2024Neely Auction56 Pieces of hardstone signets/seals, approximate numbers (4) tortoise shell cameos, (3) carved hardSee Sold Price
2024Claydon Auctioneers LtdA pair of Chinese carved hardstone foo dogs / guardian lions with ball underfoot and loose ballSee Sold Price
2024Claydon Auctioneers LtdThree Chinese panels with carved hardstone decoration depicting flowers / blossom in vases. WithSee Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdA Silver Gem Set Pendant with a Central carved Hardstone Face. Stamped 925, 7.9cm x 4.8cm, weightSee Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdA Chinese carved hardstone lidded pot decorated with lizards and beasts 15 cm.See Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdA collection of carved hardstone together with a Jade elephant 7cm (4).See Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdTWO EARLY NORTH AMERICAN INUIT CARVED STONE TOGGLES OR PENDANTS one formed as a male, one formed asSee Sold Price