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Personal automobile standards Prussian Kaiser WilhelmKaiser Wilhelm II peaked cap Chief Baden 110thPrussian Civil Class of the Pour le Merite Medal
Bouckville, NY, United States
Auction Details

Mohawk Arms Militaria Auction 82

Auction 82 includes: 15th Century jousting lance, 16th Century German executioner sword, Medieval ?Falchion?, 17th Century French ?small? sword; Napoleonic 1st Empire Court sword (with full ?bee?), cavalry sword and large barracks wall eagle, US Barbary Wars cutlass (with patriotic motto), officer?s circa 1825 sword, Political/military buttons, Civil War armor chest plate, swords (eagle head, M1850 officer, Navy cutlass, etc.), belt buckles, Mass. ?Minute Man Medals?; Imperial Austrian NCO helmet, shako, General?s fore-and-aft hat, Royalty ?hirschfanger?; Imperial German shako circa 1820-40, M1848 Bavarian helmet, Prussian ?ersatz? ?pickelhaube?, Bavarian cuirass, misc. swords (Cavalry, Infantry, Navy), uniforms (Colonial troops, Cuirassier, Bavarian Garde Colonel), medals/orders (Lippe SteckKreuz, Hessen Golden Lion Order, etc.); Third-Reich ? Adolf Hitler glasses, Eva Braun silver/porcelain, Himmler silverware, Goring personal items, Doenitz autographed war-time photo in silver frame, Luftwaffe ?pokol?, etc.; Daggers ? collection of SA, Luft. Condor Legion, Army, Luft., ?Prinz Eugen? sword, bayonets, etc., Medals/badges ? 1919 Stahlhelm Badge, Olympic Cross, Culture Badge, Social Welfare neck cross, ?50? General Assault Badge, collection of shooting badges, etc.; Headgear ? peaked caps (W-SS Artillery and Panzer, HJ Leader, Tradition Cavalry, Mt. Artillery, etc.), helmets ? Army, Luft., ?Org. Todt?, etc.), collection of Third-Reich flags (NSDAP, SA, RAD, HJ, etc.), Uniforms ? named Army General, Luft. General Malzer?s flight tunic, SS Panzer ?wrapper?, rare Police Officer ?wrapper?, Anti-semitic posters and ephemera (for the scholar, collector and researcher); US WWII Ranger tunic grouping, CBI silk ?chit?/related items, posters, cloth insignia, books, medals/badges, autographed Lindbergh photo, combat knives (modified WWI, OSS, VN); misc. bayonets (Belgian Engineers, French, German, Polish pre-WWII, etc.); Samurai swords, books and more.
Indian necklace 1837 Canadian One Penny: R-027 Indian necklace made from blue/white glass beads and polished bones. Pendant is an 1837 Canadian "One Penny" bank token. II
0027: Indian necklace 1837 Canadian One PennyEst. $225-$450
See Sold Price
Indian tobacco pouch Circa 1840: R-029 Tobacco pouch. Aged darkened white leather 8" x 6 1/2" fringe pouch. 4 1/4" diameter round beaded decoration consisting of black/white light blue/red small glass beads. Attached shoulder strap.
0029: Indian tobacco pouch Circa 1840Est. $275-$600
See Sold Price
Unknown Indian briarwood harpoon: R-031 Unknown Indian briarwood harpoon. 5 1/2" pointed head with three attached 2 1/2" reverse barbs. Attached with sinew. Overall , 37". 1890. Possibly South American. II
0031: Unknown Indian briarwood harpoonEst. $35-$75
See Sold Price
Prussian M1812 Flintlock pistol: M-002 Prussian M 1812 Flintlock pistol. Darkened walnut stock with a brass forend cap, side plate, trigger guard and "flattened" pommel cap. 9" clean barrel with age spotting. Original lock plate
0033: Prussian M1812 Flintlock pistolEst. $1,425-$3,000Lot Passed
American Peace and Smith pepper box pistol: M-007 American "Peace & Smith" prototype "pepper box". 28 caliber, 3", four-shot barrel cluster without a shield. Bar type hammer and decorative scroll engraving on the iron frame. Variant ring
0038: American Peace and Smith pepper box pistolEst. $450-$900
See Sold Price
French Officers percussion pistol: M-008 French Officers Percussion pistol. 9 3/4" octagon simulated damascus barrel is dated 1845. Back action lock plate marked "Manuf. Rle de Chatellerault..." Checkered Woodstock. Some light pitting
0039: French Officers percussion pistolEst. $995-$2,000Lot Passed