A Moche Bi-Chrome Ai Apec Crab VesselPre-Columbian, from north coastal Peru, Ca 300 to 500 AD. Large and very expressive storage jar decorated with the most fabulous portrait of Ai Apec I believe we have ever seen! Ai Apec is the Moche gSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bi-Chrome Stirrup Vessel - Crab ClawPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Classical Period, ca. 400 CE. A fascinating bichrome stirrup vessel depicting the claw of a giant crab, perhaps intended to represent Ai Apec, the Moche god ofSee Sold Price
A Moche Ai Apec Jaguar Warrior Stirrup VesselMochica 3, from the North Coast ofPeru, ca. 300-400 AD. Bi-chrome pottery stirrup vessel features Ai Apec as a Jaguar Warrior fighting a crab monster. Beautifully rendered in high relief. 8-1/2"H x 5-See Sold Price
Moche Bi-chrome Ai Apec Vessel w/ SnakesPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, 300 to 400 CE. A mold-made bi-chrome cream-on-red vessel depicting Ai Apec, the chief deity of the Moche people. Notice that the god is presented with his charaSee Sold Price
SoldFine Moche Bichrome Ai Apec Vessel, TL TestedPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A lovely mold-formed pottery vessel in the form of the Moche god Ai Apec, painted in hues of light orange, deep red, creamy yellow, and blackSee Sold Price
Moche Bichrome Ai Apec Vessel w/ SnakesPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 300 to 400 CE. A mold-made bichrome cream-on-red vessel depicting Ai Apec, the chief deity of the Moche people. The god stares outward at the viewer with hiSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Ai Apec Rattle Vessel w/ TL, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, Phase IV to V, ca. 500 to 850 CE. Both a bit terrifying and comical, a fine example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche sSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel, Ai Apec / Demon ReliefPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche II, ca. 100 BCE to 100 CE. A remarkable bi-chrome pottery stirrup vessel with twin panels, one on each side, depicting Ai Apec engaged in an action-packed battleSee Sold Price
Moche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel, Ai Apec / Demon ReliefPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche II, ca. 100 BCE to 100 CE. A remarkable bi-chrome pottery stirrup vessel with twin panels, one on each side, depicting Ai Apec engaged in an action-packed battleSee Sold Price
Moche Bi-Chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec, Figural HandlePre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A fascinating vessel of unusual form, hand-sculpted from ceramic with a bold, red on cream color scheme. The vessel features a curved baSee Sold Price
Moche Bi-Chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec, Figural HandlePre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A fascinating vessel of unusual form, hand-sculpted from ceramic with a bold, red on cream color scheme. The vessel features a curved baSee Sold Price
Moche Bi-Chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec, Figural Handle**Originally Listed At $850** Pre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A fascinating vessel of unusual form, hand-sculpted from ceramic with a bold, red on cream color scheme. TSee Sold Price
Moche Bi-Chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec, Figural HandlePre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A fascinating vessel of unusual form, hand-sculpted from ceramic with a bold, red on cream color scheme. The vessel features a curved baSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Figural Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec & PeppersPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A fascinating, intact example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche stirrup vessel, in the form of an anSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Figural Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec & PeppersPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A fascinating, intact example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche stirrup vessel, in the form of an anSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Ai Apec Effigy Bichrome Terracotta VesselPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 100 BCE to 100 CE. An impressively rendered ceramic vessel depicting Ai Apaec, the supreme deity of the Moche peoples, standing before or perhaps emerging fSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bi-Chrome Janus-Headed Stirrup Jar w/ Ai ApecPre-Columbian, Central/North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 400 to 650 CE. A fabulous mold-formed pottery jar with a slightly rounded but stable foot, a broad body with protruding lateral bulges, aSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Stirrup Vessel w/ Ai Apec as Sea MonsterPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche, ca. 400 to 600 CE. A bichrome Moche stirrup vessel, boasting boldly dramatic iconography painted in red on a beige ground. Here we see two renderings of the god AiSee Sold Price
Moche Pottery Stirrup Rattle Vessel w/ Ai ApecPre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche, Phase V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A fierce example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche stirrup vessel. This bichrome vessel is mold-maSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Cream-on-Red Ai Apec Vessel w/ SnakesPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, 300 to 400 CE. A mold-made bi-chrome cream-on-red vessel depicting Ai Apec, the chief deity of the Moche people. Notice that the god is presented with his charaSee Sold Price
Moche Cream on Red Vessel - Ai Apec w/ SnakesPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 300 to 400 CE. A mold-made bichrome cream-on-red vessel depicting Ai Apec, the chief deity of the Moche people. The god stares outward at the viewer with hiSee Sold Price
Moche IV Pottery Fineline Jar - Ai Apec, Sea MonsterPre-Columbian, Moche, Phase IV, North Coast Peru, ca. 400 CE to 600 CE. Manifesting expert technique and artistry characteristic of the Moche, a bichrome stirrup vessel decorated with a hand-painted dSee Sold Price
Moche Cream-on-Red Portrait Vessel Ai Apec w/ SnakesPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 300 to 400 CE. A mold-made bichrome cream-on-red vessel depicting Ai Apec, the chief deity of the Moche people. The god stares outward at the viewer with hiSee Sold Price
Moche Stirrup, Ai Apec as Fish Monster, ex-Lupita TovarPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche, ca. 400 to 600 CE. A bichrome Moche stirrup vessel, boasting boldly dramatic iconography painted in red on a beige ground. Here we see two renderings of the god AiSee Sold Price
Deskey Attr. Art Deco Mahogany & Chrome ConsoleAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Pre-Columbian Bahia Culture Figural Ceremonial Terracotta Ocarina Vessel Flute Ecuador 500BCE-500CEHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Moche III Condor Bird Terra Cotta Pre-Columbian VesselHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre-Columbian Moche Ai apaec Snakes Terra Cotta VesselHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Very Large Cypriot Bichrome Ware Pottery AmphoraTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Cypriot Snake-Type Bichrome Terracotta VesselTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Pre-Columbian Moche Single Spout Two Conjoined Pepinos VesselRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre Columbian vessel for oils, Moche style, depicts man sitting on another's head. ExcellentNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre Columbian moche spout vessel of an otter or beaver. Excellent condition. Measures 4" x 8" x 6".Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre Columbian Moche Pottery seated God figure vessel. Excellent condition. Measures 4" x 6" x 9".Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Man's Ceremonial Poncho, Caquiaviri, Dept. of La Paz, 18th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Nayarit Bi-chrome Pottery Dish w/ Geometric PatternArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024