SoldGERMAN SINGING BIRDCAGE AUTOMATON 2 BIRDSGERMAN SINGING BIRDCAGE AUTOMATON 2 BIRDS A German singing birdcage automaton with 2 birds. Red and yellow birds chirp, rotate their heads back and forth, and move their tail feathers. (Beaks are notSee Sold Price
SoldDOUBLE SINGING BIRD GERMAN AUTOMATION BIRDCAGEDOUBLE SINGING BIRD GERMAN AUTOMATION BIRDCAGE: German Automaton birdcage with 2- singing birds that have turning heads & moving beaks, amongst perch & wire foliate. Impressed Germany, at underside. ASee Sold Price
SoldAutomaton bird cage(lot of 2) Automaton bird cage music box, having a single feathered bird perched and housed in a brass cage rising on a footed base, 9''h; together with a German automaton singing bird, having a singlSee Sold Price
SoldA German Singing Bird Cage Automaton, Height 11 1/2A German Singing Bird Cage Automaton, the domed cage containing two birds. Height 11 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
Sold1950's West German Singing Bird Clock1950's West German 11" x 7 1/2" Automaton Singing Bird in bird cage form shelf clock. Condition: Bird moves but makes no sound, clock works intact but movement not observed & wear on clock casing.See Sold Price
SoldA German Singing Bird Cage Automaton, Height of fiA German Singing Bird Cage Automaton, together with a later Japanese model. Height of first 10 1/2 inches. Property from the Dr. Myrna Salud Living Trust, Marion, IndianaSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Automaton Singing BirdVintage German 11 1/2" Automaton Signing Bird in brass bird cage. Condition: Works with minor wear on birdcage.See Sold Price
SoldGerman Automaton Singing BirdVintage German 11 1/2" Automaton Signing Bird in brass bird cage. Cond. Works sporadically, areas of patina wear & loss on birdcage & bird has some wear.See Sold Price
SoldGerman Antique Mechanical Musical Birds & BirdcageAn antique German mechanical automaton featuring two (2) singing birds in a birdcage. Birds with authentic feathers modeled on dual perches. Birds move and sing. Base and birdcage in goldtone brass. BSee Sold Price
SoldA German Singing Bird Automaton, Length over handle 12A German Singing Bird Automaton, set in a domed wire birdcage. Length over handle 12 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
SoldW GERMANY ELPA SINGING BIRD CAGE 2 BIRD AUTOMATONW GERMANY ELPA SINGING BIRD CAGE 2 BIRD AUTOMATON Singing bird cage automaton. 2 birds that sing, rotate, and move their beaks and tails. In gold colored cage adorned with garnet colored stones. BottoSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Singing Bird Cage Automaton, Karl GriesbaumGerman, circa 1880. Singing Bird automaton set in a domed wire birdcage manufactured by Karl Griesbaum. As the bird sings it swivels its head and flicks its tail, perched on stand with naturalistic leSee Sold Price
SoldA German Singing Bird Cage Automaton, Height 10 3/8A German Singing Bird Cage Automaton, SECOND HALF 20TH CENTURY, with two birds. Height 10 3/8 inches. Property from the Estate of Paul and Margaret Moll, Waukesha, WisconsinSee Sold Price
SoldKARL GRIESBAUM GERMAN SINGING BIRD CAGE AUTOMATONKarl Griesbaum early 20th century German singing bird cage automaton. Features a single bird on a perch decorated with berries and leaves. Winds on bottom, also marked by maker "KG" and "Made in GermaSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Singing Bird Cage Automaton, c. 1970sGerman Singing Bird Cage Automaton, c. 1970s Probably by Donau-Metall, bird with yellow plumage, articulated perch, beak and tail, going-barrel motor, whistle and bellows, under domed cage with lacqueSee Sold Price
SoldKARL GRIESBAUM GERMAN SINGING BIRD CAGE AUTOMATONKarl Griesbaum early 20th century German singing bird cage automaton. Features a single bird on a perch decorated with berries and leaves. Winds on bottom, also marked by maker "KG" and "Made in GermaSee Sold Price
SoldGerman singing bird cage automatonGerman singing bird cage automaton gilt metal, various materials stamped mark 5 3/4"dia x 10 1/4"hSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE GERMAN SINGING BIRD CAGE AUTOMATONGerman singing bird automaton, early 20th c., a single bird perched on a stand, within a metal cage mounted on a gilded wooden base decorated in a floral motif, raised on four short feet, wind-up mechSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN SINGING BIRD CAGE AUTOMATONGerman singing bird automaton, early 20th c., a single bird perched on a stand intertwined with leafy vines moves his head, flaps his beak and tail, but needs his voice, gilt metal cage on a fancy metSee Sold Price
SoldA German Singing Birdcage Automaton, Height 9 inches.A German Singing Birdcage Automaton, set with two birds within a gilt domed cage. Height 9 inches. Property from the Collection of Mr. Bernie Marshfield, Lincolnwood, IllinoisSee Sold Price
SoldAntique German Single Singing Bird Cage AutomatonThis is an antique German single singing bird cage automaton. The bird cage is made from brass with the bird perched inside. The bottom is marked "Made in Germany". The bird is made with real feathersSee Sold Price
SoldAntique German Single Singing Bird Cage AutomatonThis is an antique German single singing bird cage automaton. The bird cage is made from brass with the bird perched inside. The bottom is marked "Made in Germany". The bird is made with real feathersSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Karl Griesbaum Singing Bird Cage AutomatonGERMANY, EARLY 20TH CENTURY A German singing bird cage automaton manufactured by Karl Griesbaum (1872-1941). The automaton consists of a faux red bird on a perch surrounded by twigs and berries. The uSee Sold Price
KARL GRIESBAUM ENAMELED SINGING BIRD BOXThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
KARL GRIESBAUM GERMAN SINGING BIRD BOXThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SINGING BIRD AUTOMATON in LARGE GILT WOOD CAGEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Bird Cage Clock, Windup Mechanism W/Mechanical BirdWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vtg Birdcage W Asian Porc Vessels & Bird FiguresThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Antique German Delft Blue and White Porcelain Dishes and Serving Pieces, 92 TotalNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
(8 Pc) English & German Porcelain Bird Figurine Grouping CollectionAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Cloisonne & Silver Mechanical Singing Bird BoxDallas Auction Gallery4.5(126)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
7PC Schafer & Vater & Other German Animal CreamersBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceMar 18, 2024
Victorian Mechanical Automaton Bird CageWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
German Automated Bird Cage Music Box, Ca. 1930, H 11" Dia. 7"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024