SoldLate Victorian Pieced Embroidered Crazy Quilt witLate Victorian Pieced Embroidered Crazy Quilt with Corner Fan Design.See Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Crazy QuiltLate Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Crazy Quilt, (some shattering), 68 x 68 in.See Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Crazy QuiltLate Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Crazy Quilt, 78 x 78 in.See Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Silk CrazyLate Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Silk Crazy Quilt, with embroidered initials "E.C.C." and dated "Feb 18-'90," 53 x 53 in.See Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian Embroidered Pieced Crazy Quilt, wiLate Victorian Embroidered Pieced Crazy Quilt, with embroidered figurals including cherry teacup, dog and duck, black woman with dog, a skate, chair, house, girl with duck, a pipe, and "MEW" monogram,See Sold Price
Late Victorian Embroidered Pieced Crazy Quilt andLate Victorian Embroidered Pieced Crazy Quilt and a Table Cover, the quilt with ribbons "Oakland 94" and "For Governor Wm. R. Davis," the table cover with initials, dating and "Weston, Mass.," (silk sSee Sold Price
Late Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Table Cover/Late Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Table Cover/Crazy Quilt, with green velvet border, 70 x 58 in.See Sold Price
SoldVictorian Crazy Quilt ~ Embroidered Silk and VelvetLate 19th century victorian crazy quilt.Entirely hand pieced, embroidered and painted bouquets and single flowers, velvet and silk scraps throughout.Please zoom in to see the assortment of different tSee Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian Embroidered and Paint-decorated PiLate Victorian Embroidered and Paint-decorated Pieced Crazy Quilt, (minor stains), 58 x 57 in. Provenance: Estate of Susan Parrish.See Sold Price
SoldTennessee Victorian crazy quilt / robeTennessee late Victorian Carriage robe made in the crazy quilt style, pieced and embroidered. Various Dalmatian dog patches and hound's tooth type velvet edges with appliquéd velvet flowers. ConditioSee Sold Price
SoldSigned and Dated Crazy QuiltVictorian pieced and embroidered crazy quilt, dated Feb. 15, 1896, with three sets of initials. Stitched with various designs and motifs, predominantly floral sprays. Red velvet border and red wool wiSee Sold Price
SoldTN Signed and Dated Crazy QuiltTennessee Victorian pieced and embroidered crazy quilt, dated 1884, made for Mabel McKinney, only sister of Judge Colin Pierson McKinney (TN Supreme Court Judge, b. 1873), by her friends. Stitched witSee Sold Price
SoldSigned Victorian Crazy QuiltVictorian pieced and embroidered crazy quilt, signed Watkins with three additional embroidered initials, K, B, and W. Comprised of silks, brocade, velvet and cotton fabrics and stitched with various dSee Sold Price
Framed Late Victorian Pieced and Embroidered QuilFramed Late Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Quilt, sight size 49 x 44 in.See Sold Price
SoldSouthern Crazy Quilt, Virginia HistorySouthern Victorian style pieced and embroidered crazy quilt, stitched and embroidered with various designs and motifs, predominantly floral sprays along with birds, a horse shoe and spider web. Deep rSee Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian Embroidered, Pieced Quilt FragmentLate Victorian Embroidered, Pieced Quilt Fragment.See Sold Price
SoldVictorian Embroidered Pieced Silk Crazy Quilt, inVictorian Embroidered Pieced Silk Crazy Quilt, incorporating an 1884-1885 World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, ribbon, (some silk shattering), 78 x 78 in.See Sold Price
American Late Victorian Silk and Velvet Crazy QuilAmerican Late Victorian Silk and Velvet Hand-Embroidered Crazy Quilt, late 19th century, l. 48", w. 69".See Sold Price
SoldFour Late Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Silk aFour Late Victorian Pieced and Embroidered Silk and Velvet Coverlets and Quilts.See Sold Price
SoldSix Unfinished Pieced and Embroidered Crazy QuiltSix Unfinished Pieced and Embroidered Crazy Quilt Panels, late 20th century.See Sold Price
SoldA HEAVILY EMBROIDERED LATE 19TH C. AMERICAN CRAZY QUILTThe pieced and elaborately embroidered crazy quilt composed of a variety of fabrics such as velvet, satin, corduroy, silk and wool with sparkling embroidery in a stunning range of patterns and stitcheSee Sold Price
SoldFour Late Victorian and Cartoon Collectible and DeFour Late Victorian and Cartoon Collectible and Decorative Items, a late Victorian embroidered pieced printed silk cigar ribbon scarf with fringe, a pieced and embroidered velvet "crazy" wall hanging,See Sold Price
Two Pieced and Embroidered Silk and Velvet Crazy QTwo Pieced and Embroidered Silk and Velvet Crazy Quilts, late 19th century, 60 x 59 1/2, 60 x 80 in.See Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PIECED CRAZY QUILT TOPS, LOT OF TWOVICTORIAN PIECED CRAZY QUILT TOPS, LOT OF TWO, comprising an example with various embroidered figures, including a Leghorn rooster, cow, elephant, floral stems, and initials "A. E. E." "L. E. E." andSee Sold Price
AMERICAN PIECED DOLL QUILT.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024