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2224: Oil on Board by listed artist Suzanne Eisendieck2170: Le Poisson Bleu from Marc Chagall2163: 18KW 11.88ctw Diamond 3 Row Necklace 41gm
St. Petersburg, FL, United States
Auction Details

Jewelry, Coins, Art, Rugs & Antiques

America's Auction Network, AANTV, & Jeremiah's Present
Friday Nights Live NO RESERVE AUCTION: Jewelry, antiques, Persian Rugs, and other unique items!

With its million dollar jewelry inventory America's Auction Network (AANtv), will broadcast a live auction via television, satellite, the internet and eBay, Saturday September 23rd at 8:15 EST> This auction includes many estate pieces, liquidation jewelry, and items from bankrupsies, and other consigners in the jewelry industry in addition to items that were at this years Tucson Gemshows. This live event will be held in conjuction with eBaylive.

Nationally televised auction on AJNtv.
Dish Network channel 219 from 6pm until 3am. Also, tune in on digital C-band satellite tv. T5 C7 (symbol rate 3.01, HORIZINTAL polarization). 3784MHZ

View a wide assortment of colored gemstone jewelry, tahitian pearl jewelry, and fancy colored diamond jewelry. AANTV and Jeremiah's are hosting the auction. World famous gemstone adventurer Jeremiah Hartman will be the showhost and auctioneer. Florida auction license numbers AB2363, AU3224.

We have one of the lowest Buyer's Premiums!

Please make payments with a customer service professional at 1800-269-9629. You can pay via paypal, but we need to be contacted first.

Silver 1922 Peace Coin: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! This is an nice Silver Peace Dollar. This coin is the second year of issue with a circulation strike of 51737000.It is a silver
2239: Silver 1922 Peace CoinEst. $25-$42
See Sold Price
1881CC Morgan Silver Dollar Nixon Hoard NGC MS64: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! This coin is a rare 1881 CC (Carson City) minted coin.Morgan Dollars are struck from .900 Fine Silver from the Comstock Lode in the
2244: 1881CC Morgan Silver Dollar Nixon Hoard NGC MS64Est. $1,150-$1,783
See Sold Price
US $5 Silver Certificate Note 1953A: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! This 1953A Silver Certifiacte is in fine condition for its age.This lot features a blue stamp on the United States Silver Five
2245: US $5 Silver Certificate Note 1953AEst. $30-$45
See Sold Price
$5 Louisiana Bond 1878 No.31732: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! This real authentic Bond was printed in 1878.The $5 State of Louisiana Bond reads: United States of America Bond of the State of
2247: $5 Louisiana Bond 1878 No.31732Est. $19-$31
See Sold Price
Afghan Herati Rug 4x3: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 1057 (4.4x2.8)9***** Herat is the capital city of the Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan where this rug style originated.
2250: Afghan Herati Rug 4x3Est. $180-$360
See Sold Price
CAUCASIAN KAZAK RUG 6x3: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 851948 (5.11x3.5)9++***** Kazaks are woven in an area culturally influenced by the Armenian people which extends from Tiflis to
2251: CAUCASIAN KAZAK RUG 6x3Est. $270-$540
See Sold Price
FANTASTIC PERSIAN HOSSEINABAD RUNNER RUG 10x4: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 852079 (10x3.6)9++***** Hussainabad is situated in west-central Iran near Hamadan. Hussainabad rugs are frequently very long
See Sold Price
PERSIAN ZANJAN RUNNER RUG 13x4: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 851324 (13.4x3.8)9***** The name for this rug originates from the name of the northern province of Iran where they are woven by
2255: PERSIAN ZANJAN RUNNER RUG 13x4Est. $910-$1,820
See Sold Price
PERSIAN TURKMON BOKARA RUG 9x6: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 1059 (8.11x5.11)9***** Bokara or Bokhara is a city in Uzbekistan and the customary center of commerce for Turkmen tribal carpets.
2256: PERSIAN TURKMON BOKARA RUG 9x6Est. $795-$1,590
See Sold Price
Afghan Uzbek Soumak Rug 9x6: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 852067 (8.11x6.2)9+***** Soumak is a comparatively rare type of flat-woven rug deriving its name from the old town of Shemakjj
2257: Afghan Uzbek Soumak Rug 9x6Est. $975-$1,950
See Sold Price
TRADITIONAL ANTIQUE PERSIAN KASHAN 11x8: LOW BUYERS PREMIUM (10%) NO RESERVE AUCTION! BIDDING STARTS AT $10! 851870 (11x7.9)9***** Kashan is a city in Iran where this rug design originated which describes a hand-knotted rug that commonly
See Sold Price