Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo. Coelestium corporum, etGallucci, Giovanni Paolo. Coelestium corporum, et rerum ab ipsis pendentium accurata explicatio per instrumenta, rotulas, & figuras. Venezia, Giacomo Antonio Somasco, 1605. In 4°. FrontesSee Sold Price
SoldGallucci, Giovanni PaoloCoelestium corporum, et rerum ab ipsis pendentium accurata explicatio per instrumenta, rotulas, & figuras Venezia, Giacomo Antonio Somasco, 1605. In 4°. Frontespizio stampato in rosso e nero, con marSee Sold Price
SoldGallucci, Giovanni Paolo Della fabrica et uso di dGallucci, Giovanni Paolo Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti di astronomia et cosmografia. Venezia, R. Meietti, 1598. In 4°. Elegante frontispizio architettonico decorato con strumeSee Sold Price
SoldGALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo (1538-1621) - Della fabrica etGALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo (1538-1621) - Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti di astronomia et cosmografia. Venice: Roberto Meietti, 1598. Second edition, very similarly printed to the first publisSee Sold Price
SoldGallucci (Giovanni Paolo) - Della Fabrica, & Uso delfirst edition , woodcut device on title, 26 woodcut illustrations, ?lacking final two leaves with volvelles (duplicated in text, possibly not issued with this edition), title soiled, a little foxing,See Sold Price
SoldGallucci.Della Fabrica..Horologi Solari,1590Gallucci (Giovanni Paolo) Della Fabrica & Uso di un Novo Stromento Fatto in Quattro Maniere per Fare gli Horologi Solari ad Ogni Latitudine...,2 leaves trimmed close with slight loss at fore-eSee Sold Price
GIOVANNI PAOLO GALLUCCI THEATRO DEL MUNDO Y DE ELGIOVANNI PAOLO GALLUCCI Spanish edition of Gallucci's celestial atlas, in which he plotted the the stars according to Copernicus's coordinates. Includes 51 of 64 volvelles. Vellum binding. Bookworm maSee Sold Price
1594 ALBRECHT DURER FULLY ILLUSTRATED antique RARE Di Alberto Durero pittoreDURER, ALBRECHT. 1471-1528. Translator (from latin to Italian) Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro :See Sold Price
1594 ALBRECHT DURER FULLY ILLUSTRATED antique RARE Di Alberto Durero pittoreDURER, ALBRECHT. 1471-1528. Translator (from latin to Italian) Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro :See Sold Price
1594 ALBRECHT DURER FULLY ILLUSTRATED antique RARE Di Alberto Durero pittoreDURER, ALBRECHT. 1471-1528. Translator (from latin to Italian) Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro :See Sold Price
SoldAlbrecht Durer "Della Simmetria De I Corpi Humani" 1591Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), translated by Giovanni Paolo Gallucci Salodiano, "Di Alberto Durero Pittore, e Geometra, Chiarissimo, della Simmetria de I Corpi Humani, Libri Quattro Nuouamente Tradotti dSee Sold Price
1594 ALBRECHT DURER FULLY ILLUSTRATED antique RARE Di Alberto Durero pittoreDURER, ALBRECHT. 1471-1528. Translator (from latin to Italian) Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro :See Sold Price
Sold12 Astronomical Wood Engravings, 16th Century12 Astronomical Wood Engravings, 16th Century 5 with moving parts. From Giovanni Paolo Gallucci "Speculum Uranicum" and Petrus Apian "Cosmographia", framed and glazed, 10 ¼ and 13 in. each. 12 astronSee Sold Price
1594 ALBRECHT DURER FULLY ILLUSTRATED antique RARE Di Alberto Durero pittoreDURER, ALBRECHT. 1471-1528. Translator (from latin to Italian) Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro :See Sold Price
1594 ALBRECHT DURER FULLY ILLUSTRATED antique RARE Di Alberto Durero pittoreDURER, ALBRECHT. 1471-1528. Translator (from latin to Italian) Giovanni Paolo Gallucci,; 1538-1621? Di Alberto Durero pittore, e geometra chiarissimo. Della simmetria dei corpi humani. Libri quattro :See Sold Price
LANCELLOTI, GIOVANNI PAOLO. Corpus iuris canonici eLANCELLOTI, GIOVANNI PAOLO Corpus iuris canonici emendatum et notis illustratum: Gregorii XIII Pont. Max ... Lugundi, 1606. 4to, contemporary calf, title in gilt to olive spine label, five raised bandSee Sold Price
SoldLANCELLOTTI, GIOVANNI PAOLO. Corpus iuris canoniciLANCELLOTTI, GIOVANNI PAOLO Corpus iuris canonici emendatum et notis illustratum: Gregorii XIII Pont. Max... Leiden, 1606. 4to, contemporary calf, title in gilt to olive spine label, five raised bandsSee Sold Price
