2024JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact AuctionsLehigh Valley RR 1893 Pass; Delaware and Hudson Canal Co 1875 TicketSee Sold Price
2024Rail & Road AuctionsSixteen Framed Railroad Locomotive Photographs and Prints - Nickel Plate Road, Reading, Erie, andSee Sold Price
2024Rail & Road AuctionsThree Delaware & Hudson Canal Company Railroad Annual Passes - 1884, 1885, and 1886See Sold Price
2024Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery2 Vintage Distressed Westbrook O Scale BoxcarsSee Sold Price
2024JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact AuctionsPair of Switchmans Lanterns-DLW RR and Delaware and Hudson RRSee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsDelaware Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's. InnerSee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsLightem, Puffem & Co. Vintage Salesman Sample Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the lateSee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsCroaker Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's. InnerSee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsLa Deliciosa Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's.See Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsHighlander Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's.See Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsVictory Day Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's.See Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsLa Ancla Vintage Salesman Sample Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's toSee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsSilver Lace Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's.See Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsEmerson Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's. InnerSee Sold Price
2024George Cole AuctionsTray 9 Vintage Bottles- Stafford's Ink, Congress + Empire Spring Co, Schniedam Udolphowolfe'sSee Sold Price
2024Denotter Auctions, LLCCollection of Jewelry Tools incl 1 Micromat Co Leveridge Gauge with Case, 2 Jewelry TelevisionSee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsAdmiral Dewey Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's.See Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsGettysburg Commanders Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to earlySee Sold Price
2024North American Artifact AuctionsRip Van Winkle Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's.See Sold Price