SoldKnesset HaGedolahThe copy of Rabbi Avraham Broda Av Beit Din of Prague, author of Eshel Avraham, and Toldot Avraham. It is extremely rare to find a book that belonged to him and has never appeared at auction!See Sold Price
SoldKnesset HaGedolah, Constantinople, 1716 -Copy of...Knesset HaGedolah, on Tur Yoreh De'ah, Part 1 (Simanim 1-68), by R. Chaim Benveniste. Constantinople, 1716. First edition. Copy of R. Uziel Meisels, disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov and leading discipleSee Sold Price
Sold*Â Klilat Chatanim - regarding engagement and*Â Klilat Chatanim - regarding engagement and marriage. Cairo, 1910. 16 leaves. * Sefer HaAgudah - on behalf of Agudat HaRabbanim HaKlali. Cairo, 1913. [2], 3, [1] page. *Â Knesset HaGedolah PartSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Collection of 160 Early PeriodicalsPeriodicals: HaShiloach, HaTekufah, Moznaim, Moledet, HaToran, Tarbitz, HaMiklat, Knesset HaGedolah, Achiasaf, Apirion, Atid, Davar, Nitei Bachurim, Nimim, TaSee Sold Price
SoldTapestries Mosaics of Marc Chagall at the Knesset ZivaTapestries and Mosaics of Marc Chagall at the Knesset. Ziva Amishai-Maisels. NY: Tudor, 1973. First edition thus. With color and b/w illustrations. Please note that this lot has a confidential reserveSee Sold Price
Sold"Shayarei Knesset HaGedola." Copy belonging to RabbiShayarei Knesset HaGedola, Orach Chaim, by Rabbi Chaim Benveneste, Av Beit Din of Izmir, with stamps of the descendants of the "Baruch Taam." Specifications: [2], 143, 7 leaves. Second edition.See Sold Price
SoldMenachem Begin David Ben Gurion Knesset - 2 SilverKnesset Parliament silver medal - diameter: 59 mm, weight: 118 gr. Rare silver medal of Menachem Begin - diameter: 50 mm, weight: 59 gr. Issued in a limited edition. David Ben Gurion silver coin - 197See Sold Price
SoldThe Book of Remembrance of the Great Yeshiva ''KnessetBook of Remembrance of the Great Yeshiva 'Knesset Beit Yitzhak' in Kemnitz, edited by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Karp. Rare publication published for the purpose of assisting the building of the yeshiva in KaSee Sold Price
SoldRrae Shana Tova from three parliament (Knesset)Rrae Shana Tova from three parliament (Knesset) ministers, from the Free Centre (HaMerkaz HaHofshi): Avraham Tiar, Eliezer Shostak, and Shmuel Tamir. Hebrew: שנה טובSee Sold Price
SoldA Printed Cover for Challot. The Knesset Yisrael40x48 cm. Print on cloth, black and white. A printed Challah cover which was sent to donors from the "General Committee Knesset Yisrael for the support of the poor of the united Ashkenazi KollelotSee Sold Price
Beit Knesset HaGadol in Tel Aviv - Giant Collection ofGiant collection of documents and letters [mosty stencil prints with signatures] published by the administration of the Beit Knesset HaGadol in Tel Aviv regarding the administration of financial and cSee Sold Price
SoldMarc Chagall -Letter -Gobelins Created for the KnessetMarc Chagall, handwritten letter. Unknown adressee. Vence (France), 1964. Yiddish. A long letter, handwritten by Chagall, concerning the three Gobelins which he designed for the Knesset building. In 1See Sold Price
Sold“Aron Kodesh†torah ark or key holder, KnessetA miniature “Aron Kodesh†torah ark or key holder from Knesset. Wood, metal, gold incrustation. Spain, Toledo (?). 18th century. Dimensions: 39.5 x 24 x 6.5 cm.See Sold Price
Sold Knesset Members Signatures on the Results of Elections"Appendix to memo regarding elections results for the Ninth Knesset (final decisions regarding distribution of mandates)", a document published by the central elections committee for the ninth KnessetSee Sold Price
SoldKnesset Chachmei Yisrael. Dedication, Glosses, Odessa,Knesset Chachmei Yisrael. A Torah journal with halachic responsa from the great Rabbis of the generation, edited by Rabbi Avraham Yoel Abelson. Booklets 1-8. Author-editor's dedication, and handwritteSee Sold Price
SoldElection Posters -Constituent Assembly, Second KnessetCirca 200 elections posters and broadsides, for the Constituent Assembly (First Knesset) and the Second Knesset, 1948-1952. The collection includes posters of small and large parties, among them partiSee Sold Price
SoldLetter handwritten and signed by the Admor the KnessetLetter handwritten and signed on official letterhead by Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef Friedman, the Knesset Mordechai of Sadigura. From 18th of Av, from when he lived in Tel Aviv, addressed to &#See Sold Price
SoldDocuments and Writings from the 'Knesset Beit Yitzchak'Specifications: [1] notebook [32] pages, 16x21 cm. Handwritten. Up to page 9 is a list of attendance and the names of the students who eat in the yeshiva's dining room, and from there on are literarySee Sold Price
SoldGinzei Knesset Yisrael. London, 1897. A dedication inA Haggada with English translation, with commentaries found in manuscripts in London, by Rabbi Dovber Speiers. 96, [3], X pages. A dedication from Rabbi Dovber Speiers in his handwriting. Rabbi DoSee Sold Price
SoldKnesset Yisrael - Religious Journal - Vilnius, 1930 -Knesset Yisrael - Religious Journal - Vilnius, 1930 - Rare! Knesset Yisrael - a journal for Torah novellae and Halacha. Published during the years 1930-1934. Before us are seven issues: 1930: Issue A.See Sold Price
SoldSefer Knesset Israel, by Shaul Pinchas RabinowitzSefer Knesset Israel, by Shaul Pinchas Rabinowitz, printed in Warsaw, 1887. Bears the dedication and autograph of the author. Medium condition. The cover is detached from the pages, foxing and minor tSee Sold Price
SoldISRAELE. Medaglia senza data. The Knesset. R/veduta diISRAELE. Medaglia senza data. The Knesset. R/veduta di Gerusalemme. AE (97,2 g - 59,6 mm)See Sold Price
SoldPrime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, TLS to a KnessetBen-Gurion David Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, TLS to a Knesset Member Who Has Served in the Hagana Typed Letter Signed “D. Ben-Gurion” as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, in HebrSee Sold Price
SoldGolda Meir Invites a Member of the Knesset to Serve onMeir Golda Golda Meir Invites a Member of the Knesset to Serve on Israel's Committee for this Celebration Typed Letter Signed "Golda Meir" as Israeli Foreign Minister, 1 page, 8.5" x 11". Jerusalem, SSee Sold Price
Collection of Documents - First Knesset Opening - 1949Levy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Collection of 3 Invitations - Knesset Parties - 1950sLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024