Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
SoldStone Age Danish Flint Axe GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. Two knapped flint axes, rectangular in section, one with sqaured butt and lightly curved cutting edge, the other with rounded butt and convex cutting edge; in grey flSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Polished Axe GroupNeolithic, 6th-3rd millennium BC. A group comprising: the butt of a polished axe in a pale grey-green stone, re-purposed as a chisel, with an old invoice; with a small triangular polished axe with sliSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Egyptian Axe GroupUpper Palaeolithic, 50,000-10,000 years BP. A museum card with three important stone axes attached, each with pencilled annotation of origin, the upper and lower from Thebes, the median from Kous. 569See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Acheulean Hand Axe GroupPalaeolithic, 30,000-10,000 BC. A group comprising: three small bifacial knapped hand axes of with pointed tips tapering to rounded butts. 398 grams total, 88-94mm (3 1/2 - 3 3/4"). From a private DerSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Acheulean Hand Axe GroupPalaeolithic, 30,000-10,000 BC. A group comprising: three small bifacial knapped hand axes of with pointed tips tapering to rounded butts. 398 grams total, 88-94mm (3 1/2 - 3 3/4"). From a private DerSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Palaeolithic Hand Axe GroupPalaeolithic, 300,000-100,000 years BP. A group comprising: a bifacial knapped flint hand axe of triangular form with inked notations including 'TRM PIT ROMSEY SEP 1973 R J M'; with a crudely formed iSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Acheulean Hand Axe Group1.7-0.1 million years BP. A group of two large cordiform bifacial stone handaxes. 1.7 kg total, 16-17.5cm (6 1/4 - 7"). Property of a Derbyshire collector; formerly part of a private collection formedSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age European Perforated Stone AxeNeolithic, circa 8,000-5,000 BC A ground stone axe of double-bitted form with parallel upper/lower faces, curved sides, convex cutting edges and having a neat central piercing for haft, in a dark greySee Sold Price
SoldStone Age European Polished Jadeite AxeNeolithic, 6th-5th millennium BC. A finely polished green jadeite axe with oval section, tapered sides, rounded butt with slightly convex and blunt 'cutting' edge. See MacGregor, Arthur, Antiquities fSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age European Perforated Stone AxeNeolithic, 5000-2000 BC. A finely ground stone axehead of Danish workmanship with circular perforation to the rear. 322 grams, 11.5 cm (4 1/2"). From an old Wiltshire collection. [No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Stone Hand Axe GroupCirca 21,000-17,000 years BP. A group of two Solutrean chert hand-axes, leaf-shaped and lentoid in section, in a red-orange chert. From an old Wiltshire collection. 208 grams, 10.5-13 cm (4-5"). [2, NSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Flint Axe GroupNeolithic, 5000-2000 BC Two knapped and polished flint axes, rectangular in section, each with a flared cutting edge. 482 grams total, 11-14 cm (4 1/4 - 5 1/2"). Acquired on the London art market in tSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Polished Axe GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A mixed pair comprising: an epidiorite semi-polished axe from Henry Dewey collection with collector's label '732'; a Lower Neolithic epidiorite semi-polished axe fromSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Stone Age Northern European Battle AxeNeolithic, late 3rd-early 2nd millennium BC. A large and finely polished boat-shaped axe in dark greenstone, with expanded asymmetric convex cutting edge tapering to shouldered and domed 'hammer' buttSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Palaeolithic Axes GroupPalaeolithic, 400,000-200,000 years BP. A group comprising: two small knapped flint hand axes formed on thick flakes, each inked 'HIGHLANDS (HENLEY)' ; together with a further small implement from theSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Polished Axe and Chisel GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. Group comprising: a small axe with almost straight polished cutting edge and square butt; in a varigated grey flint; a slender chisel polished to all sides with slighSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age English Flint Hand Axe GroupPalaeolithic, circa 350,000 BP Two well-formed hand axes in grey flint with inked notation ‘Lavant’ (West Sussex). See Evans, Sir J. Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain, 2nd edition, 1897. 1See Sold Price
SoldStone Age English Flint Hand Axe GroupLower Palaeolithic, circa 400,000 BP. Two early Acheulian flint handaxes of characetristically crude form from Romsey, each with typical river terrace patination and inked site notation; with a thirdSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Axe and Pottery Sherd GroupNeolithic, 8th-5th millennium BC. A mixed group comprising: a knapped and polished flint handaxe with rounded butt and square edge; two sherds of corded ware ceramic. 185 grams, 4-13.5cm (1 3/4 - 5 1/See Sold Price
SoldStone Age North Africa Hand Axe GroupPalaeolithic, 350,000 BP. A group of three well-formed bifacial hand axes in an orange-brown quartzite. 1.42 kg total, 10-16 cm (4-6 1/4"). Ex David Winter collection; purchased 1980s. [3, No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Acheulean Hand Axe, Implement GroupPalaeolithic, 10th-8th millennium BC. Group comprising: slender bifacial knapped flint handaxe (tips unfinished), with some cortex remaining; a small and thin bifacial knapped stone axe of later perioSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age European Neolithic Polished Stone Axe5th-3rd millennium BC. A knapped and polished diorite axehead with pointed butt and broad curved edge. Cf. Evans, J. The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain, London, 1897,See Sold Price
SoldStone Age English Flint Hand Axe GroupPalaeolithic, circa 350,000 BP Two large and well-formed bifacial hand axes in grey flint with white patination, inked notation ‘Lavant’ (West Sussex). See Evans, Sir J. Ancient Stone Implements oSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Hand Axe and Knife GroupPalaeolithic to Neolithic, 250,000-8,000 BP. A group comprising: a Palaeolithic bifacial flint hand axe with several inked notations including 'MAIDENHEAD' and a small paper label; with a Neolithic flSee Sold Price
Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age 'Cissbury Ring' Polished Speckled Stone AxeheadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scrapers with Reproduction Axes and SpearheadsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scraper and Other Implement GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Twydall Knapped Flint Proto-HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scrapers with Reproduction Axes and SpearheadsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024