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38: Marianne Brandt, Schale, 1928187: Siegmund Schütz, Kaffee- und Teeservice 'Tiergarte1044: Unbekannter Künstler, Auf der Baustelle, 1939
Munich, Germany
Auction Details

Modern Design - Modern Art

VON ZEZSCHWITZ Art and Design, Munich has assembled for its 19. June auction a wealth of fascinating, unusual and collectable items from all fields of 20th. Century painting, sculpture, prints and drawings, as well as modern design, such as glass by Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg, Karl Wiedmann, Udo Edelmann, WMF Geislingen, and Yoshihiko Takahashi, as well as glass by Lino Tagliapietra and Aldo Nason from Murano, furniture by Thonet, Mauser, Verner Panton, Warren Plattner, Marcel Breuer, Charlotte Perriand, René Herbst, Erich Dieckmann, Jindrich Halabala, Luigi Colani, Egon Eiermann, Harry Bertoia, Achille Castiglione, Charles and Ray Eames and Le Corbusier, metalwork by Gio Ponti, Fornasetti, Borek Sipek, Lino Sabattini, Marianne Brandt and Ruppelwerk Gotha, lighting by Poul Hennigsen, Driade, Vico Magistretti, Stilnovo and Wilhelm Wagenfeld, and ceramics by Rosenthal. Bauhaus designers and artists are particularly well represented in all fields: paintings, watercolours, prints and drawings are available by such artists as Wilhelm Imkamp, Fritz Winter, Karl Hermann Haupt, Hans Haffenrichter, Karl Peter Röhl, Max Bill, Erich Buchholz, Lou Loeber, Joost Schmidt and Fritz Kuhr, important ceramics by Otto Lindig carry price-tags of up to 3500 € for a large punch-bowl of 1922. A rare electric wall-clock by Peter Behrens for AEG Berlin, ca. 1910, is modestly estimated at 680 € and his even rarer copper and brass electric heater for AEG, complete with original bulbs, is even more modestly estimated at 450 €. Ernst Fuchs, Wunderlich, Hundertwasser, Janssen, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Mark Beard, Renato Guttuso and Tom Wesselman are other important names not to be missed in this interesting and varied selection of fine art and design items.
Marianne Brandt, Table Lamp, around 1930: Switch emerging from stand. H. 42 cm. Execution: Metal Works Gotha. Steel sheet, varnished black, inside of lampshade silver color, chromium plated shaft, hinges, socket, area around switch. Marked,
0049: Marianne Brandt, Table Lamp, around 1930Est. €660-€792
See Sold Price
Christian Dell, Wandlampe, um 1929: Zusammengestzt aus rechteckigem Wandlager, zweistrebigem und zweigeteiltem Arm sowie halbkugelförmigem Reflektor mit versetzter, mit Drehschalter bestückter Fassungshülse, mittels vierfachen
0050: Christian Dell, Wandlampe, um 1929Est. €260-€312Lot Passed
Christian Dell, Klemm-Lampe, um 1934: Rohrschaft mit Schraubklemme, angesetzter, beweglicher Spiralarm, mit Kugelgelenk montierter, gewölbter Reflektor, Fassungshülse mit Drehschalter. H. 60 cm. Ausführung: Gebr. Kaiser & Co.,
0051: Christian Dell, Klemm-Lampe, um 1934Est. €200-€240Lot Passed
Mart Stam, Armchair, around 1932: Cantilevered chair. H. 80 cm; w. 57 cm. Executed by Thonat Bros, Frankenberg; model B 262. Steel tube, chromium plated, seat, back and arm rests in beechwood, bent resp. plywood, painted black.
