Flint Ridge Archaic Point
Flintridge "Bridal Wreath?? China Set (52 pieces)Mar 10, 20243.1/8" Flint Ridge Flint Knife, Found on Flint Ridge by Jack Hooks in 1972, Ex Montie MilnerFeb 25, 20242.3/4" Flint Ridge Corner Notch, Ex Mike Hosier, Ex Montie Milner CollectionFeb 25, 20242.5/16" Flint Ridge McCorkle, Ex Mike Hosier, Ex Montie Milner CollectionFeb 25, 20242.3/4" Polished Point, Nice early archaic point with ancient grinding on the base / mid section. ExFeb 25, 20242.1/8" Texas Early Archaic Point, This collection was the property of the Leonard & Vivian NelsonFeb 25, 20242.5/8" Flint Ridge Adena, Dickey COA, Delaware Co Ohio, This collection was the property of theFeb 25, 2024Flint Ridge 3.1/4" Adena Robbins, Dickey COA, Wafer Thin, Ohio, This collection was the property ofFeb 25, 2024Lot of 3 Archaic Points Dekalb Co. Il All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20242 Archaic Points found in Dekalb Co IL All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20243" Archaic Point found in Dekalb Co. IL All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20244" Dovetail. White and Tan Flintridge. Seneca Co, OH. Rogers COAMar 09, 20247" Blade. White Flint Ridge. Madison County, Indiana.Mar 09, 20244 1/16” Archaic Micro-Notch Blade. Mercer Co, OH. Bennett COAMar 09, 20245" Early Ovoid Stemmed Point. Pictured. Davis COAMar 09, 20245 5/8" Clovis. Flintridge. Ohio. Putty and Howard COA'sMar 09, 20242 7/16" Archaic Point. Ex Charles HendersonMar 09, 20243.1/4" Flint Ridge Adena, Scioto Co Ohio, Ex Bill Kacer Family Collection-Majority of his relicsMar 10, 20243.1/4" Flint Ridge Hardin, Pickaway Co Ohio, Ex Bill Kacer Family Collection-Majority of his relicsMar 10, 20242 5/16" Thebes, made of Flint Ridge Chert, found in Delaware Co Ohio, Ex Bill Kacer FamilyMar 10, 2024Native American Archaic / Woodland Projectile PointsFeb 26, 2024Prehistoric Native American Lanceolate Projectile PointFeb 26, 2024Native American Archaic Arrowhead, Projectile PointMar 16, 2024Archaic Native American Etley-Type Chert BladeMar 01, 2024