Mesopotamian Duck Weight GroupCirca 3100-539 BC. A group of carved duck-shaped weights comprising: one in dark grey stone with long flattened base; one in grey-white-cream stone with piercing to the neck. Stone, 1.0 kg total, 94-8See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Mesopotamian Haematite Duck Weight1st millennium BC. A group of weights, each formed as a duck with the head and neck laid along the back. 37 grams total, 9 - 28mm (1/4 - 1"). Property of a North London collector; acquired in the 1970See Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Babylonian Stone Duck Weight Group1000-800 BC. A mixed group of duck weights comprising: one banded agate, pierced transversely; one black hardstone; one white agate, carved. 7.78 grams, 16-21 mm (1/2 - 3/4"). UK art market, acquiredSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Mesopotamian Duck Weight2nd millennium BC. A haematite weight in the form of a duck, head along the back of the body. Exhibited: Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Genève Exhibition, 30 March-20 September 2000: Animaux d'Art et d'HSee Sold Price
SoldMesopotamian Duck Weight Seal8th-5th century BC. A carved chalcedony duck weight stamp seal depicting geometric design, accompanied by a museum quality impression and a copy of a typed, and signed scholarly note by the late W.G.See Sold Price
SoldPhoenician Scaraboid and Duck Weight Group6th-4th century BC. A mixed group comprising: a bronze duck weight; a glazed composition scarab with low relief design to the underside; a bronze scarab pierced for suspension. 12.7 grams total, 13-19See Sold Price
SoldMesopotamian duck weight and a pair of ByzantineA Mesopotamian duck weight and a pair of Byzantine weights. The Mesopotamian quartzite duck weight, c. Late 2nd -Early 1st Millennium BC, the body oval with flat bottom, the long neck turned back, theSee Sold Price
Bronze Age Jemdet Nasr - Mesopotamian Duck WeightCirca 3,000 BC. A carved creamy green stone weight in the form of a duck with its head reversed and resting on its back. Crystaline stone, 23.3 grams, 37 mm. Ex Cambell collection 1970's, ex Alex SzolSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Duck Weight Group2nd millennium BC. A group of duck weights consisting of: a banded agate weight pierced to the side and with head looking back along body; a carnelian weight with head looking back along body, detailiSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Mesopotamian Duck weight8th-7th century BC. A haematite Neo-Babylonian weight in the shape of a duck, head bent backwards and resting on back. 17 grams, 31mm (1 3/4"). Acquired on the London art market prior to 1980.See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Mesopotamian Duck Weight1st millennium BC. A carved agate weight formed as a duck with the head and neck laid along the spine. 4 grams, 20.75mm (1"). From the private collection of a North West London lady; previously with aSee Sold Price
Large Mesopotamian Duck Weight2nd-1st millennium BC. A substantial stone weight in the form of a duck; head back along the body, engraved eyes and nostrils; flat tail, slightly rounded base. 170 grams, 75mm (3"). From an importantSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Large Mesopotamian Duck Weight2nd-1st millennium BC. A substantial stone weight in the form of a duck; head back along the body, engraved eyes and nostrils; flat tail, slightly rounded base. 170 grams, 75mm (3"). From an importantSee Sold Price
SoldBabylonian Duck Weight Group2nd millennium BC. A pair of carved haematite duck weights each with the head resting along the spine. 4.3 grams total, 14-19mm (3/4"). Property of a Middlesex lady; acquired on the London art marketSee Sold Price
Mesopotamian Duck WeightMesopotamian Duck Weight Mesopotamia, circa 2nd-1st Millennium B.C. One of the most common shapes of Near Eastern weights was the 'sleeping duck', as shown in this example. Black stone duck with its hSee Sold Price
SoldA WESTERN ASIATIC DARK STONE DUCK WEIGHT, CIRCA LATE 2ND-EARLY 1ST MILLENNIUM B.C.A Mesopotamian duck weight with long neck and head turned back, the slender neck undercut and separated from the wide body, the beak resting against the upper back, flaring at the tail feathers, on aSee Sold Price
Mesopotamian Stone Duck Weights (Lot 0f 5)Mesopotamian Duck Weights, circa 1200 B.C. - 582 B.C. Five stone duck weights, carved from stone, in "sleeping duck" position with long neck turned back, hugging back with the head flat on the centerSee Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Mesopotamian Haematite Duck Weight2000-500 BC. A carved haematite weight in the form of a duck with the head laid along the back. 33 grams, 36 mm (1 1/4"). Formerly the property of a Mayfair gentleman, acquired 1980s.See Sold Price
SoldMesopotamian Stone Duck WeightAncient Near East, Mesopotamian, ca. 2nd to 1st millennium BCE. An elegant weight carved by hand from a pale yellow-white stone with prominent red-orange veining. The weight depicts an abstract sleepiSee Sold Price
SoldA MESOPOTAMIAN BASALT DUCK WEIGHT, c. 2000 BCA MESOPOTAMIAN BASALT DUCK WEIGHT, c. 2000 BC Mesopotamia, around 2000 BC. The volcanic rock finely carved and polished, depicting a recumbent duck with its head and beak resting on its back, with a cSee Sold Price
Ancient Mesopotamian Stone Duck WeightMesopotamian, Babylon, ca. 2nd to 1st millennium BCE. An elegant weight carved from a white stone and depicting an abstract rendering of a sleeping duck, with the duck's long beaked head turned back 1See Sold Price
Ancient Mesopotamian Stone Duck Weight Seal c.2nd millAncient Mesopotamian Stone Duck Weight Seal c.2nd millenium BC. Size 29 x 14 mm. Rare Ancient black stone Duck weight with Seal at the bottom of a lion headed god. Condition: Perfect. Provenance: Ex TSee Sold Price
Mesopotamian Bronze Duck WeightMesopotamian Bronze Duck Weight 1 5/8 x 1 3/4 x 7/8 in. p> Throckmorton Fine Arts, exhibition of Fine Arts of Ancient Lands, 1992.See Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Mesopotamian Haematite Duck Weight2000-500 BC . A large carved haematite weight in the form of a duck with the head laid along the back. 993 grams, 11.5 cm (4 1/2"). Property of a London collector, acquired early 1960s.See Sold Price
Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablet Group with Administrative Tablet and a King ?u-Sin Tax TextTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Mesopotamian Alabaster Lenticular Necklace Bead GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Neo Babylonian Agate Duck Weight with EngravingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Post Medieval Bronze Trade and Coin Weight GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Angelo Maria CRIVELLI known as "Il CRIVELLONE" (1650-1730) Pair of animal paintings, 17th-18thGOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
46060: Philip Russell Goodwin (American, 1881-1935) SleHeritage Auctions4.1(508)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Lot of Lladro Figurines- Girl Feeding Ducks, etc.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
3 Mickey Mouse Disney Disneyana Convention ButtonsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
American Hand Carved And Painted Wood Duck Decoys, Ca. Early 20th C., H 6" L 13" Depth 5.5" 3 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024