SoldPiemonte - Torino - [Rivautella, Antonio e GiovanPiemonte - Torino - [Rivautella, Antonio e Giovanni Paolo Ricolvi]. Marmora Taurinensia dissertationibus et notis illustrata.Torino, Ex Typographia Regia, 1743-47. In 2?. 2 parti in un vol. 2See Sold Price
SoldVisentini, Antonio: Ansicht der Kirche SS. GiovanAnsicht der Kirche SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Platea S. S. Johannis et Pauli, eorum Templum et Schola D. Marci). Radierung nach Canaletto. 26,9 x 42,3 cm. (1749). Nagler, aus 5; Le Blanc, aus 5. Wz. WappenSee Sold Price
SoldLomazzo (Giovanni Paolo) Trattato dell'Arte dellaLomazzo (Giovanni Paolo) Trattato dell'Arte della Pittura, Scoltura, et Architettura,first edition, second issue, title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut portrait of author on B1 and initSee Sold Price
SoldLomazzo, Giovanni PaoloTrattato dell'Arte della Pittura, Scoltura, et Architettura Milano, Paolo Gottardo Da Ponte & Pietro Tini, 1585. In 4°. Marca tipografica al frontespizio, ritratto dell'autore inciso in legno al fronSee Sold Price
SoldLAW GRATIANUS; et al. Corpus juris canonici.GRATIANUS; et al. Corpus juris canonici. Edited by Giovanni Paolo Lancelotto. [32] leaves, 1272 columns; [10] leaves, 754 columns; [6] leaves, 406 columns. 4to, 17th-century vellum with blind-stampedSee Sold Price
Sold[Giovanni-Paolo MARANA ]- L'Espion turc dans les cours[Giovanni-Paolo MARANA ]- L'Espion turc dans les cours des princes chrétiens ou Lettres et mémoires d'un envoyé secret de La Porte dans les cours de l'Europe [...]. Quinzième édition augmentée dSee Sold Price
SoldIl Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo.Michele Marieschi , Il Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo - Platea ac Templum D: D: Ioannis et Pauli et proxime magnum Sodalitium D: Marco Eu: dicatum: eminet in medio statua equestris aenea Bartholomaeo CollSee Sold Price
Giovanni Varvaro (Italy,1888-1973) oil paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Giovanni Casadei (Italian,PA,b 1956) oil paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
5 Pieces from the Drexel Et. Cetera Collection, 1980s faux bamboo walnut and burl wood square gamingNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Baker Curved Barrel Club Chair, Brunschwig et FilsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (French, 1824-1898) - Sainte Radegonde Prenant le Voile et Saint LoupFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Joan Miró (Spanish, 1893-1983) - Joyeux Noël, Vœux de Joan, Pilar et DolorèsFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Jean Dubuffet (French 1901-1985) - Site et MenaceFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LES ARTISANS DE MAROLLES & DE LOIR ET CHER sous la direction artistique de Jean TOURET (1916-2004):Valoir Pousse-Cornet4.3(4)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Paolo Soleri (1919-2013), A Cosanti wind bell, mid/late 20th century; Paradise Valley, AZJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Pablo Picasso "Sculpteur, Model et Buste" EtchingNapoleon's Fine Art4.4(75)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Silver Flatware by .A. Henckels Solingen Zwillingswerk, et al. Antique Silver Flatware setCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Important Estate Fresh Cello By Bernardel Exposition 1837 Et 1844 (Paris 1855)Ralph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Passeri - 6 Etruscan Vase EngravingsTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1557 MILITARY LEADERS BIOGRAPHIES antique by PAOLO GIOVIO VELLUM BOUND RAREJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
František Kupka - Quatre histoires de blanc et noirCapsule Auctions4.6(167)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1558 BIBLE in ITALIAN antique NEW TESTAMENT 16th century SCARCE Nuovo TestamentoJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Italian edition of Sanson's map of North America, 1677PBA Galleries4.7(383)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Antique Giovanni Battista Piranesi Classic Ruins EngravingLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceJun 28, 2024