SoldCUNO & OTTO DRESSEL BISQUE DOLLGermany, sleep eyes, open mouth, gesso and composition jointed body; some body restoration; H-24", G-VGSee Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque DollCuno & Otto Dressel bisque Doll, number series C, German, c.1916, impressed C 3, ellipse incised to rear of head, weighted blue eyes, open mouth, brunette wig, wood and composition ball jointed body -See Sold Price
Sold***CUNO & OTTO DRESSEL BISQUE HEAD DOLLHaving sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, composition body, marked ''Cuno & Otto Dressel Germany 11'', approximate height 29 1/12''.See Sold Price
Sold*CUNO & OTTO DRESSEL BISQUE HEAD DOLLHaving sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth on composition ball jointed body, marked on back "5 1/2 Cuno & Otto Dressel Germany," approximate height 22".See Sold Price
SoldC 1880 Cuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head DollCuno & Otto Dressel, Germany bisque shoulderhead doll, ca. 1880, blonde hair (losses), sleep eyes (not working), open mouth with four teeth, kid body, 12-1/2" l. Includes period outfits of red silk anSee Sold Price
Sold"Natalie", Cuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Child Doll"Natalie", Cuno & Otto Dressel bisque Child doll, German, 1890s, weighted blue eyes, open mouth, composition and wood ball jointed body, original auburn mohair wig and pate, pulls to wig hairline, verSee Sold Price
SoldCuno, Otto, Dressel bisque head doll, bisque lowerCuno, Otto, Dressel bisque head doll, bisque lower arms, kid body, sleep eyes, 15". Marked "1896 C.O.D. 1 D E P" (Cuno, Otto, Dressel) Newer clothes and shoes, dressed in French style outfit. Newer wiSee Sold Price
SoldC 1900 22" Cuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head DollDESCRIPTION: Circa 1900 Cuno & Otto Dressel doll. Bisque socket head with sleep eyes and original eyelashes, painted eyelashes, eyebrows and open mouth with five visible teeth, curled mohair wig. BackSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CUNO & OTTO DRESSEL GERMAN BISQUE DOLL(lot of 2) German porcelain shoulder head dolls: (1) marked Cuno & Otto Dressel at back of neck, composition body, blue/green sleep eyes, blonde mohair wig, in traditional German costume, splitting toSee Sold Price
SoldCUNO & OTTO DRESSEL BISQUE HEAD DOLL, H 19"CUNO & OTTO DRESSEL BISQUE HEAD DOLL, H 19":Bisque head doll with composition jointed body, sleep eyes and open mouth with two teeth. "Holz-masse" trademark on back.See Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Child Doll, "Gillian"Cuno & Otto Dressel bisque Child doll, "Gillian", Number Series C, c.1916, impressed C 4, ellipse incised to rear of head, weighted blue eyes, open mouth, small dimple to chin, composition and wood baSee Sold Price
SoldSweet Cuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Child Doll.German. Bisque head incised Made in Germany C, brown sleeping eyes, molded multi-stroked eyebrows, open mouth with upper teeth, replaced wig; jointed composition body with Dressel trademark stamp; repSee Sold Price
144. Character Cuno & Otto Dressel 65cm bisque doll144. Character Cuno & Otto Dressel 25"(65cm) well blushed bisque. Glossred mouth has four upper teeth, feathered brows, upper lower lashes, brown glass sleeping eyes. Full ball jointed repainted compoSee Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel 25" bisque doll floral pink & lCuno & Otto Dressel 25" bisque doll floral pink & lace dressSee Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Child DollCuno & Otto Dressel bisque child Doll, German, c.1920, impressed C 4, torso inscribed 5, weighted brown eyes, open mouth, brunette wig and pate, wood and composition ball jointed body, right hand pairSee Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Shoulderhead DollCuno & Otto Dressel bisque shoulderhead Child Doll, German, c.1893-on, impressed trademark 9/0, weighted brown eyes, open mouth, elaborate blond mohair wig, cloth body FRAGILE paper tape around torso,See Sold Price
SoldCuno and Otto Dressel Bisque Doll25" Cuno & Otto Dressel German bisque doll, socket head, 1912 star mark, sleep glass eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body (1 finger missing), appropriate dressSee Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head DollAntique Cuno & Otto Dressel German bisque head 22" doll, with sleep eyes, open mouth & jointed composition body. CONDITION: Minor wear & loss on body, minor wear on dress.See Sold Price
SoldCuno, Otto, Dressel bisque head dollCuno, Otto, Dressel bisque head doll, bisque lower arms, kid body, sleep eyes, 15". Marked "1896 C.O.D. 1 D E P" (Cuno, Otto, Dressel) Newer clothes and shoes, dressed in French style outfit. Newer wiSee Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head Doll, Germany, incCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head Doll, Germany, incised marks with 4/00 at top of head, blue sleeping eyes, open mouth, original pate and brown human hair wig, fully jointed body, ht. 17 in.See Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head Doll, fixed brownCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Head Doll, fixed brown eyes, open mouth, blond wig, kid leather body with bisque hands, white replaced lace dress and hat, ht. 15 in.See Sold Price
SoldCuno & Otto Dressel Bisque Shoulderhead DollCuno & Otto Dressel bisque shoulderhead Doll, German, 1893 onwards, impressed 12/0, weighted blue eyes, open mouth, blond wig and pate, cloth body, composition lower arms, tilt squeaker, cotton undergSee Sold Price
SoldCuno, Otto & Dressel Bisque Baby DollCuno, Otto & Dressel Bisque Baby Doll Having a bisque socket head, five piece composition bent limb body with crier in torso, glass sleep eyes and a human hair wig Height: 24.00 inches Category: ColleSee Sold Price
In the Style of Gebruder Heubach Elspeth Bisque Doll 10490Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antique German AM Armand Marseille Baby Bisque DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Antique German Armand Marseille Bisque Doll 971 A 4/0 MLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Antique German Otto Dressel 1912-4 Bisque Head Composition Body DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Antique German Otto Dressel 1912-4 Bisque Head Composition Body DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Lot 4 c1980's Bisque Dolls Mary K Stevens Marie BergerLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Antique German Otto Dressel 1912-4 Bisque Head Composition Body DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Antique German Otto Reinecke 914 Bisque Head Composition Body DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Lot 3 Antique German Bisque Dolls Simon Halbig etcLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024