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38: Marianne Brandt, Schale, 1928187: Siegmund Schütz, Kaffee- und Teeservice 'Tiergarte1044: Unbekannter Künstler, Auf der Baustelle, 1939
Munich, Germany
Auction Details

Modern Design - Modern Art

VON ZEZSCHWITZ Art and Design, Munich has assembled for its 19. June auction a wealth of fascinating, unusual and collectable items from all fields of 20th. Century painting, sculpture, prints and drawings, as well as modern design, such as glass by Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg, Karl Wiedmann, Udo Edelmann, WMF Geislingen, and Yoshihiko Takahashi, as well as glass by Lino Tagliapietra and Aldo Nason from Murano, furniture by Thonet, Mauser, Verner Panton, Warren Plattner, Marcel Breuer, Charlotte Perriand, René Herbst, Erich Dieckmann, Jindrich Halabala, Luigi Colani, Egon Eiermann, Harry Bertoia, Achille Castiglione, Charles and Ray Eames and Le Corbusier, metalwork by Gio Ponti, Fornasetti, Borek Sipek, Lino Sabattini, Marianne Brandt and Ruppelwerk Gotha, lighting by Poul Hennigsen, Driade, Vico Magistretti, Stilnovo and Wilhelm Wagenfeld, and ceramics by Rosenthal. Bauhaus designers and artists are particularly well represented in all fields: paintings, watercolours, prints and drawings are available by such artists as Wilhelm Imkamp, Fritz Winter, Karl Hermann Haupt, Hans Haffenrichter, Karl Peter Röhl, Max Bill, Erich Buchholz, Lou Loeber, Joost Schmidt and Fritz Kuhr, important ceramics by Otto Lindig carry price-tags of up to 3500 € for a large punch-bowl of 1922. A rare electric wall-clock by Peter Behrens for AEG Berlin, ca. 1910, is modestly estimated at 680 € and his even rarer copper and brass electric heater for AEG, complete with original bulbs, is even more modestly estimated at 450 €. Ernst Fuchs, Wunderlich, Hundertwasser, Janssen, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Mark Beard, Renato Guttuso and Tom Wesselman are other important names not to be missed in this interesting and varied selection of fine art and design items.
Hukin & Heath, Birmingham, Wine jug, 1892: Wine jug, the design inspired by Christopher Dresser. H. 39.5 cm. Clear glass, silver-mounted, bearing the maker's marks JTH/JHM (John Thomas Heath & John Hartshorne Middleton) and hallmarks for
0001: Hukin & Heath, Birmingham, Wine jug, 1892Est. €1,800-€2,160Lot Passed
Heinrich Tessenow, Wanduhr, 1910: Rechteckiges Gehäuse mit vorgesetztem, quadratischem Zifferblatt, schlanke, zylindrische Gewichte, runde Pendelscheibe. 25 x 25 cm. Ausführung: Deutsche Werkstätten, Dresden-Hellerau. Holz,
0005: Heinrich Tessenow, Wanduhr, 1910Est. €450-€540Lot Passed
Erich Dieckmann , Sofa-bed, ca. 1927: Straight rectangular frame construction made of flat square planks on slightly receding rectangular stand frame, painted black, frame rising on one small side to mark the head end, one long side with
0006: Erich Dieckmann , Sofa-bed, ca. 1927Est. €1,500-€1,800Lot Passed
Erich Dieckmann, Small Case, around 1927: Straight rectangular case structure on slightly retracted rectangular base, two sliding doors of colorless glass with depressions for opening and closing, inside on three levels height-adjustable
0007: Erich Dieckmann, Small Case, around 1927Est. €1,300-€1,560Lot Passed
Erich Dieckmann, Table, around 1930: Table. H. 50 cm; dm 78 cm. Execution: Basketmakers' Union Tannroda E.G.M.B.H. Stand in bent bamboo poles; sections with wickerwork; table top in wood, beech veneer, stained black.Erich Dieckmann,
0009: Erich Dieckmann, Table, around 1930Est. €520-€624Lot Passed
Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1930: Vase. H. 20.8 cm. Executed at Dornburg. Brickred material, turned, irregular glazing. Marked.Exhib. cat. Keramik und Bauhaus, Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin 1989, p. 270, no. 15 (mark).
0010: Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1930Est. €1,800-€2,160Lot Passed
Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1939: Vase. H. 22 cm. sand color material, turned, gray spotty glazing. Execution: Ceramic Works Dornburg. Marked.Exhib. cat. Keramik und Bauhaus, Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin 1989, p. 272 no. 25.
0011: Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1939Est. €1,800-€2,160Lot Passed
Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Punchbowl, 1922: Punchbowl. H. 30 cm. Executed by Bauhaus Dornburg. Artist's initials.
0013: Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Punchbowl, 1922Est. €3,700-€4,440Lot Passed
Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1930: Vase. H. 19 cm. Execution: Ceramic Works Dornburg. Poros material, turned, surface gray, with spotty glazing, inside matt white. Bottom arked.Exhib. cat. Keramik und Bauhaus, Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin
0015: Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1930Est. €1,800-€2,160Lot Passed
Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1940: Vase. H. 11.3 cm. Execution: Ceramic Factory Dornburg. Sabd-colored material, turned, blue glazing with fine scars, inside white. Bottom marked.Exhib. cat. Keramik und Bauhaus, Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin
0016: Otto Lindig, Dornburg, Vase, around 1940Est. €1,500-€1,800Lot Passed
Hubert Griemert, Vase, um 1939: Nahezu zylindrische Gefäßform über eingezogenem, gekehltem Stand, flach eingewölbte Schulter, enge Mündung mit Ringprofil. H. 13 cm. Brauner Klinkerscherben, gedreht, zäh ablaufende, fleckige,
0020: Hubert Griemert, Vase, um 1939Est. €200-€240Lot Passed
Martha Katzer , Lampenfuß, um 1930: Hochovale, bauchige Vasenform über zylindrischem Stand, zylindrischer, enger Hals; Kabelaustritt in der Wandung, Standbereich. H. 36,5 cm. Ausführung: Staatl. Majolika-Manufaktur Karlsruhe.
0022: Martha Katzer , Lampenfuß, um 1930Est. €250-€300Lot Passed
WMF, Geislingen, Bodenvase, um 1930: Leicht gewölbte, sich schräg erweiternde Form über zylindrischem Stand, gerundete, steil eingezogene Schulter, Halskehle mit Schalenmündung, gewulstete Randkante. H. 40 cm. Lichtgrauer
0023: WMF, Geislingen, Bodenvase, um 1930Est. €300-€360
See Sold Price