SoldGreek Cypriot Bichrome "Target" JugGreece, Cyprus, Archaic Period, ca. 7th century BCE. A pottery jug with twin high, curving handles, a very narrow neck, and a flared, wide rim. The jar is painted in deep brown and black pigments, witSee Sold Price
A Cypriot Bichrome Target JugCyprus, Ca 1000 BC. Lovely, example of Greek Cypriot pottery before the classical Greek pottery had emerged onto the scene. Bulbous base on which a series of red and black concentric circles were applSee Sold Price
Greek Cypriot Bi-chrome Target JugAncient Greece, Cypro-Geometric, ca. 900 to 750 BCE. An exemplar of Greek Cypriot pottery that preceded the emergence of Classical Greek pottery, with a near-spherical body, tubular neck, and trefoilSee Sold Price
SoldA choice Cypriot bichrome jug, Cypro-Archaic IA choice Cypriot bichrome jug, Cypro-Archaic I, c. 750 - 600 BC, with ovoid body and ring foot, the short, narrow neck is surmounted by a trefoil spout with a single handle attached to rim and shouldeSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Cypriot Bi-Chrome Earthenware JugGreece, Cyprus, Archaic Period, ca. 7th century BCE. A handled jug with a curved base, a narrow neck, and a trefoil lip. The handle flows seamlessly from the rim down to the upper shoulder, and is paiSee Sold Price
SoldCypriot Pottery Target Jug**Originally Listed At $250** Ancient Greece, Cyprus, Iron Age, Cypro-Archaic Phase, ca. early 1st millennium BCE. A hand-built pottery jug with a rounded base, a wide ovoid body, a tapered cylindricaSee Sold Price
SoldA large and attractive Cypriot Archaic bichrome jugA large and attractive Cypriot Archaic bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the round body with ring foot, the tubular neck heavily constricted with wide mouth with squared rim, circular handle on side. TheSee Sold Price
Large Greek Cypriot Red/Black Target Jug - TL testedCyprus, Iron Age, ca. 700 BCE. An exemplar of Greek Cypriot pottery that preceded the emergence of Classical Greek pottery, with a near-spherical body, conical neck, and trefoil spout, and long bifurcSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Cypriot Pottery "Target" JugGreece, Cyprus, ca. 7th century BCE. Pottery jug in pink clay, bulbous base, single rounded handle, thin neck and flared rim. Jar painted in red and black pigments in a series of concentric circles loSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Cypriot Pottery Target Jug / OinochoeAncient Greece, Cyprus, Iron Age, Cypro-Archaic Phase, ca. early 1st millennium BCE. An impressive pottery vessel with an attractive form: a near-spherical body, cylindrical neck, trefoil lip, and strSee Sold Price
Cypriot Pottery Target Jug**First Time At Auction** Ancient Greece, Cyprus, Iron Age, Cypro-Archaic Phase, ca. early 1st millennium BCE. A hand-built pottery jug with a rounded base, a wide ovoid body, a tapered cylindrical neSee Sold Price
Lovely Miniature Greek Cypriot Pottery Target JugAncient Greece, Cyprus, Iron Age, Cypro-Archaic Phase, ca. 1st millennium BCE. A sweet and petite redware "target" jug with a near spherical base, slender arched handle and bifurcated neck with a wideSee Sold Price
A nice Cypriot bichrome ceramic jugA nice Cypriot bichrome ceramic jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the rounded body with ring foot, short neck with pouring spout and strap handle. The vessel is adorned with horizontal banding and concentric circSee Sold Price
An attractive Cypriot Archaic bichrome jugA Cypriot Archaic bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the round body with ring foot, the tubular neck heavily constricted with wide mouth with squared rim, circular handle on side. The sides of the vesselSee Sold Price
A Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jugA Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the round body with ring foot, the tubular neck heavily constricted with wide mouth with squared rim, circular handle on side. The sides of the vesselSee Sold Price
A Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jugA Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the round body with ring foot, the tubular neck heavily constricted with wide mouth with squared rim, circular handle on side. The sides of the vesselSee Sold Price
A Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jugA Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the round body with ring foot, the tubular neck heavily constricted with wide mouth with squared rim, circular handle on side. The sides of the vesselSee Sold Price
A Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BCA Cypriot Archaic Bichrome jug, c. 750 - 600 BC, the round body with ring foot, the tubular neck heavily constricted with wide mouth with squared rim, circular handle on side. The sides of the vesselSee Sold Price
SoldA Cypriot Bichrome-Ware Jug  Height 9 inches (23 cm).A Cypriot Bichrome-Ware Jug  Circa 8th-6th Century B.C. Height 9 inches (23 cm). Property from the Collection of Georgette D'Angelo, Glencoe, Illinois Provenance: Acquired in the late 1960s or eaSee Sold Price
SoldCypriot Bronze Age Bichrome JugThis lot from the Cyprus Museum of Jacksonville, NC is accompanied by two documents demonstrating that the collection was acquired legally with the full knowledge of the Cypriot Government. The firsSee Sold Price
SoldA Cypriot Bichrome Ware Pottery JugA Cypriot Bichrome Ware Pottery Jug Cypro-Archaic, Circa 750-600 B.C. Height 6 inches. Property from the George R. Francoeur Trust, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, sold to benefit the George R. FrancoeurSee Sold Price
SoldCypriot Painted Bi-chrome Terracotta Jug**Originally Listed At $150** Ancient Greece, Cyprus, early Iron Age, ca. 900 to 600 BCE. A near-miniature bichrome red-on-white pottery jug vessel, its ovoid body hand-painted with a lively cross-hatSee Sold Price
Cypriot Pottery Bichrome Pottery Target OinochoeAncient Greece, Cyprus, Iron Age, Cypro-Archaic Phase, ca. 1st millennium BCE. An impressive pottery vessel, striking for both its attractive form with a near-spherical body, cylindrical neck, trefoilSee Sold Price
Cypriot Painted Bi-chrome Terracotta Jug**Originally Listed at $150** Ancient Greece, Cyprus, early Iron Age, ca. 900 to 600 BCE. A near-miniature bichrome red-on-white pottery jug vessel, its ovoid body hand-painted with a lively cross-hatSee Sold Price
M. Crocker Folk Art Stoneware JugSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
ARCADE SHOOTING GALLERY TARGET with BELLJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAINTED RUNDLET & a DIMINUTIVE GLAZED REDWARE JUGJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Very Large Cypriot Bichrome Ware Pottery AmphoraTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Cypriot 'Eyed' Trefoil-Mouthed Pottery Jug with Geometric MotifTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Cypriot Snake-Type Bichrome Terracotta VesselTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Cypriot White Painted Ware Zoomorphic Jug with SwastikasTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Cypriot 'Eyed' Trefoil Mouthed Pottery Jug with SwastikasTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Early M.G, Mansfield Wines and Liquors Stoneware Jug, Louisville KY 9.5"T x 5.5"DiaSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024