SoldHOPI kachina (katsina) doll. Painted cottonwood.HOPI kachina (katsina) doll. Painted cottonwood. 11 inches.See Sold Price
SoldHOPI kachina (katsina) doll. Painted cottonwood.HOPI kachina (katsina) doll. Painted cottonwood. 11 inches.See Sold Price
Hopi "Kao-A-Qoia" Kachina / Katsina Doll, 1930's"Kao-A-Qoia" Kachina, Hopi Pueblo, 1930's. Cottonwood carved & painted. Origin: Native American / American Indian / Southwest. Dimensions: 6.75 in. tall (without feathers) x 3.25 in. wide.See Sold Price
SoldNative American Hopi HEMIS Kachina DollHopi Native American Carved Katsina Doll. Hand-carved and painted cottonwood decorated with feather, shells and leather. Carved from a single piece of wood. Flat back. Circa 1960. Dimensions: H: 13 inSee Sold Price
SoldA CIRCA 1950 HOPI SPOTTED CORN KACHINA DOLLA Hopi carved and painted cottonwood katsina doll, circa 1950. Measures 8 x 3 inches. We happily provide seamless in-house packing and shipping services on nearly everything we sell.See Sold Price
SoldHopi Bean Kachina / Katsina Doll, 1930's"Bean" kachina, Hopi Pueblo, 1930's. Cottonwood. Imposing, well carved and painted, with good presence. Origin: Native American / American Indian / Southwest / Arizona. Dimensions: 11 in. tall x 5 in.See Sold Price
SoldHopi "Supai" Kachina / Katsina Doll, c. 1950"Supai" kachina doll, Hopi Pueblo, mid-20th century. Cottonwood. Impressive size, well carved and painted. With horns, rattle, bow, side sash, belt and fox hide drop carved in relief. Legs are carvedSee Sold Price
SoldHopi "Hano" Kachina / Katsina Doll"Hano" kachina doll, Hopi pueblo. Cottonwood. Wears a detailed "kachina cape" (painted). From a Globe, Arizona collection assembled in the 1950's. Origin: Native American / American Indian / SouthwestSee Sold Price
SoldHopi "Horse" Kachina / Katsina Doll, 1940's"Horse" Kachina, Hopi Pueblo, c. 1940's. Cottonwood. Old tag indicates carving made at Hotevilla. Case mask color simulates early "spit green" mineral paint. Two facing horses, painted black & in profSee Sold Price
SoldJonathan Day, Hopi Kachina "Blue Corn Maiden" dollJonathan Day, Sr. Hopi Native American carved and painted cottonwood "Blue Corn Maiden" Katsina Kachina spirit doll depicted holding a basket of maize, with blue face, the underside pen-signed and penSee Sold Price
SoldJonathan Day Hopi Kachina, Ha Hai-i Wuhti dollJonathan Day, Sr. Hopi Native American carved and painted cottonwood "Ha Hai-i Wuhti ("Pour Water Woman") Katsina Kachina spirit doll considered "the mother of all kachinas," depicted holding an ear oSee Sold Price
SoldSnow Maiden Kachina/Katsina Doll - HopiHopi Snow Maiden Kachina/Katsina by Colleen Talmivyesa. The cottonwood figure is kneeling with a painted gourd "sounding board" at her feet. She wears a maiden shawl, and a ketoh (bow guard) on her leSee Sold Price
SoldHopi Kachina, Soyok Wuti "Monster Woman" dollHopi Native American carved and painted cottonwood Soyok Wuhti "Monster Woman" Katsina Kachina spirit doll depicted in black, with long hair, staring eyes and a wide-fanged mouth, holding a knife andSee Sold Price
Hopi "Blue Face" Kachina / Katsina Doll, 1920's to"Blue Face" Katsina doll, Hopi Pueblo. Cottonwood. A fully articulated figure, undecorated and incompletely slipped and painted, thus likely never completed for reasons we can only guess. The minimaliSee Sold Price
SoldHopi "Runner" Kachina / Katsina, Mid-20th CenturyHopi Pueblo Cottonwood Kachina / Katsina doll. Doll wears Squash Blossom necklace with Naja (painted on), Rain Sash and Fox fur ruff (carved in relief).Origin: Native American / American Indian. DimenSee Sold Price
SoldHopi Katsina Kachina DollHopi Katsina, Hopi Pueblo, c. 1990's. Carved of cottonwood, depicts Katsina dancer appropriately attired and carrying a rattle. The flat paint colors perhaps an homage to mineral-painted dolls a centuSee Sold Price
SoldA 20TH C. HANO KACHINA W/WATERMELON ATTR JIMMY KOOTSA carved and painted cottonwood katsina doll, the Hano Clown with watermelon, sometimes referred to as Koshare, unsigned, attributed by style and technique to Hopi Pueblo carver Jimmie Koots. MeasuresSee Sold Price
SoldHopi Katsina Kachina DollSouthwestern Native American Hopi katsina or kachina painted carved wooden figure decorated with feathers and set on a wooden stand, ca. 1930s. Kachina dolls are typically carved from cottonwood rootSee Sold Price
SoldLeft-Handed Kachina/Katsina Doll - HopiHopi Left-Handed Kachina/Katsina, cottonwood with commercial leather shawl. The well-detailed doll sports body paint, wears carved and painted breechcloth, armbands, garters, fringed moccasins and turSee Sold Price
Sold2 Katsina Dolls2 hand carved and painted Hopi cottonwood root kachina dolls, one from the 1950s, one from the 70s, both in good used condition. Taller 13"See Sold Price
SoldKachina / Katsina Doll, 1940's to '50'sTall & stately mid-20th Century Kachina / Katsina doll, Hopi Pueblo. Carved from Cottonwood, with carved side sash and accurately painted moccasins. Leather straps across upper torso, Lizard painted oSee Sold Price
SoldA CONTEMPORARY CROW MOTHER HOPI KACHINA DOLLA carved and painted cottonwood figure of the Crow Mother katsina. Measures 19 x 11 inches. We happily provide seamless in-house packing and shipping services on nearly everything we sell.See Sold Price
SoldHopi Katsina - Tayron PolequaptewaFantastic hand carved and painted Hopi cottonwood root kachina doll by Tayron Polequaptewa. Very good condition. 17-1/2" x 11-1/2"See Sold Price
SoldA 20TH CENTURY HOPI KOKOPELLI KACHINA DOLLA carved and painted cottonwood Kokopelli katsina. Measures 9 x 5 inches. We happily provide seamless in-house packing and shipping services on nearly everything we sell.See Sold Price
Hopi Wood Carved Painted "Wolf" Kachina Signed PadillaCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Hopi Style Kachina Figure Tony M. EspinozaEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Handcrafted Hopi Bear Kachina by Bob White EagleEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Early Hopi / Zuni Kweo (Wolf Kachina), Helmet MaskArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Lee Wayne Chapella (b. 20th century, Hopi-Tewa), A carved cottonwood "koyemsi" mudhead katsina doll,John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Leonard Selestewa (b. 20th century, Hopi-Tewa), A carved cottonwood "mongwa" owl katsina doll,John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Delbridge Honanie (b. 1946, Hopi-Tewa), "Great Horned Owl"John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Jonathan Day (b. 20th century, Hopi-Tewa), A carved cottonwood blue corn maiden katsina doll, lateJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024