0052: Mart Stam, Armchair, around 1932Est. €1,800-€2,160Lot Passed
BéWé (Bruno Weil), Chair, around 1930: Chair. H. 79 cm, w. 41 cm. Execution: Thonet Bros., Frankenberg; model B 257. Steel tube, chromium plated, seat in plywood, backrest in massive beechwood, stained black resp. varnished. Marked with
0053: BéWé (Bruno Weil), Chair, around 1930Est. €1,500-€1,800Lot Passed
Marcel Breuer, Armrest Chair, 1928/29: Model B 35. H. 83.5 cm; w. 60 cm. Execution: Thonet Bros., Frankenberg. Steel tube, chromium plated, srewed; armrests in beechwood, stained light brown, seat and backrest strings in ochre-yellow
0054: Marcel Breuer, Armrest Chair, 1928/29Est. €4,200-€5,040Lot Passed
Marcel Breuer, Chair, 1927/28: Cantilevered chair. H. 83 cm; w. 50 cm. Execution by Thonet Bros, Frankenberg; model B 33. Steel tube, chrome plated, seat and back covering with black resp. brown iron wire. Marked: manufacturer's
0055: Marcel Breuer, Chair, 1927/28Est. €2,200-€2,640Lot Passed
Marcel Breuer, Armrest Chair, around 1930: Model B 34. Cantilevered chair. H. 85 cm; w. 57.3 cm; d: 61 cm. Execution: Thonet Bros., Frankenberg. Steel tube, bent, blackened, fitted and screwed; armrests in beechwood, natural color, polished,
0056: Marcel Breuer, Armrest Chair, around 1930Est. €1,800-€2,160Lot Passed
Marcel Breuer, Chair, around 1926/7: Model B 5. H. 83.5 cm; w. 53.5 cm Execution: Standard-Moebel, Lengyel & Co, Berlin. Steel tube, bent, chromium plated, screwed; orange-color iron-wire stringing.Innen-Dekoration, vol. 38, Darmstadt
0057: Marcel Breuer, Chair, around 1926/7Est. €4,000-€4,800Lot Passed
Marcel Breuer, Table, 1927: Model B 10. H. 66 cm; 75 x75 cm. Execution : Thonet Bros., Frankenberg, around 1930. Steel tube, bent, chromium plated, fitted and screwed; top in hardwood, mint-green varnish.A. v. Vegesack,
0059: Marcel Breuer, Table, 1927Est. €1,400-€1,680Lot Passed
Marcel Breuer, Set of Tables, 1936: Three oieces. H. 38 resp. 36.5 resp. 34.5 cm; 61 x 45 resp. 61 x 42 resp. 61 x 38 cm. Executed by Isokon, London. Plywood, bent, varnished cream-white. Unmarked.M. Droste, M. Ludewig, Marcel Breuer,
0060: Marcel Breuer, Set of Tables, 1936Est. €4,200-€5,040
See Sold Price
Deutschland, Beistelltisch, um 1935: Geometrisch-konstruktivistischer Aufbau aus Vierkant- und Flachhölzern; vierbeiniger Stand, quadratische, verzargte Zwischenablage, Mitte mit vertikal montiertem Stützbrett, eine Schmalseite mit
0064: Deutschland, Beistelltisch, um 1935Est. €300-€360
See Sold Price
Deutschland, Stuhl, um 1930: Gerade, vierbeinige Standkonstruktion, Rückenlehnenrahmen oben leicht nach hinten abgeschrägt, längsrechteckige Hölzer, Sitz in Trapezform, Sitz und Rückenlehne aus Rohrgeflecht, eingepasst. H.
0065: Deutschland, Stuhl, um 1930Est. €300-€360Lot Passed
Vienna, Cabinet, around 1930: Cabinet, inside with adjustible shelves. H. 129.5 cm; w. 91 cm; d. 29 cm. Whitewood and beechwood, mint-green varnish, fittings and handles in turned beechwood, stained middle brown.
0066: Vienna, Cabinet, around 1930Est. €1,500-€1,800
See Sold Price
Jindrich Halabala attributed, Set of Tables, aro: Three pieces. H. 70 resp. 63.5 resp. 58 cm; 69 x 37.5 resp. 58 x 35.5, resp. 48 x 34 cm. Execution: presumably Spojené UP Závody, Hodonin, Czechoslovakia. Beechwood, stained black-brown with
0068: Jindrich Halabala attributed, Set of Tables, aroEst. €900-€1,080
See Sold Price
Jindrich Halabala, Table, around 1930: Table. H. 65.5 cm; 68 x68 cm. Execution: Spojené UP Závdy, Hodonin, Czechoslovakia. Oak, stained dark brown, surface of top with black-brown varnish, backside red-brown matt coating.Exhib. cat.
0071: Jindrich Halabala, Table, around 1930Est. €1,100-€1,320Lot Passed