SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Train Penny Toys.Description German. Includes one three-piece train on platform operated by a crank mechanism and one steam train engine. Both have some scratching and wear. Condition (Very Good). Size Largest: 3" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Train Penny Toys.German and Japanese. Includes one Japanese five-piece set in original box with nice colorful label and one group of four unmarked train cars. Nice lithography throughout with good color. Condition (ExSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: German Tin Litho Penny Toys.One is a CKO pool player. Includes one steel ball. The other is a small passenger train set. Some fading and wear to train cars and some edge wear to pool table.Condition:(Very Good - Excellent).DimenSee Sold Price
SoldPENNY TOY LOTlitho tin, 2 German locos w/windcutter cabs, 4 in long, Meier Steam Car, missing front end piece, 2 7/8 in long, 5 CKO train cars, 2 1/4 in long, 10 Japanese coaches, 4 are each missing 1 coupler, C4-See Sold Price
SoldLot Of 4: German Tin Litho ToysIncluding 1 - US Zone German wind up train by Arnold, 1 - US Zone bulldozer with key, 1 - US Zone clown on donkey and 1 - nice penny toy featuring 2 geese that feed when crank is turned. A nice compleSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 9: Tin Litho Cracker Jack & Penny Toys.Different figures include trains, horse-drawn carts, one clock, and a couple small German automobiles. Very little wear overall. Largest: 2" L. (Excellent).See Sold Price
SoldTOY TRAIN LOTlitho tin, Issameyer floor train, 9 1/2 in long, cab is repainted, rear coach is candy box, Karl Bub Adler toy commemorating 100 years of RR, 3 in diameter, windup working, English penny Train, missinSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Penny Toy Size Motorcycle Toys.Unmarked but looks like German lithography. Identical free standing penny toy size toys. Depicts civilian riders on early motor bikes. Some wear.Condition:(Very Good - Excellent).Dimensions:Each: 2" xSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Penny Toys.German. Includes one sleigh rider and one automobile with separate lithographed driver. Both have some litho loss and wear. Condition (Very Good). Size Largest: 3" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Penny Toy and Sparkler.The first is a tin litho, penny toy Horse Cart, possibly Germany. Toy is excellent. 5". The second is a tin litho, Bee and Flower Sparkler, German. Mechanism slips, excellent, 5".Condition: DimensionsSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Automobile Penny Toys.Description German. Both with separate lithographed drivers. Some scratching and wear throughout. Condition (Very Good). Size Largest: 5" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Vehicle Penny Toys.Description German. Includes one delivery truck with some pitting and oxidation on rear and one open touring car with original front headlights still attached. Both with original tin lithographed drivSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Automobile Penny Toys.Description German. Both marked "GF" on doors. Very little wear overall. Condition (Very Good - Excellent). Size Largest: 5 - 1/4" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Boat Penny Toys.Description German. Includes one speed boat with removable tin litho driver and one two-stack steamship. Some scratching and wear. Condition (Very Good). Size Largest: 4 - 1/4" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Automobile Penny Toys.Description French. Includes one marked "CR Made in France" with flywheel mechanism and one marked "52" on front license plate. Some minor scratching and wear and some litho loss to wheels. ConditionSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Automobile Penny Toys.German. Probably made by Mier. Both have separate lithographed drivers and one has lithographed passengers in window. Some minor scratching and wear overall. Condition (Excellent). Size Largest: 4" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Boat Penny Toys.Description German. Includes one speed boat with removable lithographed driver and one wind-up two-stack ocean liner with spots of litho loss on both sides. Condition (Good - Very Good). Size Largest:See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Truck Penny Toys.Description Includes one marked "Gely" and "Candy" on back and the other truck is marked "Made in Germany" on one side of door and "CKO" on the other. Some pitting inside of truck beds and scratchingSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Automobile Penny Toys.Description German. Includes one with a lithographed removable driver and lithographed passengers in rear and one open touring car with side lamps intact. Both automobiles have some loss to gold washiSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Truck Penny Toys.French. Includes one marked "Postes" and "56" on doors and one marked "Les Jouets" and "Eclair". Minor scratching and wear overall. Condition (Very Good). Size Each: 3 - 1/2" L.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Vehicle Penny Toys.German. Includes one horse-drawn cart with lithographed driver and one fire pumper truck with two lithographed fireman. Some wear to gold-wash on fire truck and one spot of oxidation on horse-drawn caSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Vehicle Penny Toys.Description German. Both marked "Made in Germany". Includes one fire ladder truck with removable tin litho driver and one race car with molded driver. Both vehicles have some spots of pitting on runniSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Animal Penny Toys.German. Both are on platforms. Includes one horse and one boar. Minor wear overall. Condition (Very Good). Size Largest: 2 - 1/4" T.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Vehicle Penny Toys.French. Includes one ambulance and one fire truck. Both have lithographed figures in windows. Some minor wear overall. Condition (Excellent). Size Each: 3 - 1/4" L.See Sold Price
Lot of 2 Vintage Japanese Mechanical Tin Litho ToysBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group Lot of Vintage Tin Litho and Composition ToysBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Lot of 2 Lionel O Gauge Tin Plated Crane CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Marx The Joy Line Tin Litho Wind-Up Toy Train SetMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
MARX (7) Tin Litho Train Cars [694, 555, 547]Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.7(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARX (8) Tin Litho Train Cars [Coal, Wrecker]Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.7(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024