2024Curated Gallery AuctionsCharles Albert Burlingame (1860 - 1930) Rare American Impressionist Fall Haystack Landscape PaintingSee Sold Price
2024Heritage Gallery AuctionsAttributed Charles Francois Daubigny W/C on Paper LandscapeSee Sold Price
2024Global Auctions CompanyOldrich Farsky (Czech American 1860 - 1930) Oil painting Portrait of a SeamanSee Sold Price
2024Antiques Online AuctionsAttributed to Charles Josuah CHAPLIN (1825-1891) Oil on CanvasSee Sold Price
2024Broward Auction GalleryATTR Charles Green (UK,1840-1898) watercolor painting antiqueSee Sold Price
2024J. Greenstein & Co., Inc.FOUR EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINAL WANTED POSTERS FOR JEWISH GANGSTERS. American, early 20th century.See Sold Price
2024GOLDFIELD AUCTIONCharles William BARTLETT (1860-1940) "Young woman in a meadow" Watercolour and pencil.See Sold Price