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Bouckville, NY, United States
Auction Details
Mohawk Arms Militaria Auction 82
Auction 82 includes: 15th Century jousting lance, 16th Century German executioner sword, Medieval ?Falchion?, 17th Century French ?small? sword; Napoleonic 1st Empire Court sword (with full ?bee?), cavalry sword and large barracks wall eagle, US Barbary Wars cutlass (with patriotic motto), officer?s circa 1825 sword, Political/military buttons, Civil War armor chest plate, swords (eagle head, M1850 officer, Navy cutlass, etc.), belt buckles, Mass. ?Minute Man Medals?; Imperial Austrian NCO helmet, shako, General?s fore-and-aft hat, Royalty ?hirschfanger?; Imperial German shako circa 1820-40, M1848 Bavarian helmet, Prussian ?ersatz? ?pickelhaube?, Bavarian cuirass, misc. swords (Cavalry, Infantry, Navy), uniforms (Colonial troops, Cuirassier, Bavarian Garde Colonel), medals/orders (Lippe SteckKreuz, Hessen Golden Lion Order, etc.); Third-Reich ? Adolf Hitler glasses, Eva Braun silver/porcelain, Himmler silverware, Goring personal items, Doenitz autographed war-time photo in silver frame, Luftwaffe ?pokol?, etc.; Daggers ? collection of SA, Luft. Condor Legion, Army, Luft., ?Prinz Eugen? sword, bayonets, etc., Medals/badges ? 1919 Stahlhelm Badge, Olympic Cross, Culture Badge, Social Welfare neck cross, ?50? General Assault Badge, collection of shooting badges, etc.; Headgear ? peaked caps (W-SS Artillery and Panzer, HJ Leader, Tradition Cavalry, Mt. Artillery, etc.), helmets ? Army, Luft., ?Org. Todt?, etc.), collection of Third-Reich flags (NSDAP, SA, RAD, HJ, etc.), Uniforms ? named Army General, Luft. General Malzer?s flight tunic, SS Panzer ?wrapper?, rare Police Officer ?wrapper?, Anti-semitic posters and ephemera (for the scholar, collector and researcher); US WWII Ranger tunic grouping, CBI silk ?chit?/related items, posters, cloth insignia, books, medals/badges, autographed Lindbergh photo, combat knives (modified WWI, OSS, VN); misc. bayonets (Belgian Engineers, French, German, Polish pre-WWII, etc.); Samurai swords, books and more.