SoldSigned Letter from Walter F. O'MalleyLetter signed by Walter F. O'Malley, President on Brooklyn National League Baseball Club letterhead, Dodgers, dated August 12, 1952See Sold Price
Sold1957 Walter O'Malley Signed Letter re: Possible1957 Walter O'Malley Signed Letter re: Possible Brooklyn Exodus. The Hall of Fame executiSee Sold Price
WALTER O'MALLEY, BUD SELIG SIGNED SIGNATURES937. [BASEBALL EXECUTIVES] Two prominent former baseball team owners. Signature on card laid to bottom of b/w quarter-length portrait of Dodgers President WALTER F. O'MALLEY (1903-1979), the NationalSee Sold Price
SoldBaseball Executive LettersGroup of four letters by baseball executives, including: Albert B. 'Happy' Chandler (TLS, sending an autograph), Ford Frick (TLS to Walter F. O'Malley, commenting on fees and costs), Kenesaw MountainSee Sold Price
Sold1935 John Heisman Signed Letter Regarding the Fo1935 John Heisman Signed Letter Regarding the Founding of the Heisman Trophy, PSA Mint 9. See Sold Price
SoldWallpaper Cover and Military LetterConfederate Autograph Letter Signed, "F.O. Darby 1st Lieut. C.S.R.C." 1p. quarto, Franklin, July 25, 1864, with excellent wallpaper cover addressed to Capt. W. Devlin C.S.R.C. in Pattersonville, and rSee Sold Price
SoldAntoine Lavoisier Letter Signed "Lavoisier." FoAntoine Lavoisier Letter Signed "Lavoisier." Four pages of a bifolium, 8" x 12.5", written in the year 1791. Written in two columns, with the original letter written in the right column, and LavoisierSee Sold Price
SoldVarious Autograph Letters Including NBAIncluding NBA letter signed Lawrence F. O'Brian; Bob Cunningham autographed photo; Eddy Arnold; James B. Irwin autographed astronaut letter, Ingrid Luce, secretary for Alistair Cooke, and others.See Sold Price
Walter O'Malley Single Signed Baseball Extremely Rare PSA DNA Dodgers Owner HOFWalter O'Malley Single Signed Baseball Extremely Rare PSA DNA Dodgers Owner HOF Product: Ball Sport: Baseball-MLB Autograph Authentication: Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) Original/Reprint: OrSee Sold Price
Walter O'Malley Single Signed Baseball Extremely Rare PSA DNA Dodgers Owner HOFWalter O'Malley Single Signed Baseball Extremely Rare PSA DNA Dodgers Owner HOF Product: Ball Sport: Baseball-MLB Autograph Authentication: Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) Original/Reprint: OrSee Sold Price
Walter OMalley Single Signed Baseball Extremely Rare PSA DNA Dodgers Owner HOFWalter OMalley Single Signed Baseball Extremely Rare PSA DNA Dodgers Owner HOF Product: Ball Sport: Baseball-MLB Autograph Authentication: Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) Original/Reprint: OriSee Sold Price
SoldBaseball Executives Group Lot: O'Malley, Veeck, Yawkey,Four items signed by notable baseball executives Walter O'Malley, Warren Giles, Bill Veeck, and Tom Yawkey, including: a TLS from O'Malley, signed "Walter," Los Angeles Dodgers letterhead, August 13,See Sold Price
A signed letter and envelope from Brian Jones (foA signed letter and envelope from Brian Jones (founder member of The Rolling Stones) written to a fan thanking her for her interest in the group and hoping that she likes the new LP and asks for her fSee Sold Price
SoldCODY, WILLIAM F. "BUFFALO BILL." Autograph LetCODY, WILLIAM F. "BUFFALO BILL." Autograph Letter Signed, "W. F. Cody," to O'Dwyer, about giving his son a job and thanking him for sending a charm. 1 page, single 4to sheet, Buffalo Bill's Wild WestSee Sold Price
SoldTirpitz raider F/O B Taylor typed signed letterTirpitz raider F/O B Taylor typed signed letter regarding the raid and his career to WW2 book author Alan Cooper. Good Condition. All signed pieces come with a Certificate of Authenticity. We combineSee Sold Price
SoldHOOVER, HERBERT. Typed Letter Signed, as PresiHOOVER, HERBERT. Typed Letter Signed, as President, to Senator Walter F. George, acknowledging receipt of a letter concerning C. E. Baker's application for an appointment to the Timber Conservation BoSee Sold Price
SoldF/O W Beenson 630 sqn shot down in Lancaster NDJ799F/O W Beenson 630 sqn shot down in Lancaster NDJ799 1944 Stuttgart typed signed letter to WW2 author Alan Cooper regarding being POW with copy of his book The Log. Good Condition. All signed pieces coSee Sold Price
SoldAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signedAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signed letter 1987 on his own stationary to collector Alick ( F/O Alick Grant 2392 ATC Sqn) regarding details of his 25th victory on 31/8/1940 20km SE ofSee Sold Price
SoldAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signedAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signed letter 1975 on his own stationary to collector Mr Grant ( F/O Alick Grant 2392 ATC Sqn) regarding not being able to meet Bader and Stanford Tuck aSee Sold Price
Astronaut trio signed letterLetter signed by astronauts Walter Schirra Jr, Donn F Eisele and Walter Cunningham. Thanking correspondent for their congratulations on the success of the Apollo VII missionSee Sold Price
SoldAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signedAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signed letter 1975 on his own stationary to collector Mr Grant ( F/O Alick Grant 2392 ATC Sqn) regarding an invitation to a dinner celebrating the 35th ASee Sold Price
Adolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signedAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signed letter 1989 on his own stationary to collector Alick ( F/O Alick Grant 2392 ATC Sqn) regarding not being able to travel due to heart condition witSee Sold Price
Adolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signedAdolf Galland WW2 Luftwaffe fighter aces typed signed letter 1989 on his own stationary to collector Alick ( F/O Alick Grant 2392 ATC Sqn) regarding not being able to travel due to heart condition witSee Sold Price
1952 JOHN F. KENNEDY LETTER to MS. HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1955 SEN J.F.K. SIGNED LETTER to HELEN KEYES etcJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1957 J.F.K. SIGNED LETTER to HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1963 J.F.K. POST ASSASSINATION ARRANGEMENTS etcJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
R.F.K. SIGNED LETTERS RELATING to KENNEDY LIBRARYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
R.F.K. SIGNED LETTER to MS. FRANCES KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
R.F.K. SIGNED LETTER PERTAINING to J.F.K. LIBRARYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(2) 1967 SIGNED LETTERS from HENRY KISSINGERJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1969 RESIGNATION of ROBERT M. MORGENTHAUJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HOOVER, J. Edgar (1895-1972). Group of Five Typed Letters S...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mary O'Malley (American, 20th Century), To God be the Glory Resting After the HuntLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
CROSBY BING: (1903-1977)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Signed Letter to Moe Howard (The Three Stooges) – August 1964Dalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
1988 Northwestern Basketball Recruitment Letter Shaquille O'Neal SignedMynt Auctions4.6(689)$504 days Left
Authentic Woodrow Wilson Signed Letter 7x8.8 March 6 1914 White HouseMynt Auctions4.6(689)$504 days Left