2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdA LARGE EUROPEAN ART DECO BRONZE AND MARBLE FIGURE modelled as five figures. 38 cm x 18 cm.See Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdA 19TH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE OF THREE POODLES together with a Majolica dish in the manner ofSee Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdAN EARLY 19TH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE OF A RECUMBANT HOUND Attributed to Enoch Wood, together wSee Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers LtdAN EARLY 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE OF A TURK together with a 19th century Paris porcSee Sold Price
2024Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd19th century pair of Staffordshire porcelain figures of a boy and girl and four other StaffordshireSee Sold Price
2024DuMouchellesDolona Roberts (American, B. 1936) Pastel on Paper, Ca. 1987, "Waiting for a Ride", H 31" W 40"See Sold Price