2024Tremont AuctionsAfter Albrecht Durer. 18 engravings and woodcuts. To include: "Knight, Death and the Devil" and 2See Sold Price
2024Tremont AuctionsOld Master ink drawing after Albrecht Durer. "Joachim and the Angel". Early ink drawing on paperSee Sold Price
2024Thomaston Place Auction GalleriesAFTER PIOTR KARLOVICH KLODT VON JURGENSBURG (RUSSIA, 1805-1867)See Sold Price
2024Donny Malone AuctionsAlfred von Wierusz-Kowalski (1849 - 1915) Polish / Russian Oil Painting Hunters in Horse Drawn SledSee Sold Price
2024Broward Auction GalleryEmma Von Seehof Muller (Germany,1859-1925) oil painting antiqueSee Sold Price
2024Tremont Auctions17 Old Master prints. 17th-19th centuries. To include: "Perseus Rescuing Andromeda" by Abraham vonSee Sold Price
2024Potter & Potter Auctions[BASEBALL]. Our National Game. [New York:] Liebenroth Von A...See Sold Price
2024North American Pen Auctions LTDGraf Von Faber-Castell LE 2004 Fountain Pen Of The YearSee Sold Price
2024Heartland Artifact Auctions4.5/8" Dovetail, Restored tip 1.3/8", Missouri, Ex Von HibberdSee Sold Price
2024Broward Auction GalleryEugen von Ottenfeld (Austria,1874-1947) oil painting antiqueSee Sold Price