SoldEcuador, Mantano, Black Ware Male FigureEcuador, Mantano, c. AD 500. A tall ceramic black ware standing male figure. He stands on elevated round base and wears equally tall and round headdress. He stands in rigid posture, his genitalia expoSee Sold Price
SoldManabi Blackware Standing Male Figure, ex-ArnovickPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Manabi Province, Bahia culture, ca. 250 BCE to 600 CE. A small blackware figure of a male with prominent genitalia, with large nose amd ears and thin slits for eyes and mouth.See Sold Price
Manabi Blackware Standing Male Figure, ex-ArnovickPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Manabi Province, Bahia culture, ca. 250 BCE to 600 CE. A small blackware figure of a male with prominent genitalia, with large nose amd ears and thin slits for eyes and mouth.See Sold Price
SoldA Monteno Blackware Figure c. 850-1500 AD FromA Monteno Blackware Figure c. 850-1500 AD From the Manabi region, Ecuador. A standing male with thick genitals, the proper right half of his body incised with bands of geometric designs, his noble heaSee Sold Price
SoldProbably Pre-Columbian Chimu Blackware FigureDESCRIPTION: Probably Pre-Columbian Chimu blackware of a male figure with his hands along his chest, wearing a lavish headdress. Possibly used as a whistle as seen with the precise apertures along theSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Chimu Blackware Stirrup Spouted Vessel with Male Figure, Peru, Circa 200 - 800 A.D.Pre-Columbian Blackware Spouted Pottery, Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 200 to 800 AD | A very nice blackware pottery jar molded in two sections: Front section has a male figure with detail; the back sectioSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Manteno Culture Pottery Figure, CoastalPre-Columbian Manteno Culture Pottery Seated Bench Figure, Coastal Ecuador, c.700-1200 CE. Blackware figure with extensive restoration, including an ancient repair of the rim. Size: 16.25'' x 9.5'' xSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Blackware Vessel - Seated Man with Coca BagPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche III-IV, ca. 200 to 500 CE. A fine blackware stirrup vessel depicting a male figure at rest, seated and nestling his tired head upon his arms which are crossed ovSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Chimu - Lambayeque, a tall blackware vessel dPeru, Chimu - Lambayeque, c. AD 1100 – 1200. A tall blackware vessel depicting a royal male figure with simplified arms and legs. The facial features are well defined and he wears a necklace, the spSee Sold Price
Fine Chimu Blackware Figural OllaPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 12th to 15th century CE. A tall, mold-made blackware effigy vessel depicting a male figure, possibly a lord, his tall headdress also serving as the spout, hSee Sold Price
Moche Blackware Vessel - Seated Man with Coca BagPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche III-IV, ca. 200 to 500 CE. A fine blackware stirrup vessel depicting a male figure at rest, seated and nestling his tired head upon his arms which are crossed ovSee Sold Price
Fine Chimu Blackware Figural OllaPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 12th to 15th century CE. A tall, mold-made blackware effigy vessel depicting a male figure, possibly a lord, his tall headdress also serving as the spout, hSee Sold Price
Chimu Blackware Figural Jar - Man Carrying Llama**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 12th to 15th century CE. A tall blackware effigy vessel depicting a male figure, possibly a lord, his tall headdress also servingSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Manteno Blackware FigurePre-columbian Mateno Figure from Ecuador, ca. 1000-1500 A.D. A blackware figure elaborately decorated with headdress, nose-ring, large ear-spool with holes that could of held inserts, bracelets and neSee Sold Price
SoldSpouted Vessel of a ManDescription Pre-Columbian Blackware Pottery, Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 200 to 800 AD. This is a beautiful blackware pottery jar molded with a male figure and a spout atop his head. Has a round stirrupSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Guangala FiguresPre-columbian Guangala Figures from Ecuador, ca. 400 B.C.-500 A.D. Blackware figures both standing akimbo with incised decorations. Custom stand included. notes:All lots will be sold with a COA guaranSee Sold Price
Chimu Blackware Terracotta Pottery Figure Seated MalePre-columbian Chimu Blackware Terracotta Pottery Figure | Figure of a seated male adorned with crown-like headdress and large necklace | Approx. Size: 5” H x 4” W x 2” D.See Sold Price
SoldMoche Blackware Vessel - Seated Crestfallen Man**Originally Listed At $700** Pre-Columbian, Peru, Moche, ca. 500 to 800 CE. A blackware molded stirrup vessel depicting a seated male figure - a man who appears to be either sleepy or sad - with upraSee Sold Price
Moche Blackware Vessel - Tired / Crestfallen ManPre-Columbian, Peru, Moche, ca. 500 to 800 CE. A blackware molded stirrup vessel depicting a seated male figure - a man who appears to be either sleepy or sad - with upraised knees, arms crossed overSee Sold Price
Moche Blackware Vessel - Seated Crestfallen ManPre-Columbian, Peru, Moche, ca. 500 to 800 CE. A blackware molded stirrup vessel depicting a seated male figure - a man who appears to be either sleepy or sad - with upraised knees, arms crossed overSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Michallida, A Standing Bat w/ Wings SpreadEcuador, Michallida, c. 150 - 100 BC. A blackware figure of a standing bat with its wings spread. Ornately incised with deep linear designs and a human-like face. The back of the piece is void of detaSee Sold Price
SoldMoche black-ware ceramic amulet, PeruA neat little Moche black-ware ceramic amulet, Peru, c. AD 300 - 600, in the form of a male figure with detailed features and hands on the sides of his belly, suspension loop at back of head and smallSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Moche, c. 100-800 A.D., a lovely black warePeru, Moche, c. 100-800 A.D., a lovely black ware "portrait" stirrup vessel. With single handle and spout, vessel depicts male figure with smiling expression. Slight age crack on portion of spout otheSee Sold Price
Bust Male Lion 100% Bronze Sculpture Statue Figurine Figure by Milo Art Deco NRHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Greek Attic Black Figure Ware Kylix with Chariot SceneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Lot3 Michael Aram Cat & Mouse Marble Serving Ware +The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Otto Gutfreund 1889-1927 Cubist Bronze SculptureHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Salvador Dali 1904-1989 PETER LE Lithograph SIGNEDHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
American School 19C. Antique Portrait Oil PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Abstract Loving Couple With Baby Bronze SculptureWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
HEREND HUNGARY HAND PAINTED BIRD PORCELAIN FIGUREAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
FRANZ HERMLE IMPERIAL Vtg Gilt Metal Mantel ClockThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024