frieze drawer 90 cm. wideSee Sold Price
Large Regency period mahogany side tableLarge Regency period mahogany side table,the demi-lune shaped top, above a frieze drawer, furnished with brass scroll handles, raised on turned legs 180 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period mahogany side tableRegency period mahogany side table, the rectangular top with rounded corners to the fore, above two frieze drawers, raised on turned legs 100 cms. wideSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SIDE TABLEREGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE the rectangular shaped top with a serpentine shaped front, above a frieze drawer, furnished with turned knobs Dimensions: 76 cm. high; 98 cm. wide; 50 cm. deepSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR CORK REGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRScirca 1810, each with a scroll paterae carved back and drop in seat 85 cm. high; 48 cm. wide; 40 cm. deepSee Sold Price
SoldIMPORTANT REGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE BOOKCASEthe rectangular top below a series of two mirror backed shelves surmounted by a three-quarter pierced brass gallery rail, above a superbly fitted frieze drawer, with tooled leather writing surface andSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE SPHINX DECORATEDthe superstructure with a moulded crown, above two Gothic arched glazed doors enclosing shelves, the projecting base with a fitted frieze drawer, opening to a writing interior, raised over two panelleSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SIDE TABLEthe rectangular bow front string inlaid top, above two frieze drawers, furnished with oval brass handles, raised on turned and reeded legs, circa 1810 75 cm. high; 85 cm. wide; 40 cm. deepSee Sold Price
Regency period mahogany secretaire bookcaseRegency period mahogany secretaire bookcase the superstructure with a moulded crown, above two Roman arched and square glazed doors, the projecting base with fitted writing drawer, over two panelled dSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE REGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SIDE TABLEin the manner of Thomas Hope, the expansive carved breakfront top, above a panelled frieze, raised on lion mask head scroll legs, terminating on paw feet Dimensions: 94 cm. high; 217 cm. wide; 82 cm.dSee Sold Price
Regency period mahogany secretaire sphinx decoratedthe superstructure with a moulded crown, above two Gothic arched glazed doors enclosing shelves, the projecting base with a fitted frieze drawer opening to a writing interior, raised over two panelledSee Sold Price
Cork regency period mahogany side table, circa 1820Cork regency period mahogany side table, circa 1820 the rectangular top above two frieze drawers raised on turned legs, terminating on claw feet Worldwide shipping available on all items. Direct inquiSee Sold Price
Regency period mahogany secretaire bookcaseRegency period mahogany secretaire bookcase Size: 104 cm. wide; 227 cm. highSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE ESTATE CABINETREGENCY PERIOD MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE ESTATE CABINET the superstructure with two panelled doors, above a projecting base, with brushing slide over four long drawers, furnished with armorial brass handlesSee Sold Price
Early Preening Pintail Hen Decoy by Ed Snyder (1928-2011)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A REGENCY MAHOGANY DOUBLE-SIDED WATERFALL BOOKCASE, each side with four long shelves graduating inAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Early 19th C. English Regency Style Mahogany Correspondence DeskNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin Mahogany Triangular Side Tables, 1955Liberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Regency period mahogany armchair with a moulded and floral carved frame, having a shaped backrestClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Regency period pier mirror with a moulded cornice above applied bauble decoration and threeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Italian Wall, Console, Mantle or Pier Mirror, 1930s, Gilt Gold, CarvedJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Eliel Saarinen Inspired Streamline Moderne Bedside Side TableBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A LATE REGENCY MAHOGANY SARCOPHAGUS CELLARETTEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024