SoldLATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH C. LOT OF 1000+ POSTCARDSLate 19th/early 20th Century collection of approximately 1000 postcards with views of Europe and America. Fair condition, some were posted.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 Albums of Early to Mid 20th C. PostcardsLot of four albums of early to mid 20th century postcards from the East Coast, including New England, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia and Washington DC, approximately 1000 cards.See Sold Price
SoldSioux Beaded Wood, Native American BowNative American Beaded Wood Bow. 2 in x 41 in. Sioux Tribe. Condition: Some minor bead loss. Approximately early 20th century. Shipping: $18.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 1400 Early 20th Century Postcards, iApproximately 1400 Early 20th Century Postcards, including Tuck & Sons, Christmas, holiday, valentines, New England, military, series, whimsical, etc.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 300 Early 20th Century Holiday and GApproximately 300 Early 20th Century Holiday and Greeting Postcards, including Christmas, Easter, New Years, Thanksgiving, birthday, valentines, and other greeting, some series.See Sold Price
SoldAPPROXIMATELY 250 EARLY 20TH CENTURY CIRCUS AND CABARET PERFORMER POSTCARDSAPPROXIMATELY 250 EARLY 20TH CENTURY CIRCUS AND CABARET PERFORMER POSTCARDS mainly comprising MIDGETS ACTS, troops including John Lester's Midgets, Chaffer's Midgets, Fred Ropner, Zeynard's, Schaefer'See Sold Price
SoldApproximately Fifty-three Early 20th Century andApproximately Fifty-three Early 20th Century and Vintage Painted and Blown Glass Christmas Ornaments.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 475 Early 20th Century Specialty PosApproximately 475 Early 20th Century Specialty Postcards, including photographic, humor, series, trains, advertising, women, etc., sold with approximately 400 later glossy color postcards.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 775 Early 20th Century U.S. PostcardApproximately 775 Early 20th Century U.S. Postcards, including Massachusetts, New England, New York, Washington, D.C., Florida, California, etc.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 250 Early 20th Century Easter and TwApproximately 250 Early 20th Century Easter and Twenty St. Patrick's Day Postcards.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 200 Early 20th Century New Year andApproximately 200 Early 20th Century New Year and Thanksgiving Postcards, including embossed, etc.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 1800 Early 20th Century Postcards, iApproximately 1800 Early 20th Century Postcards, including town and state related destinations, national parks, historical buildings and places, tourist attractions, international related, Detroit PhoSee Sold Price
SoldApproximately 235 Early 20th Century Sport, FirefiApproximately 235 Early 20th Century Sport, Firefighting, and Transportation Postcards, thirty-five sport, fifty-one occupational, forty steamship, nine streetcar, fourteen firefighting, and twenty-fiSee Sold Price
SoldAlbum of Early 20th Century Postcards, MassachusettAlbum of Early 20th Century Postcards, Massachusetts, North Shore, Boston, and Cambridge.See Sold Price
SoldLot of Early 20th C. South Carolina PostcardsApproximately 130 early 20th century postcards, postmarks 1911 and earlier, all related to cities and sites in South Carolina including Charleston, Spartanburg, Columbia, Greenwood, Ninety Six, NewberSee Sold Price
Sold200 Early 20th C. Glass SlidesLot of approximately 200 early 20th century glass photographic slides, in color, views of Japan. Provenance: MA estate.See Sold Price
SoldPostcards, Ariosa Coffee Trade Cards, Calling CardsApproximately 160 early 20th century postcards, most with writing on back and most with postmarks dating between 1908-1913, including railroad related, San Francisco, two Valentine, seven Easter, threSee Sold Price
SoldS. KIRK & SON INC., BALTIMORE, MDSterling silver sauce boat and underplate, 925/1000, #4101, early 20th century, monogrammed. Weight 13.6 troy ounces.See Sold Price
SoldVintage Postcards, Several Cuban Real PhotoApproximately 78 early 20th century postcards, over 30 depicting figures and scenes in Cuba, 16 real photo cards many of scenes in Cuba (one with two figures wearing boxing gloves and sparring); severSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF APPROXIMATELY 700 ANTIQUE POSTCARDSLot of approximately 700 postcards, early 20th century. Postcards fall mainly into categories of antique photography (portraits and homes), landscapes and cities, monuments, cartoons and greeting cardSee Sold Price
SoldBRADLEY & HUBBARD, Palm Tree LampBradley & Hubbard Palm Tree design table lamp base. Green. B&H mark under base. Measures approximately 20" tall. Early 20th century. Excellent condtion with some minor surface wear. No shade.See Sold Price
SoldLARGE GROUPING OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY POSTCARDSHuge grouping (quite easily more than 1000 items) of early 20th century postcards some dating back more than 80 years, postcards are from all over the U.S and other countries with historical, topograpSee Sold Price
SoldBook on Japanese Screens, Scrolls, and Paintingsmost images approximately 10" x 9 1/2" approximately 100 pages early 20th century SHIPPING: Shipping available within the Continental USA (excludes insurance) $30. International buyers are responsibleSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Wool Rug EARLY 20TH CENTURY Approximately 9A Chinese Wool Rug EARLY 20TH CENTURY Approximately 9 feet x 12 feet.See Sold Price
Group of Three Palestinian Embroidered Ghudgehs (Veils)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Postcard - Jewish Orphanage for Girls in JerusalemLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Hand Tinted Photo - Tower of David - American ColonyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Early Embroidered Palestinian ot Middle Eastern DressLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antique Chinese Green and White Peking Glass VaseLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(858)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024