Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
SoldStone Age Pierced Mace HeadNeolithic, 6th-2nd millennium BC. A smoothed ovate mace head with drilled central piercing for mounting on a shaft; the ends showing evidence of use as a hammer stone. See Evans, Sir John, The AncientSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Pierced MaceheadNeolithic, 3rd-2nd millennium BC. A mottled igneous breccia macehead-shaped axehead, pierced through the body for insertion of haft, round bodied in shape. 494 grams, 83mm (3 1/4") The property of a GSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Pierced Macehead with FaceNeolithic, 6th-3rd millennium BC. A rhyolite macehead with vertical piercing, stylised human mask one edge with drilled eyes. 328 grams, 98mm (4"). Property of a European collector; formerly in an oldSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Recessed Macehead and PestleNeolithic, 3rd-1st millennium BC. A group comprising a small pecked mace head of ovate form, each side with a pecked dimple to aid attachment to a shaft; together with a smooth grinding pestle havingSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Drilled Macehead and Axehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A group of two hardstone implements comprising a biconvex macehead with central drilled hole and a small axehead with wedge-shaped profile and straight edge. 727 gramSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Green-Patinated MaceheadNeolithic, 6th-3rd millennium BC. A green-patinated granite macehead or hammerstone with burnished surface, light abrasions. 245 grams, 69mm (2 3/4"). Property of a European collector; formerly in anSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Stone Macehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC . A group of two large maceheads, each bulbous with drilled vertical hole. 2.6 kg, 11-13 cm (4 1/4 - 5"). From a Buckinghamshire collection. [2]See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Scandinavian Stone Mace HeadNeolithic, 5000-3000 BC. A pecked stone mace head of oblate spheroid form in a black basalt or similar stone, with central piercing for attachment to a shaft, polished flat at the sides. 458 grams, 76See Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Perforated MaceheadNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A large granite biconvex discoid macehead with central perforation; collector's label '624'. 961 grams, 11.5cm (4 1/2"). Ex Dr M. G. Weller collection, Cornwall, UK;See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Green Stone MaceheadNeolithic, 6th-3rd millennium BC. A green-patinated granite macehead or hammerstone with burnished surface, light abrasions. 245 grams, 69mm (2 3/4"). Property of a European collector; formerly in anSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Central Asian MaceheadNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A fully polished bifacial macehead, biconvex in profile with gusset to the rim; fossilised wood of an extinct species of palm tree. 622 grams, 10.5cm (4") From a SoutSee Sold Price
Stone Age Stone Decorated MaceheadNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC . A substantial macehead, bulbous with drilled vertical hole, the outer face segmented. 2.5 kg, 14 cm (5 1/2"). From a Buckinghamshire collection.See Sold Price
SoldStone Age French Polished Perforated MaceheadNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A serpentine macehead with one broad rounded face and one thick and curved, central perforation, old collector's label '402'. 200 grams, 10.5cm (4 1/4"). Ex Dr M. G.See Sold Price
SoldBACTRIAN STONE MACEHEAD, 3-4 MILLENNIUM BC.A heavy spherical Bactrian breccia stone macehead, pierced longitudinally for attachment to a wooden shaft. Maceheads of this shape have been used in Bactria proper, north of the Hindu Kush mountain rSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Dynastic MaceheadEarly Dynastic Period, 3rd millennium BC. A silaceous conglomerate stone macehead pierced through the middle for attaching to haft. 204 grams, 55mm (2 1/4"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired fSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Pendant and Awl GroupNeolithic, 3rd-2nd millennium BC. A mixed group comprising: four animal teeth pierced for suspension; a bird bone, pierced for suspension; a natural slate(?) flake resembling a bird's head, pierced atSee Sold Price
Large stone carved celt breast plate / mace headLarge stone carved celt breast plate / mace head, age uncertain, 7"h x 6"wSee Sold Price
PRE-COLUMBIAN CARVED STONE MACE HEADCosta Rican Mace Head, Age: 500-800, Origin: Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Measures 5” H (on stand) x 3-1/4” L x 2-7/8” W. Weighs 16oz. U.S. SHIPPING $20 + INSURANCE.See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Vinca Style Ceramic FigurineAn undated archaistic figurine with D-shaped head, extended arms, incised linear details to the face, arms and chest; pierced lug above the head. Ex Teunis collection, formed in the 1960s, thence by dSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Vin?a Tripod Figurine5th-3rd millennium BC. A ceramic figurine of a robed female seated on a chair, hands on the hips and arms spread; headdress with piercings, triangular head and pinched face, pierced ears, impressed poSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Vinca Style Ceramic FigurineAn undated archaistic terracotta figurine with pierced border to the upper head, pinched facial details. Ex Teunis collection, formed in the 1960s, thence by descent. 131 grams, 13 cm (5"). [No ReservSee Sold Price
SoldA group of 5 stone objects.A group of 5 stone objects. ++ A group of 5 objects including 4 mace heads, Central America, Various ages. All around: 1 1/2"h x 3"w. ++ A Stone head, Mexico, Guerrero style. 3 3/4"h x 3 1/2"w x 3"d.See Sold Price
SoldOld Native American Tomahawk pipe22.25" x 10.25 tomahawk peace pipe with pierced heart ax head and peace pipe, the smoking end inlaid with four stone pieces. Shows authentic age and was sharpened. Shows rust.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Stone Bird Mace Head, Carved Brown StonePre-Columbian Stone Bird Mace Head, Carved Brown Stone Avian Mace, Origin: Nicoya Costa Rica, Age: 300-800 A.D.See Sold Price
'The Farnham Castle' English Medieval Socketted MaceheadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Pre Columbian Style Male Carved Stone SculptureHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vintage Dragonfly Brooch, Green & Yellow Stones, 1.75" wideJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024