SoldDinky Toys - A Mixed Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys - mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include, Austin Devon - blue, AC Aceca - cream and brown, Austin Somerset - red, Hudson Sedan - blue and grey, Porsche 356A - cream, plus others - conditioSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Mixed Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include Morris Oxford - green, Hillman Minx - light green, Land Rover with Trailer - green, Porsche 356A - cream with spun hubs, 6 x various Dublo Dinky CoSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Mixed Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include 2 x No.189 Triumph Herald - green and white, No.195 Jaguar 3.4ltr - grey, No.237 Mercedes Benz Streamlined Grand Prix Car - white, No.109 Austin HeSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include No.30B Rolls Royce - grey with black chassis, No.30D Vauxhall - brown with black chassis, No.36E Samson 2-seater - brown with black chassis, Alfa RSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Unboxed Dinky Toy CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include No.230 Talbot Lago Grand Prix Car - blue with racing number 4, No.150 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith - two tone grey, No.191 Dodge Royal Sedan - light gSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed Repainted CarsDinky Toys - mixed group of unboxed repainted Cars. To include, Ford Sedan, Chrysler, Talbot Lago Grand Prix Car, plus others. Also Matchbox Accessory Pack Shop - Home Stores - conditions are generallSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include Talbot Lago Grand Prix Car, Austin Atlantic - pink, MG Midget, Ferrari P5, Range Rover, Lotus Europa plus others - conditions are generally Poor toSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Unboxed Cars & CommercialsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars and Commercials. To include Alfa Romeo Grand Prix Car, Rover 75, Leyland Comet Dropside Truck, Elevator Loader, Goodsyard Crane plus many others also Triang MiSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include No.30b Rolls Royce - fawn and black and another dark blue and black, Taxi - green and black, Jeep - dark green with maroon wheels plus others, alsoSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - Unboxed Cars & Dublo CommercialsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars and Dublo Commercials. To include Triumph 2000 with Trailer and Glider x 2, Ford Zodiac Police Car, Ford Capri Rally Car, Dublo Austin Open Wagon, Dublo MorrisSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Unboxed Cars & CommercialsDinky Toys - a mixed group of unboxed Cars and Commercials. To include Thunderbolt, Landspeed Record Car - silver and light green, Trojan Van "Brooke Bond Tea", Singer Gazelle - cream and brown, TalboSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. Consisting of 2 x No.173 Nash Rambler - pink body with blue side flashes, No.132 Packard Convertible - pale tan body with red interior and driver figure No.23See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Unboxed Dinky ToysDinky Toys - a mixed group of unboxed Cars and Commercials. To include, Jaguar SS100 - red, Land Rover - orange, Bedford Van "Ovaltine", 10-ton Army Truck, Austin Truck - blue, plus others - conditionSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include No.36C Humber - brown with black chassis, No.40A Riley - grey, No.40G Morris Oxford - green with light green wheels, Morris Oxford - fawn with greySee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed Cars to include, No.168 Singer Gazelle - grey and green, Ford Cortina Rally Car, Hudson Hornet - red and cream, Hillman Imps x 2 plus others, Hornby tinplate platfoSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys Unboxed Cars and CommercialsDinky Toys a large mixed group of unboxed Cars and Commercials. All of which have been repainted - some to a reasonably good standard. To include Austin Devon, Triumph Herald, Austin Healey, Trojan VaSee Sold Price
Sold11 x Dinky Toys Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a small mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include Jaguar XK120 - red, Austin Somerset - yellow upper body and red lower, Bristol 450 Streamlined Racing Car, Alfa Romeo Grand Prix Car, MaseratSee Sold Price
Sold10 x Dinky Toys Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a small mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include Riley - light green, Vauxhall Cresta - grey upper body and green lower, Austin Atlantic - light blue with blue interior, Rolls Royce PhantomSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Unboxed CarsDinky Toys a small mixed group of unboxed Cars. To include English Dinky Alfa Romeo Coupe - yellow, English Dinky VW Karmann Ghia - red with black roof, French Dinky Citroen 2CV - two tone grey, FrencSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - Large Mixed Group of Cars & CommercialsDinky Toys - a large mixed group of unboxed Cars and Commercials. To include MG Midget, Triumph TR2, Cooper Bristol Grand Prix Car, Aveling Barford Road Roller, Blaw Knox Bulldozer, Thunderbirds - LadSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of Unboxed British CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed British Cars. To include Rolls Royce Phantom V - metallic light green and cream, Morris 1100 - light blue, Austin Devon - sage green, Ford Anglia - pale blue, LandSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed British CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed British Cars. To include Jaguar XK120 - turquoise and cerise, Rover 75 - two tone green, Triumph Herald - white and blue, "Stripey's" Mini Minor - white with blue,See Sold Price
SoldDinky Toys - A Group of Unboxed American CarsDinky Toys a mixed group of unboxed American Cars. To include No.170 Ford Sedan - red and white, 178 Plymouth Plaza - cream and green, No.179 Studebaker President - yellow with blue side flashes and cSee Sold Price
SoldQuantity of Unboxed Cars & CommercialsCorgi Whizzwheels, Matchbox Superfast, Solido, Dinky Toys - a large mixed group of unboxed Cars and Commercials to include Corgi Whizzwheels Surtees TS9 Formula 1 Car, Lotus John Player Special, MatchSee Sold Price
Seventeen Vintage Toy Cars and Trucks, Dinky, Tootsie Toy, Auburn, Sun Rubber, Manoil etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Corgi, Car Transporter & Dinky Toys 289 Routemaster BusAntico Mondo Auktionen4.6(361)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vintage DINKY TOYS Small Group of Incomplete Parts, Original PaintGaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Three Dinky Toys 122 Volvo 265 DL Estate CarsC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024
Three Dinky Toys 123 Princess 2200HL Saloon carsC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024
Five Dinky Toys Boxed Police VehiclesC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024